PM Browne says over $100 million spent, to date, on National Housing

Aerial view of Dredge Bay housing project back in 2017

Prime Minister Gaston Browne says that well over $100 million has been spent, to date, by National Housing.

This sum is only an estimate, Browne admits, since he did not have the precise figures on hand when questioned by Barbuda MP Trevor Walker in Parliament, on Monday, October 24.

However, on average, Browne says, about $15 million is spent yearly on the government’s housing project.

According to the Prime Minister, National Housing, which began operating in 2015, has net assets totaling over $105 million.
He adds that any accumulated assets held by the company are not in the hundreds of millions of dollars, as is being claimed. Rather, he says, they are just shy of EC $10 million.

Consequently, Browne promises to file the agency’s current accounts – if not the audited statements, then the draft accounts, as presented by the auditors – with the Parliament.

The call for National Housing’s statements to be laid before the House has been made for years. Hence, MP Walker says he hopes the Prime Minister will keep his promise, noting that he would, indeed, love to see and examine the audited statements.

In the meantime, complaints about the quality of National Housing’s workmanship continue to be circulated, with home-owners alleging that corners were cut in the construction of their houses.

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  1. “This sum is only an estimate, Browne admits, since he did not have the precise figures on hand when questioned by Barbuda MP Trevor Walker in Parliament, on Monday, October 24.”


    Greedy Grabston NEVER has precise figures.

    Greedy Grabston NEVER publishes Audited Reports so we can know the truth

    Greedy Grabston ADMITTED that they are burning $100,000 to $150,000 per house…

    So the money wasted on every house built could build about one more!

    Burning money while people a suffer?

    Vote this loser out! Vote dem ALL out!

  2. Is this $105,000,000 the costs to build the houses or the amount subsidized by government?
    Didn’t the buyers get bank loans to pay for their houses. So why are you saying the government spent this amount of money?

  3. Grabston how much did you and your CRONIES get to keep, especially your son G-money to deck out his Skyline for little Tokyo? Nobody tawl boast and arrogant like he.

  4. …OK, Mr. PM!
    …the People hear what you’re saying
    …but, seeing is believing.
    …so, do the right thing
    …and, open the books
    …so, that We can see
    …really, really see
    …the truth, in your story
    … whether you’re being coy
    ,,,playing with us, like kids play with toys
    …or, being slick Anansi
    …spinning, another ‘nansi_story.
    …open up the books
    …then, we’ll know! Fu sure, fu sure
    …who’re the villains, ASSassin or crooks!

    Jumbee _Picknee

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