If Prime Minister Gaston Browne is correct, popular Talk Show Host Algernon Serpent Watts will be the candidate for the St. George Constituency in the next general election.
Watts has for many years been a thorn in the side of this and previous Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party governments, using his “Snake Pit” as a sounding board to oppose the manner in which the country is being managed.
Watts has always stayed away from elective politics, insisting over the years that he will never to run on a party ticket, despite calls for him to do so.
However Prime Minister Browne revealed over the weekend that Watts will be the United Progressive Party candidate in St. George, a seat currently held by ABLP incumbent Dean Jonas.
“Now I understand that Serpent is going to be the candidate for St. George, he has been parachuted in.” Browne Pointe FM on Saturday.
He did not disclose the source of his information but the UPP which has named eight candidates so far has not released the name of Watts for St. George.
The Prime Minister was at the time dismissing the UPP candidates named so far as he continued talk of a possible early election.
He said even with the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic his government will be returned to power.
“When you look at the team that they are putting forward within the UPP as a potential government in waiting, clearly they not serious. Can you imagine a government led by Harold Lovell, a known failure and Alister Thomas another failure.”
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Prime Minister Browne why are you so preoccupied with the candidates of the UPP? You have said that Harold and Alister are failures. I would be happy to assist you to identify the failures in your Cabinet if you are not objective enough to do so. I will just give one example PM Browne. You have a Cabinet member who has failed at every business venture he attempted and one who has dropped out of studies in Cuba because he could not handle the rigor of tertiary studies and in particular the mathematics required in the study of economics. I would advise you that in the next elections whenever it is called, please don’t push the issue of who are failures and who are educated. If you do that you and many others in your Cabinet will be required to show all their University qualifications that they possess. You also have a Cabinet member who has been doing a double doctorate for years. For the information of that particular Cabinet member a JD (Juris Doctor) degree is not a doctorate, it is the first degree of legal studies in the USA.
Since you want us to think you are some bright guy, why don’t you just run for office yourself? Just run!
Hon. Gaston Browne is CORRECT in questioning the background of the your CANDIDATES. This is Politics and not a Playground. I am from St. George and We are waiting patiently for UPP to announce Their Candidate for St. George. No One that UPP place in St. George can beat Hon. Dean Jonas . Our team is ready and We are confident that Hon. Dean Jonas will DEFINITELY win that seat. Just to let you know SERPENT is very much DISLIKE in St. George . St. George sure win for ABLP.
@PhillipG, I’m from St George as well and you should have your HEAD EXAMINED to be talking about having that joker Dean Jonas continue as a rep for the constituency. I don’t know what else to say about the RETARDED people of this country running behind this current administration. But guess what we the young people are AWAKE, we are NOT our parents who voted traditionally and because we family red or blue. I’d take a dog in a suit ANY DAY over that arrogant idiot Dean Jonas. So UPP and DNA PLEASE COME CORRECT SO WE CAN JUST RID THIS CONSTITUENCY OF THIS LAZY, MISSING REPRESENTATIVE. Waste of time and space. Signed Berlin Resident
Why don’t you run then, and just kick him to the curb!!! You could start by educating yourself and not call Antiguans “the RETARDED people of this country”. That word is NOT used in 2020 to describe anybody. It’s a slur, and so 1960s.
