Prime Minister Gaston Browne says he has agreed to meet with one of two women charged with organising Sunday’s protest.
He says this is based on her request.
The Police have arrested and charged Donette Simon of Tindale Road and Shenel Williams of Villa for offences they committed under the Public Order Act.
Both Williams and Simon were charged jointly for Organizing a Prohibited Public Meeting, which occurred on the 8th of August 2021 on Market Street.
They were also charged separately for Taking part in a Prohibited Public Meeting, contrary to sections 19 (b) and 39 (c) of the said Act.
Williams, on the other hand, was charged with committing an act of Incitement, contrary to section 36 (d) (i) of The Public Oder Act, Cap 357.
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Lady keep as far as possible from that Top Dawg you might get bite. Oh! By the way a the Guyanese fake degree guy set up the interview? If the answer is Yes even more reason to keep away. Percy tell your daughter keep away, you know dawg, don’t let her end up like how you did with the destructive cult party.
Fake degree🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Beef they will find you out
I will agree with and commend the PM for agreeing to meet with Miss Simon. However, it. would have been preferable, in my mind, if the government would have sought dialogue before the escalation. Perhaps a meeting attended by a group of the freedom fighters along with the PM, the AG, the Minister of Health, Doctor Simon and another health practitioner. It is not too late, however, let common sense prevail and seek to find the best common ground to protect all of our citizens.
Top Dawg is willing to have a meeting with any person or group if he think he is losing their votes.the Rastafarians are next because the elder spoke out, and then a free concert to let young people forget that they were tear gased
Why does everything the Prime Minister says involves lying. The Freedom Fighter Dornette Simon did not request a meeting with the Prime Minister. The meeting with the Prime Minister was organized by a gentleman who calls himself the Voice of VC. Even if he put the idea to her and she said yes, that cannot be said that she requested a meeting.
Can we quote you on that?
Charles Tabor wether she requested personally or not she agreed to meet with the pm. It was a joint enterprise between her and another individual. How would that be lying when the individual who requested to meet mentioned the lady’s name for the meeting. If common sense prevailed, since you are grasping at every straw, it would have been clear to you that per the request by any individual, who would be attending the meeting would be mentioned. You can’t asked to have a meeting the pm by yourself then show up with the whole of Tindale Road. I hope you garnered a bit of education this time.!!!
ON THE INSIDE it seems that you are the one who needs some education and an understanding of English. Dornette Simon did not request a meeting with the Prime Minister. He is lying. Agreeing to a meeting and requesting a meeting are two vastly different things.
@ Tabor..I am sick of you defending ANYONE against the Hon.Gaston Browne…It shows that you are NOT credible Tabor. Tabor should join Knight and the Others. Shame on you TABOR.
Agreeing to a meeting and requesting a meeting is two vastly different things? Do you actually think before you write? What is she gonna do walking in while the meeting is in progress? How do you actually defend your clients? Before the individual requested the meeting there had to be some conversation between him and the lady. Therefore when he requested the meeting he would have to say who’s meeting with the pm. Whether she requested personally or someone did she was part of the request because she agreed to meet. One can’t just meet the pm then walk with unknowns in the meeting. Her name was mentioned in the request wether written or oral. When you office secretary request a meeting on your behalf who shows up to that meeting you or your secretary? If you’re the next AG I see Antigua and Barbuda regressing 40 years!!
Let’s pray to God that he spares us that disaster and pain of him ever becoming our AG
On sight The Prime Minister said he is meeting her on her request that’s a big difference that mean she requested the meeting. Not everybody out here is political a lot on independent minded people is out here looking on.
On the inside of what? The PM bamsi???
I see the level of your mind if that’s what you have to add to an educational blog. But I will help you. There is a building on the eastern side of the east bus station called the Public Library. It’s fully air conditioned with some literature in there called BOOKS. I suggest you start in the children section first then move to the adult section under the supervision of a Liberian who might spend a little time with your literacy. Visit there for your sake!!!!!!
Best advise ever given. But to the wrong person
Boss man shut the hell up you know nothing
Blah Blah blah!
Were there not two young ladies who were the said organizers of the event of August 8th?
Then it would be devious to have a meeting with only one of them. The perception of subtle manipulation and conspiracy would definitely fore shadow any such meeting with only one of the organizers being present.
