PM Browne Says Guyana Should Deal With Election Controversy Internally


Prime Minister Gaston Browne has commented on the controversy in Guyana related to the results of last week’s general elections.

He is calling for calm and an amicable resolution without external interference in Guyana’s internal affairs.

“I think that they all have an obligation to come together and to find an internal solution. I don’t think that the solution at this point requires any form of external involvement” said Browne.

He further suggested that the two parties should meet, conduct a recount and agree to abide by the results of final count.

Two protests were launched on March 6 along the Bath Settlement Public Road, West Berbice and Lusignan on the East Coast Demerara against what protesters said was the rigging of Monday’s general elections.

Protesters at Bath blocked the road with burning tyres.  They chanted:  “Granger must go” and also stated that they believe the elections were rigged.

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  1. Both parties declare themselves to be leftist “democratic socialists”, so no matter who wins, the PEOPLE are the real winners and will be well-served. Don’t let the capitalists destroy your emerging powerhouse. Power to the People.

  2. Well since all and sundry won, then I recommend a total recount of all regions and who win win, who lose lose and we.move forward together as a people. .nothing more or nothing less. Fairness

  3. Ametica is behind this unrest. Granger have in recent years been close to china. This is making the American government uneasy. They dont want china having access to the oil.

    • You are very rudexand disrespectful. You are and idiot
      PM BROWNE have the right to comment this is our region Caricom

  4. But Gaston was involved in sending RSS soldiers to Dominica on December 5, 2019 to tear gas the sleeping community of Salisbury, because they demonstrated for Electoral Reform.
    Gaston Browne and all the other regional leaders are hypocrites.

  5. Gaston Brown is a hypocrite and part of the power problem in the Caribbean. They are responsible for sending RSS to Dominica to teargas a community with babies and elderly for over 5 hours a day before elections in Dominica- which clearly affected the elections in Dominica. Gaston Browne who can be seen pleading in 2014 to his people for electoral reform . These Caribbean leaders have become intoxicated with power and its time the Caribbean people to take the power back from all of them . They don’t serve the people right with their corrupt tendencies- tell Browne take his hypocrisy and shove it

  6. The thing is that they all forget where they come from.They forget who they are and the struggles that brought us this far and when they get their hungry asses the ones that’s not use to anything get a little position they use that power to trample on one another. These are people who never thought they would be in the position they in. Their belly absorbs more than their head and more they eat their belly will never be full. They really fit the description of Hungry Hyenas.

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