Prime Minister Gaston Browne says the government is responding to the concerns of Antigua & Barbuda students studying in Jamaica.
A number students, mainly at the University of the West Indies Mona, remain in Jamaica as ports both in Jamaica and Antigua & Barbuda have been closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The students have said the are running out of food and money given banking restrictions and restrictions using money transfers. It is also their preference to be in Antigua & Barbuda with their families as classes can now be done online.
Prime Minister Browne says Ambassador Gilbert “Boustany has responded to their immediate need and will be seeking assistance from one of our mutual friends, to fly them to Antigua on his private jet.”
“We will do all in power to bring relief to them,” Browne added in a Facebook post.
Most of Jamaica is under a partial curfew. The country has recorded 163 cases of the coronavirus raising fears that there could be an island-wide lock-down anytime soon.
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Great that you are bringing them back, but given the number of cases on Jamaica, you will be testing them first right?
Don’t u think they will test them first. Shit man everything thing that the government do aru find something to complain about.
Arnold only ask a question you are the one taking it personal. He didn’t cretisise the Prime Minister he only ask question.
He also have a question sign at the ending of his comment.
It seems you think nobody can’t ask the Prime Minister a question.
It is not about not asking the PM question it is simple common sense. Why would the government bring them home and not test them?? As soon as some one don’t agree with your bullshit views it personal. Aru sicking ah complian niw
This sounds like good news for our students studying in Jamaica….. The quelling of this Covid -19 virus will certainly not be anytime soon…..
It will be much better for the students to be home with their parents & love ones where they can get the attention they need and so desire…..
The same should go for those students in Cuba…. the virus infection in Cuba has increased to 923 and the infections are increasing at a fast rate daily…..
As concern parents of these students in Cuba, we have made several appeals in the past to have our students to return home….. The Antiguan ambassador, Mr. Goodwin did not see it necessary at the time to have the students return home. At that time there were less than 50 infections in the island…… I hope that he sees it fit now.
The number of infections in Cuba have sky rocketted to 923 so far….So a fresh appeal is now going out to the authorities in collaboration with the parents to have our students in Cuba return home before anything worst happens there. Prevention is better than to cure…
To try to ease your mind a bit:
Cuba has 87 cases per 1 million; 3 deaths per 1 million; 25,309 total tested which is equal to 2,234 tests per 1 million population.
Antigua has 235 cases per 1 million; 31 death per 1 million; 73 total tested which equals 745 tested per 1 million population.
Even accounting for the fact that Cuba has tested a much greater proportion of their population (3 times more), they have many less cases than Antigua. So being in Cuba might be one of the safest places for anyone to be right now.
Given that we have pumped so much money in to LIAT you would think we have a little say to tell LIAT to make a special run for us. And surely they will again look at the shareholder governments for some sort of cash injection. Leave your private jet friends to bring students back from China and for a field.
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