Prime Minister Gaston Browne says the information he obtained on the employment history of UPP candidate Pearl Quinn was from someone working at FCIB.
FCIB is the former employer of Quinn. Listen to Browne here reveal what he was allegedly told:
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Pride goes before a fall. A self centered perfect man who wants to remain in power will self destruct by his folly one day
Please please Antigua people, do not fall for this little man’s distractions. What should matter more than the “dirt” that he wants to dig up on any UPP candidates is what is Gaston doing for the people of Antigua. Do you have good roads? Are the water and electricity services reliable? How is high prices for food and other necessities impacting poor people? The failure of his administration has led to his sleight of hand so that people will focus on nonsense and forget the bread & butter issues that is real in their own lives. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!!
Gaston, worry about what your MPs and ministers are doing. The people who disclosed Pearl’s personal information should also be ashamed. Also, what job has Maria held down prior to politics? I respect her degrees but understand she attained them online so not even university life has she fully experienced. So what world experience she has professionally or otherwise other than for breed for old man when she young? I’m sure that forced her to grow up.
Pearl get a lawyer to write FCIB and get to the bottom of this because Gaston Clown 🤡 shouldn’t have gotten that info from the bank. If he said he spoke to someone outside of the bank I understand, but that’s how this country operates. 90% of citizens don’t know their rights and Is afraid to speak out. If I was working at that institution mentioned above and the clown called, he would’ve got his minions to drive him there to meet me, after the answer he would have received.
Common people he is only a man, sorry little boy living the life he couldn’t have lived before politics and tax payers monies.
Wait he nah have no constructive work to do why u don’t see that everyone in cabinet doing there jobs correctly
Sounds like a desperate “George Jefferson Syndrome “ of a wanna be man. You getting licks in your tail. Both literally and figuratively speaking. You had to be the “butt” of jokes in primary and secondary school. A group B they just place you?
Gaston, be careful. Bowen May just take them jumby pots you said he got in Africa, to Potters. Antigua was here before you and will be here when you and members of of your government are long gone. You seem to have some health issues, so take care of yourself. All of us must die at some point.
Dear Prime Minister,
This is a heartfelt plea to you to stop taking the electorate for fools (including your own ABLP supporters).
Both sides of the political divide can fathom what you are attempting to do. Distracting the people of Antigua by attacking and defaming political opponents and the like, is not what we want to hear right now.
What we want to HEAR from a prime minister is about what economic measures you are going to take to help us with the soaring cost of living, the creating of jobs (especially in private sector), and also, enticing the the young to stay in Antigua after graduation – who have had a particularly tough time during this pandemic.
All your political posturing and shenanigans is a diversionary tactic from the real issues facing Antigua … the wise, the educated and the discerning voter can see what you are up too. PLEASE STOP!
Remember prime minister, DUPPY KNOW WHO FI FRIGHTEN – but please do what the electorate voted you in to do for them …
Well the 🐍can obtain copies of private leasing agreement between the PM and his tenant, so that should not be a problem for UPP. All that Pearl “FOOTS” Quinn has to do is present evidence to the contrary.
Smh, the snake goes to the Registry and pay for a copy of whatever he needs. Whatever documents are in the Registry are public documents. All you need to do is pay your search fee and collect your document. That is different to calling a bank and demanding information on a past employee. Gaston is going to get himself in big trouble one day. He goes on his radio station and spout his bile on all who oppose him. Mark my word, that radio station will be his downfall.
Wow they can dish it, buy can’t take it. Now that it’s their turn, dem a cry foul 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bunch a cry babies just like the 🐍 when he catch covid. Guess the iBoosta made him overly emotional 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
More “dokizments” pending………….
The 🐍is NOT a “private citizen”. He is a radio host and UPP wannabe Agriculture Minister who FARMing FOOL with 26 ACRES of land. FARMING fool instead of farming produce 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What a 🤡 and sorry excuse for a man!
Awah mek pot like calling kettle black? When that 26 acres of land was producing thousands of pounds of produce that you, am sure benefit from you were silent with your hands out grabbing what you can get. Algernon Serpent Watts will always be a thorn in your side backsides and thats your problem.
Oh please 3 single watermelon 🍉 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 A joark ur mek “Debbie” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That “farm” was NEVER fruitful at a decent capacity. Watermelon 🍉🍉🍉🍉 can full ya belly? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you must be real “low tummock” 😒
Smh where were you when Serpent was producing the sweetest melons, potatoes, onions, tomatoes etc. from his farm? If you knew anything about agriculture, you would know there comes a time when the farmer must let the land REST.
