Prime Minister Gaston Browne has told the ongoing CARICOM meeting in Jamaica that by welcoming its citizens, Antigua has contributed to the development of Jamaica.
He said it is not only Antigua and Barbuda which has played this role but other Eastern Caribbean countries too.
“The members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States – have absorbed a great number of unskilled labour from Jamaica and Guyana particularly over the last three decades,” the Antigua leader said.
He added that “By absorbing those numbers of people, we have eased the strain on the economies of Jamaica and Guyana at a time of need.”
He said the same is true in the wider context of CARIFORUM, where Antigua has also absorbed a significant number of nationals of the Dominican Republic which now also enjoys a trade surplus with Antigua and Barbuda.
The prime minister told colleagues that this policy is heightened by the remittances that these migrants send to their home countries.
In trade, he said the Eastern Caribbean countries suffer trade deficits with Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.
Browne said he made those points not in complaint,” but in illumination, and to guide our decisions for the future.”
“I am fully aware that in any economic integration process, especially one that includes a single market, there must be gains and losses. The realisation of the CSME can be good for us all, as long as we make provision within it for balance in the interest of all.
These are difficult but not intractable problems. If we approach them with the resolve to make the CSME work in all our interests collectively, I believe we can solve them,” he said.
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Do you not have enough of these people there, you can’t even recognize Antiguans anymore.
Stupidness, we have enough. Sandals have them all, way antiguans fu go
He don’t care about Antiguans. As far as he is concern, all Antiguans can go live elsewhere. The cheaper laborers and unskilled people mean more money in the his pocket.
Y not ease the squeeze on antiguans ? We already have enough here. Not all r bad but many come here n r wanted criminals in their country n it’s doing ANU no gd .. and then they wonder y Canada got harsh wit us
Is this man for real when he speaks: He added that “By absorbing those numbers of people, we have eased the strain on the economies of Jamaica and Guyana at a time of need.”
Antiguans catching hell in Antigua and he eschewing such nonsense when people here cant find work. Maybe his statement is a precursor to beg some money!!!!!
I keep being surprise of the level of journalism that our reporters here demonstrate. Of an entire speech filled with lots more important stands the PM spoke about, such as regional transportation of goods and people the call to support LIAT or whatever airline that may be. This was such a small thing he mentioned by the sideline. Perhaps they are challenged when it comes to topic that has more substance.
Mr. PM please speak the truth about absorbing the these unskilled nationals from Jamaica and Guyana. You and the other political parties need them for their votes especially your party. I am happy to hear that you acknowledge the money they earned in Antigua are sent back to their country of birth to help with it development. I can imagine the million of dollars that leave Antigua annually from these nationals. Most of them have turned Antigua into a ghetto style similar from where they’re from. Lower Market Street in St. John’s Antigua is an example.
Is that something to brag Gaston about, when you still cannot provide adequate water and electricity after 4 years in office? How can you relieve Jamaicans when you can’t meet the needs of your own? Losing hundreds of jobs and no new investments of note. Our PM is really not playing with a full deck.
I cannot believe what I am reading, if the statement is correct, I would like to know what academic background does Mr Gaston Brown holds. ( Undergrad, masters, Doctorial, professional) because someone who holds even an associate certificate would know in order to help your country improve/grow is to place a high priority on excepting immigrants, who has the skills and abilities to contribute to Antigua economic growth. Antigua does not need at this point and time anymore of our neighbors unskilled, uneducated immigrants. Mr Brown needs to take his rose-colored glasses off and actually take a good look around his country, I mean a good look and actually talk to the inhabitants, anyone, weather they voted for him or not then he will really know and see the suffering within his country.
This prime minister is just the dumbest ever …y do we still allow rhis crazy man to run this country…..what is he saying
Hey look me so fed up with this clown it is killing me just killing me
……and the people keep voting these clown that have the country in scrambles keep.inviting Jamaicans..u easing
What antiguans ya a suffer and u just a chat shit
I really can’t understand these people you all going on as if Antiguans don’t migrate no where work and send their money back home the PM is damn right with what he said get real Antiguans
Within the last 30years. What a coincidence. I mentioned sometime ago that the arrival of Jamaicans and other caricom Nationals coincided with the development of Antigua. What I mean is that when I was invited here about 30 years ago, the city of saint John’s looked like an ordinary town in one of the rural districts in Jamaica. It had then, a good amount of faded wooden buildings. Over the years I noticed the gradual change to it looking a bit more modernized. Still not there, but an improvement on what I saw before the ‘influx’ in caricom immigrants.
So, it stands to reason that these immigrants have contributed greatly to the development of Antigua. Furthermore, the immigrants from Jamaica that are living here are just s handful of people in the Jamaican context. Therefore, making no significant dent in aleviating unemployment there.
PM Brown has it backwards.
I am amazed at what I am reading. Antigua has been taking in people from Jamaica and The Dominican REPUBLIC to ease the strain from those Countries when they are much bigger than Antigua. I think that they are happy to get rid of their Criminals so they send them to over populate our SMALL ISLAND.
Omg these haters on here u all caunt love anyone even if u all tries foreigners help to built this country whether you all wanna believe it or not we contribute to nation building and education yet some of us don’t have children goin to school here smh Antiguan migrate to other country they send money back home aswel what the crying for
On lord Gaston STOP TALKING!!!
Every rass time you open your mouth you show more that You, sir, are the “dunce element”!!!
I told you all that the ABLP stands for :-
Antiguans Barbudans Last Party
Now the PM has confirmed it out of his own dumbass mouth. Really PM?
No wonder all the businesses closing down in Antigua.
The lowskilled people only buy food and pay rent so all those business like Leewind Paint dont have any customers now
Jamaica looking out for Jamaicans and they just stole 400 jobs from under our noses.
Antiguans come last in Antigua
Mr. PM as much as I support u I cannot support this statement. While there are some Jamacians who come here to seek a better life there are some who like the want to bang Antiguans in there our own country. Please Sir we dont need that here so next time think before you tal.
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