Prime Minister Gaston Browne said former Prime Minister and National Hero Sir Lester Bird should not be denied respect and reward because of his “past indiscretions”.
The Prime Minister was speaking on Monday at a ceremony to rename Mount St. John’s Medical Center in Sir Lester’s honour.
“Today, we’re not here to reflect on his indiscretions. All of us at some point in our lives would have had some level of indiscretion. We’re not perfect beings,” Browne said.
He added, “there are some individuals who would have gone beyond the call of duty to serve and empower the people and Sir Lester is certainly one of those individuals and no one can refute the fact that his contribution is second only to Sir Vere Cornwall Bird.
The Prime Minister said some people in the society “continue to undermine the contributions of individuals who would have given practically all of their productive lives towards the socio-economic development of this country.”
He insisted that “we ought to respect and reward those who would have served in the vineyards for decades and we should not seek to discard them out of convenience.”
“These are individuals who should be made into national icons and should be revered,” he said.
Browne recalled some people second-guessed his government’s decision to knight and confer National Hero status on Sir Lester in 2014.
“Many of them looked at his past indiscretions but I remind us all that none of us are perfect and as the bible says; he who has not sinned cast the first stone”, he added.
Browne described Sir Lester as one of the country’s most talented citizens.
“There’s hardly any other person that would have made such significant contributions in different aspects of our development; in law, in sports, in politics, in governance, you name it. A multi-talented person whose achievements and contributions should be celebrated by all and I repeat for emphasis, don’t tell me about his indiscretions, we’re here to celebrate his contributions and his contributions are only exceeded by his late father Sir Vere Cornwall Bird Sr,” he insisted.
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Gaston, you are the best! Only you would think to honour Lester by naming the hospital after him and at the naming ceremony insult him by bringing up alleged past “indiscretions”. As Tina Turner said, “You’re simply the best! Better than all the rest!”. Give him an honour but at the same time take it back by kicking him in the a—! Well done.
I liked Sir Lester. It would be good to name some of d contributions for some of us who might be too young when he sat on the throne.
Since the PM brought it up, I would like to know what his indiscretions were so I can make up my own mind.
Mr PM you spoke the wonderful now balance the equation with the indiscretions.
This can’t be a real country and that guy can’t be completely sane. Wow! When will we cry “TOO MUCH!!”?
your stupidity will affect this country for generations
🕵️♂️Make sure you hide them good because we will investigate the uninvestigated
“Indiscretions”???? That’s an odd thing to say isn’t it? What INDISCRETIONS is the good Prime Minister referring too???? Enighten us, please.
Wow……I am no fan of the former PM, however the statement during the speech of “devious indiscretion” shows the arrogance and devious person one is or can become. MP for SMS make sure you have no skeleton in the closet that he knows about when the time is ripe to challenge for leadership.
Gaston Browne: It is good to know. That you decided to designate the Hospital to Lester Bird. However,on such a feel good day by many to include his family and friends. You had to bring up negativities. Time and place for everything. I were never a fan of Lester Bird. However,you need to know when to shut to hell up. Let your mind and body reconnect. They do not seem to be in sync. Are you suffering from psychosomatics. Is it because you are eating too much KFC.
Why didn’t they “just cut he off” when he started up. Molwyn is on point when he mentioned a new facility is needed for the challenged. I know a Browne Bird that need a whole wing. The cuckoos nest too small now!
The Prime Minister also blundered seriously by trying to belittle our other living national hero, Sir Vivian Richards, in order to elevate and justify Sir Lester’s achievements and the naming of MSJMC after him. That was a despicable thing for the Prime Minister to do. I say again that it would have been more appropriate to name the YASCO sporting stadium after him underscoring his athletic achievements.
MSJMC was hos dream child. I was there. he eally fought for it. When funding was not forthcoming he pleaded to Stanford for help. And the rest is history. You guys fought tooth and nail to abandon the project. The Chinese were very upset and made you guys know that they will not stand for that. Too much money was at stake. it was foolish from the UPP to call it a white elephant. But then again you guys marched against every development project.
Max Hurst said he got money from China now you say Stanford. You labour people should get your story straight. In any event, in true labour fashion, he didn’t complete it.
Chinese firm built it, but it was financed by the Stanford Group. Perhaps I should refresh your memory going back to the MBS Enquiry when the then Bank Manager mr. Byron said when asked if SFG took the government to the cleaners with the loan, Yes. Stanford was furious with him when he said that. But to tell you a secret, after Stanford was arrested they never paid back the loan.
. I guess no Antiguan firm had the skills to build it. Of course we know it is highly likely the Chinese company overcharged the government in order to pay the kickbacks. No wonder the government couldn’t finish it.
Throwing shade at the recipient of a celebration ceremony you organized – speaks volumes to the caliber of the speaker.
Shame on you Gasbag Browne!
