PM Gaston Browne Criticizes Skin Bleaching Among Youth, Calls for Stronger Parental Guidance
Prime Minister Gaston Browne has voiced deep concern over the growing trend of skin bleaching among the nation’s youth, linking it to a broader decline in societal values and a lack of parental guidance. In a recent address, Browne highlighted the troubling behavior as part of a wider crisis affecting young people, particularly those involved in criminal activities.
During his remarks, PM Browne pointed to the prevalence of skin bleaching as an alarming indicator of how disconnected some young people have become from their cultural identity and self-worth. “By some of them bleaching their skin, they’re essentially rejecting who they are,” Browne stated. He connected this phenomenon to a broader mindset among certain youth who are also involved in criminal behavior, seeking “easy money” rather than pursuing honest work.
Browne emphasized that this trend, along with the refusal to engage in hard work, reflects a significant “value disconnect” within society. “They don’t care about the value of hard work or the rule of law,” he said, describing how some young people openly admit to preferring illegal activities over legitimate employment. “Some of them tell you they prefer to rob than to go and work.”
The Prime Minister underscored the role of parents in addressing these issues, arguing that many are failing to instill the right values in their children. He criticized parents who overlook or even accept their children’s criminal behavior and their use of skin bleaching products, which he sees as part of a broader rejection of self-respect and societal norms. “I believe our parents are actually the weakest link within the society right now,” Browne asserted, adding that the lack of parental intervention is contributing to the rise in criminal activities and other destructive behaviors.
In response to these challenges, PM Browne announced plans to enhance the government’s efforts to rehabilitate troubled youth. He outlined initiatives including the expansion of the prison farm for skills training and the construction of a juvenile detention facility at the Defense Force, where young offenders will engage in agriculture and other skills development programs. These measures, he said, are part of a commitment to reduce recidivism and rehabilitate those who have strayed into criminality.
Additionally, Browne indicated that the government is considering legal changes to hold parents more accountable for their children’s actions. He suggested that parents who fail to guide their children properly might face legal consequences, such as fines, as part of a broader effort to restore societal values.
PM Browne’s remarks come amid increasing concern over the influence of foreign beauty standards and the erosion of cultural identity among young people. His call for stronger parental involvement and a renewed focus on cultural pride highlights the government’s broader strategy to combat youth crime and reinforce positive values within society.
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Has a PM ur making some very dunce and illiterate remarks and gesture what the hell bleaching as to do with who want to work,you chat till yu chat a bagga of shit…….
Has a PM ur making some very dunce and illiterate remarks and gesture what the hell bleaching as to do with who want to work,you chat till yu chat a bagga of shit…….
Right now the ‘men’ are bleaching more than women 🤦🏽♀️
This is not only a great initiative but also a smart one. Recognising that parental responsibility has a strong role to play in our fallen society today makes me believe that we are closer to solving these problems. We are a bit late though we had the answers to the problems since the uprise of crime years ago, but politics got greedy and only care for themselves. All in all, I hope you politics have the same energy and not backtrack.
Frassbox & Byers. You are both part of the problem. The PM is tying the bleaching aspect to a new and alien culture. The youths have no identity, no self esteem and no values. It is combination of values imported from other countries via social media. And all of those counties are facing the same problems. Our youths seem to use social media to only absorb all that is bad.
Bleaching doesn’t really mean they dont want wrk tho som use it as an excuse not to b in hot sun as it makes them darker than usual
However I agree with the lack of parenting part…
Parents need to bring back the old time punishment…
Alot of these kids nvr knew wat blow feels like .. ..
An other dont kno wat love is so they express themselves thru violence
Parents need to balance. Love n tough love. Not one n lef one ….every bridge has 2 sides even the 1 way lanes
These thugs are not Antiguans. Jamaicans are big into bleaching like the Indians.
I know some of you like to blame the white man for all Antigua’s current and previous problems but this is getting desperate! What’s next? Are they going to wear blue contact lenses and blonde wigs during their crimes? Parents: Raise your children better!