The more he personally attacks and digs up dirt tells me that he is worried. Something has him worried. Not a good look PM.
The more Lovell denies the SKN News article, the more guilty he looks.
DMW: Have you ever met Mehul Choksi at all?
KLLJ: “At a RESTAURANT some long time ago. I was eating. He was at a table and somebody told me that’s Mehul Choksi
“I didn’t have no meeting with no Mehul Choksi in no Italian restaurant” (maybe Chinese 😆 )
DMW: On what basis was this part of the statement made?
KLLJ: ” Well this is based on our intelligent sources. I DON’T WANT TO CALL THE PERSON’S NAME…
DMW: Why you can’t call his name? You should OUT HIM
KLLJ: I can call his name for you bit I DON’T HAVE IT INFRONT OF ME RIGHT NOW (😂🤣😆😅). His name to me is not relevant at this time…I was given his name, but I don’t have it infront of me right now. If you want, I will send it to you by WhatsApp as soon as we conclude this interview ( 🤣😆😂😅😄)
DMW: I’d appreciate that…
All the PM did was ask a question. He didn’t splatter copies of the performance review online for all to see. The 🐍put a supposed copy of the leasing agreement online for all to see.
Pearl did you meet your monthly targets set by the bank? Do you want to post your resignation letter on Facebook for all to see?
Just call out the PM for the “false information” and restore CREDIBILITY to your name. Why did you leave the bank Pearl?
EDITORS Antigua News ROOM: This is not a story. What did I learn from reading this article. Not one damn thing. The whole thing is so juvenile/kindergarten.Why do you have to publish every thing that is uttered by Gaston Browne.
eh eh u ketch u self. Mind your bizniz in the country that you SELLOUT YOUR FLAG TO and pledge allegiance to. We can handle our own affairs here in Antigua and Barbuda. Focus on Sleepy Joe! Trump coming back to get him!!!!!
Can u scoop icecream?
I agree with you instead of digging go do your job as government employee .
We don’t pay our taxes and your salary to dig into other people privacy .
The truth is coming out, and the people have a right to know. These are hard questions, but they need to be asked. Thank you Mr. Prime Minister. Keep digging.
this is a new low, even for you, gaston browne.
Tell us who forge your signature. We haven’t forgotten
…there’s a thin line, between confidence and arrogance, and therein lies #Ignorance.
After reading the report, of the Security Guard who works at the Medical School, at Dow Hill and the behaviour of Chet Greene and now this revelation by the PM, one can definitely say, the arrogance of these charged with management of the People’s affairs is nauseating, and troubling to say the least.
tell that to ALGERNON WATTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He might soon expose your leasing agreement for your home in the projects.
@Hmmmmm or #witch-ever pseudonym, that you use, be they ‘well well well,’ ‘a wah de joke ya tall,’ ‘smh,’ ‘just saying,’ or any other which comprise the #SCHIZO TEAM, whose home field sits between your ears, please, please give up the pussysay😿 cat, in a different position.
It’s also very boring, nauseating and unattractive to have the Red Antz Posse abuse/rape and fu*k you in the same position, for #Two-Pence-Hairpnee!
I’ll advice you, to channel Dr. Wisenger – the Psychiatrist or Dr. Knight de Obeah to exorcise all those ghosts/duppee/Jumbee which you have recruited and are living in your head at Between da Ears Stadium.
Whoever is screwing you gottah show up with 😵❌☦️✝️🏴🏴🏥♾ all these symbols and crosses, at you sty before they, murder you with, hey Mr. Dick Van Dyke, your new greeter from the Red Antz Brigade has reported for work!
What is her assignment, again;
“No Problem Mon, all she haffu say, “WELCOME TO DICK’s SPORTING Goods!”
Schizophrenic mofo! Please take your #RITALIN before you show up to blog, as it helps with your delirium or psychosis.
Very sad indeed. There are so many issues plaguing this country, yet we allow ourselves to be sidetracked by this demon, this bully. Every dog has its day. Just shameful.
Sorry this is news now. Everyone knew from day one that this lady was constructively dismissed from the work place. It is such a pleasant feel to go into the bank without seeing her sour face! #UPPNEARGA
The bank remaining bank employees can testify!
The reputation of that bank is shot now.
Gaston Thinks he knows everybody business. Please tell us how much your son paid for Stanford property at Barnacle Pointe and why the man who provided the solar panels paid the money for the batteries to the Labour Party. You can also tell us who the Backra contractors are fronting for which is why they always get paid first. Up to Saturday, a black contractor phone into your show to ask for his money owed over a year.
This man haffu sick. Resurrect Dr. Madrine to put he in the latrine.
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