PM says Dean Jonas and Michael Browne went behind Cabinet’s back to order investigation into Josiah, D. Gisele


Prime Minister Gaston Browne has commented on a decision of the High Court to uphold a no case submission against former Transport Board General Manager Harry Josiah.

Browne told Pointe FM that it was Dean Jonas, as Chair of the Transport Board and Michael Browne, the then education minister, who pursued the investigations into Josiah and D. Gisele behind Cabinet’s back.

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  1. Boy! You too Damn LIE!! You have your finger on the PULSE of every Ministry. You now say because this Harry and the other Harry put egg in your face along with the Pitt-bull and the former Minister of Education that members of your Cabinet of DEPLORABLES ACTED outside of a Cabinet decision.

    A man that believes his own lies is called a what again?

  2. Please Gaston stop talking nonsense. Even if they started the investigation within their Ministry without the sanction of the Cabinet, since as Ministers they have that power. Do you in your right mind want me to believe that these investigations could end up leading to prosecution without the knowledge of Cabinet? Please Gaston we are not all mindless minions. Moreover, what has happened to the principle of collective Cabinet responsibility. At the very least you must have had constructive knowledge of these investigations.

  3. It wasn’t me,so who could it be ? Blane them yet keep them in your Cabinet to enrich themselves and bankrupt the treasury with taxpayers money . Gaston I cannot wait when they retaliate against you inside that same organization.

  4. Gaston does this after every case that he loses. Blame his Minister. Heartless set of people. Hold up Josiah and his family’s lives for 7 years.

  5. Where are all the comments on this topics? Sideline, Betty’s hope, tenman???? I am waiting.

  6. A wha kinda leader of a country he be? He sound like a moron instead of the tap dawg. A Michael is de leader, or Jonas? Give me an aspirin or better an anti-stupid vaccine! Start by accepting that the buck stops at the tap dawg, who takes all of our ‘bucks’ for himself, mother-in-law, wife & her children, common-law wife and her son, other baby-mother and her son, other baby-mother and her daughter, other Young girl and her baby, and the other one. Jonas and Michael under the bus!

  7. “Captain the ship is sinking…Captain the seas are rough”. Ok, I need everyone to move in an orderly manner to the blue and yellow lifeboats that have been provided by the UPP.

    There is nothing this man would not say to deflect from his incompetence as the prime minister. I guess someone else is to blame for the country’s poor economic performance over the past 8 years aswell. Whose fault is that Gaston (Minister of Finance)? ABLP is wasting precious resources and so their privileges need to be revoked.

  8. If we are to believe Gaston, then it is fair to say that he is in no control of his Ministers. Everybody do what they want to do. Cabinet says No, Ministers say chutzpah Gaston we doing it who is the Leader? KARMA IS REAL PEOPLE.

  9. This man avoids responsibility for everything that goes wrong and has no problem putting the blame on his Ministers. They need to get rid of Gaston as leader of the ALP. So, how these two Ministers on their own get the DPP to prosecute these losing cases?

  10. I wake up to this BS!?

    Look here Gaston, you are the A THE ELECTED PM! that means that even if they did this investigation, it was no secret that these persons were before the courts on charges of various illegality.

    As such, if you felt that nothing should have arisen from the infestations, you could have said to leave it alone. You could have voiced PUBLICLY that your government don’t support what was going on over it was before the court

    Sir, you take the citizens of this country to be dunce elements, when in fact, you are the chief dunce element.

    You’re a real idiot!

  11. That Ass-ton Brownie, he likes to throw everyone under a roller. Has he ever done anything wrong? Has he ever taken responsibility for anything done wrong in his Kitchen Cabinet? There is no wonder, a goat was nibbling in that garden. Were you aware of that one?

  12. If Harry Josiah was found guilty, would you have still thrown Dean Jonas and Michael Browne under the bus? Enquiring minds would like to know.

  13. Careful GB. One 🪰pan d wall say dat one a dem 2 a work fe overthrow you. See how dem quiet all to wen you a trow dem unda d bus. When you beat one man an he nar respon , you think he nat feeling it, you wrong , very wrong.
    We reap what we sow!

  14. When liardness min a gee way, Gaston go wid one truck when everyone else go wid one onepound bag. This guy is truly sick.

  15. I can’t stand this man call gaston it a full moon? Now u wanted to throw your comrades under the bus and now it backfired on your asss!
    U just wicked the Antiguan people just need to vote u out! Get going dictator!

  16. It is in order that both Ministers defend themselves immediately……

    So a who push Foo de Ole bus scandal?

  17. In a #Real #Democracy both Dean Jonas and Michael Browne would come forward in public, and defend their honor/reputation in public.
    This is like a parent blaming a #Spoilt #Brat for throwing a temper tantrum in public over not getting what they want, when the parent(s) do no kind of disciplining in the home.

  18. What a thing! People don’t let Politicians continue to fool the masses. They look out for their cronies even if they are on opposing side. When one has connections in high places anything can happen. Is it really true that the a certain Minister said as long as that minister is responsible for a certain ministry the accused will never spend a day in prison? When you have power and authority “No case submissions” will be the order of day. Now these two politicians are thrown under the bus….this is nothing new for him. He hab trang fuh dem two ministers but fuh de ress dat ah mek decision fu enrich demself widin the Statutory Board him tun him head de odda way. This PM is really a piece of work.

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