Bleaching the act suffering from inferiority complex.
There is an elephant in the room that we are willfully blind to: the government’s culpability in the corruption of a generation of our youth.
Repeal the marijuana legislation with haste, for it has done more harm than good. Is the Rastarfarian vote more important than our national security? Do right, by every well-meaning citizen and patriot of this country.
First time I ever agree with the PM……PARENTS are not parenting anymore. They are more worried about being friends with their children. If you’re not working or going to school, you can’t live in my home…..what happen to those statements Parents use to tell us?
This government has messed up this society from the onset, with vote for Marijuana campaign and high usage of drugs, youths were influenced by this administration, parents have a role to play also the so called leaders who has failed us. They are not proactive
PM when will you stop dye the moosh moosh?
Governments are NOT responsible for how we raise our children. Never has been, never will be.
The government stated violent music is the reason why there is a surge in crime, how come you didn’t respond also . When it’s good praise is taken when it’s bad blames are cast.
you dye whatever hair you have left instead of shaving it off along with that awful looking mustache is bedt you cut it all off. can’t be the bleachers you import from foreign to vote you’re speaking of.
L9t a these you g youth refuse to work bleaching has nothing to do with it they jus dnt like to work they rather sit down 9n corner the security firm at Robinson gas station always want 0pl an wen I encourage Antiguan men to go there they say they not go watch nobody place they dnt want no security work yet still a lot a ppl bash that company that lot a foreigner there working wen Antigua who born an raise ya do not want the work
a lot a them believe thif is easier they want fast money
What the hell?
Read these comments, and this one by ‘…STAFFORD H. BYERS’ captures attention.
‘SHB’ has suggested that our ‘PM’ is ‘…Chatting a BAGGA SHIT.’
Bleachers run the risk of becoming like popular ‘…Jamaican Dancehall Artiste YELLOWMAN?’
SHB, what would you like to see a ‘…BAN’ on:
(a) …The ‘Bleaching Cream: or
(b) …That coming from the mouth of the ‘PM?’
How it will ‘…LOOK’ might be one thing, but it is how it might ‘…SMELL.’
Not sure, how many ‘…BAGS’ can be produced in a day.
Dem know money man pay more for butterskin 😆
Gaston Browne is so confused with no solutions he is throwing shit like skin-bleaching on the wall as a gang problem.
No question skin bleaching is a revolting disease of the mind. But look back at the recent Carnival celebrations, much of what was displayed showed the same lack of self esteem and confusion as to what is your culture.
Street Gangland activities are just an extension of the behind close door gang land activities.
With all the inept proposals being thrown around, soon shop keepers will be paying the gangs for protection. The gangs will become like the mob.
Jamaica suffers from remnants Garrison gangs created by politicians. Antigua politicians are following a similar path.
Part of the problem our UWI does not offer political science courses that reflects the Caribbean society’s actions so as to avoid where we are today.
In the mean time Gaston, keep your grubby hands off our land. Solve your problems in your backyard and front yard
First: Does the police know the gang leaders?
How are they monitoring the gang leaders and the gang members.
Second: Who is paying to defend these gang members in court? Is it there parents? I recall hearing about a parent who sort help with their son in a gang who was going to beat him up if he did not carry out a robbery.
Third: While the PM should be announcing initiatives to tackle gang crimes, he is talking about skin whitening. Is that a secret message to the gang leaders.
Monkey see, monkey do. Yes they are bleaching and very soon ,some of them who start to show signs of turning grey at an early age will try the dye and for sure, they will eventually see the results of BOTOX. It’s all in the kitchen CABINET.
RAWLSTON POMPEY this Antigua News Room article suggest that gangs were around during your tenure as Police Commissioner; and one can infer from the article there was no engagement between the police and the gangs. Seems to me it did have to come to this. Let’s hear from you in the issue
Poor Gaston he is now talking about skin bleaching.
Gaston don’t dear ask his son Prince how he feels about his skin color.
He is a minor and we should leave his children out of this. But I happen to know the young man hates his skin color.
We need to have a larger conversation about ourselves as people of African decent.
