PM Says Alleged Assault Of Education Minister ‘Unfortunate’

Former Education Minister Michael Browne (2018 File Photo)

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has commented on a claim of assault made by Education Minister Michael Browne against popular talk show host Algernon Serpent Watts.

“Allegations are that Serpent assaulted him after the programme Michael Browne did on Observer Radio,” the prime minister said.

He said, “If that is the case, that is extremely unfortunate.”

Browne added that “we may have our political differences but it should not get to the stage where there are hatred and envy to the extent that you would want to get involved in physical violence.”

“So Minister Browne reported the matter to me and I understand that he went as far as reporting it to the police and the police are now looking into the issue,” pm Browne told Pointe FM.

The alleged assault occurred after the Education Minister appeared on an Observer Radio programme hosted by Dave Lester Payne.

The two men had an exchange of words which became heated.

PM Browne says he expects supporters of Watts to cry political victimisation.

“But you know as usual they gonna cry political victimisation but people must take responsibility for their actions.”

Reports are that Watts was investigated, arrested and charged last week.

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  1. Since Michael Browne’s reputation appears to demonstrate an apparent personal problem with abiding by the commandment…You shall not lie… then I want to believe that there is visible evidence of “alleged” assault verified by the hospital with a date and time along with an up close witness to this alleged “unfortunate” event! With regard to the statement “……..but people must take responsibility for their actions.” Seems like that could also apply to others who practice undercover violence.

  2. It seems as though persons who associate with the UPP party, have an aggressive & abrasive character about them…. I wonder if it arrived from their previous leader when instructions were given to “chop them up” & ” dont be afraid to confront them”

    • @Bluddy Bloke…none is more evil than those with jacket and ties that twist lies into honey that sounds like truth. Therefore, be wary more of such because deceptive minds may not touch physically but they commit genocides in all corners.

    • It was once said that Mr. Spencer, the former UPP Leader, and associates were too soft and need to be more aggressive like the ABLP party, and now today it said that they have an aggressive and abrasive character. What do they really want from the UPP and its associates?

      • Just a few reminders:

        1. Found basically to be in contempt of court in the 2009 election matter (illegally kept watt from returning to work)
        2. Judge ruled BS was motivated by malice when he maligned opposition members via the airwaves
        3. Baldwin making it clear that he was more a believer in the types of leadership he saw in places like Venezuela than what the Antiguan public found democratic
        4. UPP leadership making it clear that persons should know if they play ball (legally protest against government), the should be ready to take rubbers
        5. Opposition members held in a jail cell simply because they protested on a side walk
        6. Protesting against procedures by the transport board saw at least one man being physically assaulted by the police. Police had to later compensate him
        7. The illegal decision by the former admin to keep constitutionally protected officers on contract as a method of controlling them (eg DPP, commissioner of police)
        8. Upp found illegally trying to subvert the constitution by watering down the powers of the supervisor of elections

        • Isn’t the ABLP and associates have placards protesting that read Antigua and Barbuda passport is not for sale.

          • And what that has to do with this topic and the point tenman raised.
            I guess you have no respond to that. Wasn’t it Bruce that told the then PM Spencer he has to rule with an iron first. Wasn’t the so called pitbull Daniel that challenged Gaston to fist fight. And who tried to close down ZDK with police force and sent military to stop Hadeed from offloading a generator on their own plant? All violent acts from the UPP and many more. Maginley accused for assaulting a female police officer, Colin Derrick accused of assaulting a police officer at a meeting in Point, Baptiste accused of assaulting a police officer at the airport. This is the trade mark of the UPP and their cronies. Use violence if you cannot get your point across.

  3. Everybody seems to want a piece of Michael Browne. The same PM claims that the allegations against the St. Kitts PM, made on the political platform by Michael Browne, were not quite accurate. All this grandstanding is just a deflection from the important issues affecting our country. Can we get an accurate update on the eBooks? Will students returning to university have their cheques on time? Can we get more serious about the education of our youth? That’s the news I want to read about!

  4. If the alleged incident is true and hope it’s not but an exchange of hot words…..but buoy if ah true jumbee know who fuh frighten! There are those who will defend some people because they are heard daily political propaganda (some of the things said may be true) in the name of “political activist” Me narh nak nonebady fus but if you touch my body all hell brok loose

    • Is this the same michael brown who claims that folks were after him
      in St. Kitts the other day , believe me this boy has no credibility.

  5. Assault legally just means the victim ‘feels’ threatened with impending danger or bodily harm …

  6. I trust the police on this one. If they investigated and laid charges etc., then the courts will deal with this appropriate. There is too much bullying going on these days. That must stop.

    • CErmle: Are you still so gullible? Investigated what?Laid charges where and on whom?People have a right to express themselves freely.No blows were thrown.Those Browne men have no credibility.Look at the matter with the St.Kitts and Nevis,Prime Minister.Who ended up being the LIARS in that matter.

      • I hope Mr. Pompey has educated you over the Small charges Act. if you think you an verbally assault someone just so and get away with it you will find out when you face a judge that it is not so simple. We are living in a country of laws. Not the law of the jungle.

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