PM says he and wife spent one day in Dubai and there was no time to party


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  1. PM i understand why you had to respond to dem UPP Nearga. Please continue to keep you head high and yes I understand why you have to deal with the distraction because there is an audience outside there for it. #UPPNEARGA

    • Maybe his son paid for the trip?
      Allegedly, he is government employed with a monthly salary of 40,000ec.
      Nobody seems to be able to tell what he does though.

  2. JOHN looks as if most of his trips are funded privately and many times by potential investors who expect their quid pro quo. Sad affairs indded.

  3. Statesmen need to build relationships with other leaders. Understood.

    But their wives don’t need to wear $1,000 Louis Vuitton scarves, when the people of their country are starving.

    Humility please.

    • Imelda Marcus comes to mind. Wonder how many pairs of shoes she owns. Louis Vuitton scarf. Notice all the expensive gold jewelry being flaunted by her and daughter. Most Antiguans are poor, but do they care while they can live high at the people’s expense. We are nobility, let the masses eat cake.

  4. Somebody needs to do their homework. Dubai is a MUSLIM country and a very strict one. MUSLIMs do NOT drink alcohol. They “party” with with tea and coca-cola.

    • One of the most frequently asked questions, and confusing areas of Islamic Law and customs that visitors to Dubai need to be aware of is around whether it is legal to drink alcohol in Dubai. The rules in this regard significantly changed on November 7, 2020 under a federal law change.

      Consumption of alcohol is no longer a criminal offence and a license is no longer required for residents or tourists. A person still must be at least 21 years old to drink legally in the UAE and anyone caught selling alcohol to someone deemed underage will be punished. Alcohol can only be consumed privately or in licensed public places.

    • CErmle:You say, Muslims do not drinking alcohol.Please speak on what you know. They drink and smoke like all others do.Do not sound like an empty can.

  5. Your rich friends can fund a private one day trip in Dubai but you can’t ask them for help with our socio economic develop.

    Boy you are a waste and a failure of epic levels. Antigua people so full of shit to be voting your corrupt cultists organization that have us in poverty.

  6. Gaston Browne, did you get our lands back from that man who out smarted you? The lands at Morris Bay in Old Road. We the people have the right to know. Those lands are not yours, they belong to the PEOPLE.

  7. Good fun you PM. I just hope no goat was in the garden while you were in a meeting since people can pay for goats to travel.

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