Let’s be honest: young people in Antigua and Barbuda see adults giving preference to people who are “LIGHT BRIGHT AND DAM NEAR WHITE
Pride in who as descendant of slaves. Acknowledgment of what our journey (thru slavery and colonialism) and what we endured should begin in the home and reinforced at preschool for parents who lacks the capacity.
Politicians and the religious leaders should reinforce this in their message snd their conduct; for they are the one who has control over the minds of the people.
I would have hoped it was the teachers and educators but we have lost that tradition. The generation who were educated in the US during the civil rights movement brought some of the “I’m black and I’m proud” back.
When parents bow down to politicians and ministers who offer no guidance on self worth and pride in their history; it’s natural we end up with gangs and social media controlling the minds of the youths.
Blasting out accusations and glib statements on radio and social media will not create the paradigm shift that is needed.
Gaston your legacy will be that of “The gang enabling Prime Minister”
Just read your ‘…QUERRY ON GANGS’ during tenure.
Indeed, as ‘…Head of Operations of the Criminal Investigations’ [NEWGATE STREE], was aware of more of ‘…an Associational Group of Boys’ that had called themselves ‘…RED SHIRT GANG.’
They were known more for their wearing of ‘…RED SHIRTS’ and ‘…RIDING SPIDER BICYCLES,’ than coming to the notice of ‘…Criminal Investigators’ for:
Seemingly with an association with current ‘…Prime Minister Gaston Browne,’ he appeared to have had sufficient influence on the group that posed no threat, neither to:
(iii) …PUBLIC ORDER: nor
There was no ‘…Social Media,’ exposure.
Thus, they were not exposed to ‘…UNSAVORY FOREIGN INFLUENCES.’
Law and Order and civility shall prevail in all constitutional democracies, and anyone that harbors belief that:
(a) ‘…BRUTE FORCE: and
PROBLEM,’ could be ‘…Reading an Illusion.’
My social media Friend, this is where this shall end.
Gaston you have to be a real rass. Crime rate gone up under your watch and you worried about people bleaching?
Better go take more Risperdal, in fact tek all.
I wonder why people such as Jamaicans like to bleach so much? Maybe it’s because in a country with a lot of darker skin, lighter skin seems interesting or “exotic” somehow to some people just like in some countries with a lot of lighter skin, darker skin seems “exotic” and attracts a lot of interest. So, some girls who want attention try to change their skin colour. The best way to look good is actually to just choose colours to wear that match your own unique skin tone, and choose styles that match your own unique body shape so that your overall appearance matches you. Studies have shown that men actually rate women as more attractive based on their overall appearance and also their behaviour, not really based on any particular physical feature. Hope that helps some of the more insecure girls out there.
Perhaps school children should be advised better about what it’s like to be a part of the world of work. Working can be fun! When I was a teenager I thought to myself that if I have to do something all day, every day for the rest of my life then I better choose something I like or can tolerate doing. People will often pressure you to do things you are not interested in just to make as much money as possible. But, it’s better to pray about it and then choose work that matches your interests and talents. Choose something you like. I like my job now. The only bad part is the office politics that other people bring to the workplace, making things less fun 🙁 Wish we could all just work together in peace and harmony. Anyway, whilst I understand not wanting to “work”, stealing things from other people who worked for them is not an appropriate option. If you don’t want to work in the system, then just move to the bush, build your own hut and grow your own food. Don’t expect to enjoy all the modern fruits of other people’s labour!
I don’t see the correlation. What jobs exactly is this fool referring to? He has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to create jobs in 10 years other than he and his lazy,incompetent ministers,continuing to pack the public sector for votes. Just have a look at the wage bill.
This clown in unfit to be PM. He blames everything and everyone for his failures. Worst excuse for a PM ever.
The PM supports a bleached out dreadful looking buller that doesn’t indentify as a man nor woman. why you don’t tell him change his ways, be the gender he was born and stop rubing his skin. you always giving him money and have him calling on your radio every Saturday to engage in your rum shop gossip.
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