@PhillipG. I was born and raised in the St. George’s constituency and still live there. My entire generation stretches from the Old High Point and Miller’s Estates, the Old Winthrop’s Village, Barnes Hill, New Winthrop’s (Blizzards), Carlisle Estate, Pigott and Potters Communities. So when you’re talking about Dean Jonas please wheel and come again. He is the worst representative this constituency ever have in parliament. When UPP was the government, this constituency had seen about 30% improvements compare to under ALP/ABLP government. Yes, it could’ve been a higher percentages; however, the UPP didn’t have the billions in revenue from selling our passports like what the ABLP is now raking in under the CIP program. UPP did what they could do with the little resources during their term. I have not seen the ABLP improve on none of the social programs started under the UPP, or added any new social programs. All they’re doing is enriching themselves with the people money. I am in my middle fifties and I have been trying buy a piece of crown land in my community for over thirty years. Every time I go to CHAPA is the same old tape keep playing, “No land available in your area.” People who I have seen born and grow up in the same community have went to the same CHAPA and get land to buy. I always believe that 90% of the crown lands in each community should be kept available for the people who was born there. The other 10% can be sold to outsiders from different constituency. We don’t want Dean Jonas or any ABLP to represent us in parliament.
You live under a rock. You cannot live in St.George.If you take a.poll in St. George and you will see how popular Hon.Dean Jonas.is….
UPP done…UPP finished.
Lived in St. George for over twenty years and only saw Dean Jonas once!! That was in 2014!
Gaston Browne,why you do not concentrate your darn efforts.On doing what you are being paid to do.That is to run the country successfully.You are a Banker,Moses,Deliverer,TAP DAWG.The only thing left for you to do,is walk on water.Why are you always concerned with Serpent.There are persons in Antigua.Who for months on end have been getting their pensions and Social Security payments 15 to 20 days pass the month end dates.That is one critical matter you should be engaged in.Why do they refer to you as a Banker.Because you have said so.So if I referred to some as a donkey.Does that mean that person is a jackass?In Antigua we like titles.With a title in front and or behind of our names we have come of age.Laughter !!!
Why are you so obsessed with Hon. Gaston Browne. It appears that you cannot stand progress. Bugsy you so accustomed to the LOW standard of the UPP that you cannot adjust to the PROGRESS in the ABLP. Bugsy get adjusted because UPP will be in Opposition a long time. Take a good look at the UPP Candidates for next election. These names are UNELECTABLE. SHAME ON UPP.
@ERIC CARDEN:Where is that progress of which you speak.Like I have told you all many times.I am aware your heads are harder than steel.Dutty Water in the taps,Bad Roads,Poor Electrical Grids,Late Payments to Civil Servants,No New Ideas to move the country forward.Borrowing from all and sundry.When them Chinese moved in and take over the land.I wondered if that would a sign of PROGRESS.Antigua and Barbuda a Nation very dear to my heart.A dey me barn at Holberton Hospital. Gaston”The Moses”Browne led this Nation into Bankruptcy.He as the Leader and the Bunch Of YES MEN that surrounds him.
Go Serpent go. Well thought out & well wanting at a time like this where governance is so wanting. Welcome boss, UPP will welcome you 100%. A&B need you now more than ever. Your experience, savey & talent is so needed in A&B & to make UPP more complete. Leadership matters.
@Eric … sir please point us to the progress because in case you just awoke from a long slumber Antigua is up shit creek without a paddle. In the words of dear Joanne, you sir are a joker 🃏 🃏 🃏 !!!!
You speak of the low standards of the UPP’S selection in pass candidates and members but yet, the ABLP administration is hell bent on bring those same lessor standard members into their camp and parading them on Pointe FM like show Ponies?
No one cares about your Too Dawg! We just want to see good Governance, which he is obviously incapable of delivering, so he just minds peoples business and it seems like you’re no better.
Why is Gaston so pre-occupied about Serpent Watt. He eats Serpent. He Breathes Serpent. Too bad Serpent won’t sleep with him. He sleep with enough snakes at night. When he sets his rear view mirrow & look back he sees the shadow of Serpent. Mia Mottley make he can’t sleep & Ralph a rock him to sleep. Asot goin be a thorn in yr ass. You have something coming Clown Brown. You are so jealous of Serpent, he have radio station & newspaper, you want the same. Serpent doing successful farming, you want that too. You probably dream Serpent in your bed too, Serpent not into that. Oh my God, if he ran against you, he’d sure beat you’re ass. Mia & Ralph waiting for you to diss yr ass again. They know for sure, LEADERSHIP MATTERS. Too bad A&B’s didn’t know that.
