PM says he supports non-discrimination of LGBTQ people in Antigua and Barbuda

PM Browne and transgender woman Sherese Bramble during carnival 2019/Facebook Photo

Prime Minister Gaston Browne says the sexual rights and freedoms of all must be respected notwithstanding their sexual orientation.

He says the government wants to ensure that the country’s laws are not oppressive in any way.

The Prime Minister said Antigua and Barbuda will continue to give support to all the marginalised people in the country.

He was at the time responding to a transgender woman who raised the issue of LGBTQ acceptance on Pointe FM today.

Browne says there is no policy of discrimination in his government.

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  1. World dictator traitor tyrant liar Gaston Browne only continues to spew shit from his mouth.

    How many times has he lambasted a well known gay man here…

  2. ANTIGUAN CITIZEN I am surprised to hear that Gaston would have lambasted a gay person when I am told that he grew up around the famous gay man BOBOY. Are you sure about your assertion?

    • @Charles Tabor

      He has on social media. Maybe he and the person fell out and you know how Gaston love to run his mouth. Especially when he doesn’t get his own way, just like a little spoiled brat.

  3. The most marginalized persons in society are the ‘unvaccinated’. Do they have any rights? Are they being respected? Will you adopt the same “no policy of discrimination and make sure that the laws are not oppressive in anyway?

  4. He Supports the LGBTQPYZ but discriminate against the non vaccinated, we understand that his best friend is in that field but the double standards needs to stop

  5. The Devil believes in God also. Please let us know which God do you believe in
    1) the small god meaning satan
    2) the big GOD meaning Jesus Christ
    Because most people don’t know that satan is the god of this world 2 Corinthians 4:4 will help. I am not going to call you by that name or letters the enemy assigned to you. I just want to say GOD loves you and whatever you might have gone through or done it’s not to late to change your life. God is waiting on you, harden not your heart. It not only for you but the PM and everyone who reads this.

  6. Mr Prime Minister congratulations on this statement. It is by no means a bold statement but given the Caribbean context is a bold one. Apart from the Hon Mia Mottley I have not heard a similar pronouncement from a sitting or past PM. Your policy or acceptance will go a long way in ensuring that Antigua and Barbuda becomes a better place to live for all.

  7. GAP although ideologically I do not oppose the statement of the Prime Minister, please note that he and Prime Minister Mia Mottley may have personal reasons for supporting the LGBTQ movement.

  8. The bubby right under his arm boy…..look how he is squeezing it up…

    have mercy no wonder individual can say 50% of them in Antigua

  9. How about laws that cover everyone equally instead of continuing to separate this group of people and act like they are somehow more special than the rest of us. There wouldn’t be any marginalized groups if governments didn’t participate in the separatist ideals. In the meantime, stop discriminating against people for not taking an experimental vaccine.

  10. Plain and simple, this is about #Money! #Mo Money! #Only Money!
    The Alphabet Soup Organization – LQGBTAP is the most powerfull political organization in the Western Hemisphere with unlimited funding. Therefore, it’s not surprising that the PM is pandering to their causes.

    The natural thing about this Organization, it’s being used as a #WEAPON of War on the depopulation of HUEmans. Now of course this will lead to the unnatural side of things they don’t PROCREATE.

    PM Browne you are pandering, as a #Panhandler.
    Woe unto the Culture…

  11. We have gay rights. What about the rights of non gays. We are all humans. Isn’t Human Rights enough to cover all. We have an entire month called Pride month.We the non LGBTQRXYZ want our month also. Many of us take Pride in what we do.So where is our Month.

  12. The bible teaches us to love the sinner but hate the sin. Judge not so you won’t be judged. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. That’s all I have to say.

  13. Sex with a woman in her a**……. AINT NO DIFFERENT THAN sex with a MAN A**….A** IS A***….

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