I guess evil people can’t stop doing evil things. It is their nature.
His wicked tongue is connected to his wicked heart.
I still don’t agree with national heroes being named such whilst they are still alive, or the renaming of the hospital, but I was blown away to hear GB mention ‘indiscretions’ in a speech honouring someone. There are certain things you just don’t do… and that’s one of them! SMHL
We know he fathered a lot of children outside of marriage. Some with young girls and some who may not carry his name. Is this one of the indiscretions ?
If this is really true, how can we the people of this nation pay baby mama a salary who is not working while the pensioners crying for their money?
I guess you have all the proof of those claims you are making. Are you one of the mothers of his children?
You must be the only one in Antigua that is pretending not to know, when you purport to know everything Labour. When labour lost the election, I am sure that I heard one of the baby mamas tried to sue the government when she got fired from the convenient government job she was given. I know this girl personally. Also know of a son in English Harbour. Friends with the family.
I am glad the PM admitted that we are human and we are not perfect. I hope he remember those words before he think of opening his mouth again criticizing anyone of their misjudgment in decisions making.
My dear friend and comrade Sir Lester Bryant Bird. You deserve to be give your flowers now that you are alive to witness it. Antigua people love to belittle and tear down their own. Like Crab in a barrel. That is why the country is going nowhere. One try to build the house while the other is tearing down the house. That house will never be finsihed building. We are our own enemy. Sad to say.
The country is going no where because we have an airhead, boastful, loudmouth for a prime minister. He has no real plans for developing the country. All he does is have ground breaking ceremonies and nothing ever comes of them. Antigua is way overdue for a change in government. Labour has been running this government for too long and now thinks the country belongs to them. Everything this government is involved in that has to do with money, you always hear of corruption and theft. Latest, the roads revitalization project.
Sorry you will have to eat your heart out for yet another 23 years.
FROM THE SIDELINE now I have a question for you and I think it is the first time I am asking you a question. Now, please tell me if the “crab in a barrel” mentality that you attribute to Antiguans is the only reason why you think the country is going no where? I patiently await your answer.
If you are a true born and breath Antiguan you should not be asking me this question. Apart from the 10 inept years of the UPP era, the UPP in opposition has always been the party of opposing every development in this country. Only one time I didn’t agree with the ALP and that was their opposition against the Sandals Beaches Project at Long Bay. However I did understand the concerns raised. But that could have been negotiated. And yes the crab in the barrel mentallity is so prevalent among our people. Look at how we are jealous of every asset a politician has. When we found out Sir Robin is a millionair we immidiately link it to years of corruption. Gaston Browne came into office as a succesfull businessman and we still accused him of corruption. We seem to gloath when our succesfull native fall from their height. But we seem to admire when a Syrian makes it to the economic top of our society. That is why our indiginous people do not control our economy. We are lucky to still control our political institutions.
Don’t be surprised if you learn that the Syrians are successful because they are in bed with the Politicians. Who are the people getting all the duty free waivers? People would want to think that some of the Syrians started out selling clothes house to house on bicycles and today they are millionaires. Check the relationship between VC and the Hadeed family. VC himself said that he was a frequent visitor to their homes. People say that for any business to succeed in Antigua, a politician has to have a piece of it.
Indigenous Antiguans have tried to run businesses in Antigua, but they say that the government would credit their goods and don’t pay. Remember Grant supermarket? One of the owners said that what their employees didn’t steal, the government took on credit and wouldn’t pay. Where is their business today? Look at all the contractors that the government owes money to. How can they pay their suppliers.
This government doesn’t want indigenous Antiguans to prosper because they may not keep quiet about the corrupt practices. Just wait the Chinese have already arrived.
Gaston ….what would people say your indescretions are they are manyyyyyy …that was t the time or place to say that …jus another dig at the BIRD DYNASTY YOU HATE SO MUCH….hug me while stabbing my back.
I find the headline to be misleading. The Country did honor Lester Bird,former Prime Minister. When you Gaston Browne nominated him to be Knighted. When you had the status of National Hero conferred on him by the GG. That was done for and on behalf of the Country. Now a Hospital is being designated in his name. So what more honors should he get from the Country. I say enough is enough. No Mas —No More.
Every day world dictator traitor tyrant Gaston Browne shows his true colours. Why should anyone forget a leader’s indiscretions? Those same indiscretions are why any and all politicians in power should be removed and be sent to trial.
Lester has no business being knighted much less having anything named after him. The only thing world dictator traitor tyrant Gaston Browne is deserving of is to name a night soil company in his dishonour. That maggot and the rest of his gutter snipes need to be removed from office before he damages our nation and our people any further.
Who masterminded the execution style murder of Nigel Christian? Did Nigel find the real truth about the “forged” signatures at the Port? How many top officials are involved in that creative enrichment scheme as Gaston put it?
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