Texan (?) there is only one true statement in your post… “Asot goin be a thorn in yr ass”.
Which progress this man name Eric referring too, selling off Antigua land to Chinese ,Civil servents and pensioners not getting paid untime, raising tax such as S.S, corruption and the list goes on.
Reading that news article, for real why they did the PM think he have to make that announcement. Let the opposition handle their mix up man shh. Being popular on a radio station don’t make you popular in the community or even make you competent to do or carry out the task that is set before you.
In my opinion the PM needs to concentrate on the country that he have to run and avoid distraction.
I will wait until Serpent say.
Is Serpent the Saviour for your UPP ? Lord help Us . Zackie and UPP need Your head examined.
My good friend Daddy Friday (RIP) did a run for goverment in ST Thomas as he was popular with the citizenry given his musical prowess. At the polls he lost miserably. Lesson learnt “stay in you lane”
Why talk about Serpent ??? If SERPENT is the Saviour of the UPP ….Lord help Us. I grew up with SERPENT in Potters and He does have the CAPACITY for Politics. I thought He was with THE MOVEMENT. These Guys will sell Their Soul for money. SERPENT practice what you preach. You think because you have the SNAKE PIT that you can be a Politician . You told me you will never join UPP.Now look at you. Serpent you are a LIAR. First big Mistake. I listened to the recording with WILMOTH DANIEL. Hope you remember what Wilmoth Daniel called you.
Serpent has had enough of the injustices done to the people of Antigua and Barbuda by the hands of the GREEDY Antigua and Barbuda Labor Party and their Leader Gaston Browne( call his name) . Call a spade a spade, country going in the wrong direction.
Serpent has the right as a Citizen to stand up for his People, by stepping into the ring let the battle begin to rescue Antigua and Barbuda. You have to be in it to win it, for UPP Serpent is a Prize Fighter, he is no push over (Call his name )Serpent Algernon Watts, you got this!! WINNING
Failures did I hear you say?
Lete help you:
1: Sir Roniny. Over 40 years as Minister of APUA and the water situation is worst than ever! Monster of Aviation and LIAT is buried
2: Sir Molwyn: Over 30 years. He botched the Covid-19 situation in Antigua and prevented the CEO and Drs. Duncan and Simon from truthfully presenting the facts as they are in Antigua
3: Minister of Education. He had been absent more than present and school reopens in just a little over 6 weeks but still no strategic post Covid measures for Pre Schools, Kindergarten and Primary Schools.
The ebook fiasco is still bitter in teachers and parents’ mouth.
3: Dean Jonas the runaway train!
Now time does not permit me to continue right now but. . To be continued.
Sneak peak :
CIP funds
Boobies Alley
High gas prices with no relief
Poor reopening decisions for the country
Inability to govern 5 full years or a full term!
Ooops! I did say to be continued!
To all those who would regard Serpent as anything more than what his name implies is even lower than the serpent itself. Antigua’s standards have really dropped. If you had even a gram of honesty in you, you would know that the current leadership stands head and shoulders above the rabid charlatans who chose to reside in a snake pit.
Let Us remember the words of WILMOTH DANIEL……He called Serpent the most DISHONEST Person He has ever met. Wilmoth Daniel is an EXECUTIVE of the UPP. Think about that People.
I wonder if some of these people on hear advocating for the failed ALP get water to wash their skin from APUA?
I don’t know and don’t understand why any political critic think they can jump on any political bandwagon. Leave politics to those that are cut out for it. Means they want to serve the people in the highest office. But then again people sometimes are un-predictable. Just looking at Dominica when they chose Lenox Linton to represent the opposition party. So you never know perhaps this is just the first step for serpent to take over the UPP. And than like in Dominica Gaston will put one licking in his tail. 16 – 0.
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