Knowing the history of the prime minister, it would not be wise in any way, form, or shape to have such a meeting without your legal representatives being present.
My humble advice is that any meeting should be conducted with both young ladies present, and their legal team present also.
Do not fall prey to the deception and corruption of someone who is a grandmaster of such art.
Lard becareful hun don’t meet these people on your own … At this point trust no one mind them nah snatch yah brain
Dave Beef Joseph is an imposter working at Pointe FM, if the PM was such a bad guy would he have this demon there.
Not even Serpent who you all wash your mouth on is as horrible as this Beast.
Leave them alone Gaston Browne let them march without mask and all we all know these protest have nothing to with, Covid, Vaccine or anything of the sort.
Dem young gyal can’t get you wey Dem want you and dat ah kill Dem.
Beef has his sick agenda, but loww he 😜
“Common sense prevails”
This is what the PM should have done in the first place. Meet with the people and listen to their concerns, but the useless AG and the mountain chicken PC still need to resign.
Percy dutter.
TABOR and UPP are using these INNOCENT PERSONS. Tabor why you are not representing HAMMER PUMP ? Tabor you are evil.
…walk fast! Tek #Time!
…it langah, dan rope!
…tek #Time! Walk fast!
…and, mek sure dat U pass dem Rass!
…‘cause, dem lakkah #Back-N-Belly cutlass
…either wey dem cum, U a get cut in U ass!
I commend the PM on this meeting but I hope he will meet with her free of bias or haughtiness. Have an opened mind my dear Mr. PM. LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE.
Listening to her on Facebook just now if I was Hitler I mean G Brown I wouldn’t wanna meet with her cause she sounds like an illiterate…….
FYI, Even illiterates have rights, it is not the world, it is the people in the world that are messed up. You are a classic example.
Nothing but an attempt to bribe her. Let me see what she’s made of.
Please young lady, take warning! Stay away from Gaston! You should know his MO by now.
Gaston Browne is going to say that you came to beg him to drop the charges that he conspired with Cutie and the puppet Rodney to bring against you.
He already said you are a nobody but a criminal element. Spit in he face!
What is the group FREEDOM FIGHTERS about….whats their mission statement …what are their objectives… what are they protesting against….
They are to make trouble. To try to embarrass the government as much as they can. They say they protest against vaccination. But I can bet you they were vaccinated as a child. Even though the government says there is no mandatory vaccination they keep repeating that there is. What such one cannot argue. makes absolutely no sense. Dunce to the bone.
Sideline, to you and Gaston:
Keep changing the rules as you lose your supporters. Then, don’t stop repeating “no mandatory vaccination; Covid testing is free, in an attempt to regain support.
Next make a list of what’s not allowed without being vaccinated.
Now, Is it mandatory?
Can someone answer as to what the “Freedom Fighters” are fighting for? (1) As far as I know, vaccinations are voluntary in Antigua and Barbuda. (2)Due to a pandemic (an outbreak of a deadly infectious disease around the entire world) we are in a state of emergency to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus by limiting and controlling access to each other. (3) Large gatherings have been established(by the scientific and medical community at large) to be breeding grounds for the continued spread of the virus and incubators for new variants, hence the term super-spreader events. (4)The police denied an anti-vaccination demonstration to “anti-vaxxers”(a large crowd), who are not required to be vaccinated! (5) Some participants in the demonstration, encourage that others have the freedom to demonstrate against being vaccinated even though those others are not required to be vaccinated, are themselves fully vaccinated. Or is the problem that free testing is suggested to be mandatory to protect other non-vaccinated, vulnerable, and vaccinated persons from an increased chance of becoming infected? Or is it that the demonstrator’s “freedom fighters” feel that they should have the freedom to access each other in large crowds and public gatherings and possibly spread the virus without question or challenge? Inquiring minds want to know. Before I support the movement, I want to know what we moving.
I thought by now the FREEDOM FIGHTER ORGANIZER would have address this forum on what FREEDOM FIGHTERS is all about …I guess she has no time for us on ANR . SHE NEEDS A BIGGER AUDIENCE…HEARD SHE WAS ON FRAUDBOOK TALKING BUT MAKING NO SENSE…I WAS TOLD SHE CANT EVEN TALK / EXPRESS HERSELF INTELIGENTLY…..jus being loud .abbrassive..
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