PM dismisses ‘CCJ Can Wait’ Group


Prime Minister Gaston Browne over weekend dismissed the presence of a new group one month before the country votes in its first-ever referendum.

Calling themselves the Caribbean Court of Justice Can Wait Group, members come from the legal fraternity, trade union, political parties and civil society.

But Prime Minister Browne, in responding to the press release from the group, dismissed them as United Progressive Party operatives.

“They are now seeking to make this into a partisan fight,” Browne told Pointe FM.

He said the government tried hard to make the referendum carded for November 6, a non-political one.

The prime minister said despite the opposition, he will be appealing to voters to “do the right thing and not to allow these individuals to confuse the issue.”

Browne was critical of the group’s main contact person for allegedly stating that it costs the same to go to Trinidad where CCJ is based as it does to go to London where the Pricy Council is based.

“I find Kenny Kentish was quite barefaced to have the gumption to tell us the price of the ticket to Trinidad is the same as the price of a ticket to London.”

Browne said those opposing the CCJ know that the court is the right way to go but are opposition for political reasons.

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  1. If it’s not political then why was Beef silenced on Pointe FM for having a similar opinion? The gov’t has been one-sided about this whole “public education campaign” aka attempted brainwashing. Trying to use some slavish psychological tactics claiming it’s the last link to break from colonialism. They must think people are stupid. The politicians are the ones who approve the CCJ judges. So it is obvious what that means. The further away your appellate court is from you, the better.

    Vote NO to the CCJ
    Vote NO to the CCJ
    Vote NO to the CCJ
    Vote NO to the CCJ
    Vote NO to the CCJ

    • I am an Antiguan Native and I will be voting NO to the CCJ including my entire household. I am one of the wise Antiguan Native. PM Brown and Cutie are more colonial masters than who they keep saying the Privy Council judges are.

  2. Justin Simon, a U.P.P. supporter as far as I know is in favour of the C.C.J. and he is working along with the Government’s Committee. Is he POLITICAL? S.M.H.

      • Justin Simon has never been an U.P.P. supporter. He was just pointed as the Attorney General during the U.P.P. era. Just like Errol Corts was never an A.L.P supporter but he was once the Attorney General during Lester Bird era. That is politics a nasty game.

    • @Beef,are you trying to say that you disagree with the notion that all those names mentioned in the group are not political? If you’re the same “Beef”as in Dave Joseph.I am disappointed in you ,that is been hypocritical..Your opposition to the CCJ might not be a political one,but that group definitely is..SMDH to..

  3. When will African people wake up from their slummbering mentality? We are so brain washed and miseducated.Goodness…..Gracious the CCJ is not about our political affiliations.

  4. When this dictator can’t get his way he drop wud like them marker vendors. Let me inform the dictator about the group it is made up of patriotic Antiguans and Barbudans, the chair person of the group is the same Dave BEEF Joseph an ABLP washed in the blood of labour supporter. Guess Beef is UPP now according to you.

  5. Breaking what link? They think ppl in this country stupid? If we go with the CCJ we’ll still be apart of the colonialism, we still have a GG who represent the crown our EC dollar still have there queen face all over it. Vote no to CCJ until they rid themselves of all these things that represent the queen

  6. He can “DISMISS” them all he wants, but come November 6 the people will DISMISS the CCJ! LOL Watta ting it would be for the people to push back against this “mental oppression” put on by the government and orchestrated by undercover diablos posing as righteous judges.

    • The laugh will not be on the Government or the Court- the last laugh will eventually be on all poor black Antiguan who finds him/herself in need of representation.. So before you start laughing at the CCJ defeat after the referendum,make sure you,re not laughing at yourself..Some people on this forum sounds soo dunce and stupid.Damm.SMDH.

  7. My family will not be voting the CCJ… We suffer to much under the court system… it’s not a balance system, it’s who you know and who have money…

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