PM says curfew hours will be reduced as COVID-19 cases drop


Prime Minister Gaston Browne says the rate of COVID-19 infection in Antigua and Barbuda has dropped.


He told Pointe FM that Cabinet will decide this week to reduce the curfew hours to as late as 11.p.m.


Browne said this is in the best interest of restauranteurs and other vendor who have been hit hard by the restrictive 8.p.m curfew.


The Cabinet will also give consideration to allowing bars to open for limited hours, and for restaurants to serve guests for a longer period each day.


However, these relaxations, should they come, will strictly enforce whatever conditions are imposed, supported by fines for those who disregard the rules.


Achieving normalcy gradually is the object of the Cabinet policy-making, supported by the science not guesswork.

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  1. Antigua is a disaster under the clown PM

    But yes, the curfew is hurting local businesses and never really made any sense.

    Maybe, just maybe stop letting in any and everyone without testing and quarantining them on arrival.

  2. Traitor dictator Gaston is killing businesses and then has the balls to want to raise taxes. He and his cronies need to take a salary cut and even furlough some of the ministers. But no, he continues to perform his creative enrichment schemes.

    Vote him and his cronies out.

  3. I wonder why they never announced the latest corona victim who died las week today at MSJMC,
    He was my friend and he funeral took place last week Friday… why are they hiding some of the death that taking place in the country

  4. Gaston Browne: Shouldn’t such information be first divulged on the Nation’s Station,ABS. Before going on a privately owned radio station and do so.Not all listens to that swampy station in Point.However,there is only one TV Station in Antigua and Barbuda.Government Business on the Government TV and Radio Stations.Diet tripe and other dungs on point fm/pm.

  5. TIME TO END THE THE BULLSHIT CURFEW COMPLETELY NOW! its killing ppl, its not working!
    OPEN ANTIGUA NOW! OPEN SCHOOLS!! OPEN ALL BUSINESS! the rest of the world is already reducing restrictions!

  6. 1. Clearly cabinet is a ‘rubber stamp’ for the PM’s wishes
    “Cabinet WILL decide this week to reduce the curfew hours to as late as 11.p.m.”

    2. PM may benefit from guidance in civil leadership & civilly communicating governance within a democracy. To Whit:
    National pronouncements from the Prime Minister should first be made officially by media release from the Office of the Prime Minister and on state media i.e. ABS.
    Thoughts, comments and musings from private citizen GB can be made through personally owned media platforms and personal social media pages.
    One caveat – as a public servant and public figure, please understand your communication should be circumspect as befits any leader of a bona fide business or organization, be it expressing personal opinions or professional.

    Language maketh the speaker: kindly learn to be respectful to all, cease being tone-deaf and understand it is NOT necessary to respond to each criticism (as a street fighter lashing back or as a professional)

    Know the era we live in and please adjust your expressions… Women are not ‘objects’ – the majority are valuable, smart, organized, hard-working members of our society and should be respected as such not referred to as ‘morons’ ‘pretty women’ ‘isn’t she beautiful’ .

    It takes a strong and humble person to apologise and take actions moving forwards that show the apology was genuine.

    We expect better of our nation’s Prime Minister, red, blue, green, whatever color; the PM represents us and people from elsewhere judge Antiguans & Barbudans on the PM’s presence, rhetoric and actions.

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