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PETE with respect to the Gaston Browne administration their are also many cases of CORRUPTION, but all we are asking for is for him to come clean on the ODEBRECHT bribery scandal. We know coming clean might mean jail for some one hence his reluctance to convene an enquiry.
Interesting Mr Tabor that you did not once deny the serious allegations of corruption within the UPP but instead tried to point fingers at the ABLP. Shame on you guys and the voters shall never forget…
You mean JAIL for UPP Executives. TABOR Please explain the following.
Conversion of BUSES in some Persons name
$94,000,000 RUNAWAY Scandal
Your good FRIEND ALISTER THOMAS living in Mr.Warner’s house and refused to pay rent.Also want to tske over Mr.Warner’s Property.
The list too numerous to mention
Tabor can UPP go in 2023 election with this baggage ?
Tabor Harold Lovell will fire You for BAD ADVICE.
What would The Gaston Browne administration have done without CIP? More borrowings.
ALP administration marched against CIP and it turned out to be their main source of revenue. Yet, endless borrowings and giveaways of Antigua and Barbuda lands.
What would have happened to Antigua and it’s people if the Gaston Browne administration had to deal with the Global Economic Crisis and without CIP revenue?
So don’t we find it odd that only after 7 years in power, now you declaring that UPP was riddled with corruption? So guess what Mr. PM, you have quite a few two-faced former UPP persons on your side now, surely at least one must have known something. Since they singing for their supper am sure they would do anything so ask them to snitch you the truth and bring facts to light.
Go fly a kite with your stupidity. UPP RIDDLED with CORRUPT.
It’s like my questions hit a nerve. You must be the hand bag man. Maybe you get more than soup in ya mouth for supper. Don’t tell us we don’t care puppet.
PM, be careful what you ask for as you might just get it. You call inquiry and investigation into UPP and lo and behold it comes back to bite you in the bottom. You will not be PM forever and your retirement may not be so peaceful as UPP will remember you and if they only gain power, you better believe they will come after you big time. Hope you do not have any skeletons in your closet. Again, be careful what you as for. You may regret asking for it but cannot give it back.
Andrade Gutierrez works at VCBIA
Andrade Gutierrez signed two (2) construction Contracts to complete works at VCBIA.
➢ Contract 1 – (unsure of the date of this contract) Pre-World Cup Works – USD 12,300,000. This was not factored into the 2012/2013 renegotiations to finalize works. This amount appeared to have been fully paid off. I am unable to fully comment as this contract was never reviewed or analysed during the said period.
➢ Contract 2 – March 2008: Airside Words and New Fuel Line USD 45,900,000 and USD 9,997,425
In June 2009, Andrade Gutierrez suspended work for non- payment. At the time of the suspension, there was also an additional $2.4 Million in variations signed off.
• 2010 – Andrade filed Arbitration proceedings against ABAA and ABI Bank for US$33,522,104.25 plus interest for work completed
• Feb 2012 – the court ruled in Andrade’s favour for unpaid invoices plus interest as per the rate defined in the contract.
ABAA did not contest owing Andrade the said amounts. This full amount was awarded plus a percentage of legal costs. (See attached Court Documents).
Prior to suspension in 2009, works valued at approximately US$6.8M under the contract remained outstanding. To complete the works, use of another contractor would have constituted a breach of Andrade’s contract hence the project was left hanging for over three (3) years.
In 2012 when re-negotiations began, Andrade claimed that including the arbitration value, ABAA would have to pay $111 million to finalize the project. The full total included;
• Various costs related to delays in completion of the Works as a result of non- payment.
• Approximately US$19M of work not certified by ABAA’s Engineer and which Andrade failed to include in its Arbitration case.
• Amounts due to increased interest rates outside of the default interest rate in the contract of 2.5%. Andrade was of the view that ABAA should pay interest at 13% which is their true “cost of capital” . The justification presented was that they had effectively been financing the work since 2009.
An Amendment and Settlement Agreement was negotiated with Andrade, where Andrade would be paid $58M in full and final settlement of all the foregoing. Given the potential cost and risks associated with litigation, this was determined to be a reasonable compromise. Additionally, the fact that the time involved in pursuing litigation would have delayed the completion of the new terminal and its opening weighed heavily in the decision to settle.
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During the construction period 2008, Ministry of Finance (MOF) & ABI Bank were the primary financial arm of ABAA.
An analysis of the records in 2012 revealed that two tranches of short-term commercial papers USD 15 and 28 Million respectively were floated at interest rate 9% by ABI Bank to begin funding the construction. The main revenue source, the Passenger Facility Charge was used to secure the notes. It appeared that this was done as interim financing while MOF and ABI prepared to float bonds as the longer-term financing option for the construction. The bonds were never floated. I am unable to comment much on this arrangement. These events can be better detailed by Ministry of Finance.
Runway Failure Concerns
By the time Andrade suspended works in 2009, the main runway overlay had been completed. However, runway failures had already began occurring. In the 2012 negotiations this was raised by ABAA. Andrade disputed this and countered that 1) the works had been certified by ABAA’s consulting Engineer and 2) ABAA was aware that its runway had a sandwich layer which was the underlying reason for the runway failure.
Once the issue of possible runway problems came to the fore, Credit Suisse became concerned and insisted that ABAA provide an estimate of the cost of possible work required to address the runway concerns. The work was estimated to cost USD 8 Million dollars. ABAA, however, did not want to add the additional funds and insisted that it would prefer to do a full pavement assessment by a subject matter expert. The compromise was that the additional funds would be factored into the loan package for up to one (1 year) and would only be drawn down if the failures began to result in adverse negative impact on airport operations, hence the unused tranches as per Table 1.
Later in 2013, ABAA hired Pavement Consultants Inc, a Seattle, Washington based company to do a full assessment of the runway. In final assessment, the report did not conclusively state that the resulting problem was fully due to poor overlay works by Andrade. (See attached Executive summary report). The final report was sent to Andrade for comments. Andrade provided a report from their own expert to counter the report. Consequently, it was felt that ABAA did not have a strong legal position to file suit against Andrade.
Role of Andrade in funding Tranche B of the CS Loan:
When CS came to the table it was initially to lend moneys to payoff the Andrade debt. However, the due diligence revealed that ABAA had significant debt beyond the amounts owing to Andrade. In the final analysis, it was determined that amounts required were beyond what an ABAA debt model could manage. Hence the model, with two (2) tranches, was conceptualized with Andrade agreeing to underwrite the second tranche. ABAA negotiated for Andrade not to be a lender under the agreement.
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Tranche A loan was underwritten by Credit Suisse and First Caribbean International Bank (Barbados) Ltd. Tranche B loan was underwritten by Andrade by way of a Participation Agreement between Credit Suisse and Andrade. The relationship between Andrade & Credit Suisse can be better detailed by Ministry of Finance.
Table 1
1) Credit Suisse Loan Payout Summary
Tranche A-1
Tranche A-2
Tranche B-1
Tranche B-2
Total Loan
Unused Funding
$ 4,000,000
$ 24,650,000
$ 4,000,000
$ 94,000,000
$ (8,000,000)
$ 61,350,000
$ 33,350,000
$ 20,877,173
$ 2,750,000
$ 3,000,000
$ 883,435
$ 489,392
$ 61,350,000
$ 17,789,074
$ 6,860,926
$ 24,650,000
Andrade Contract
Commercial Paper
CS Closing Fees
Debt Reserve Funding
Legal & Other Fees
Cash to Fund Collection Account
Contingency Funding for Addtnl runway works
Andrade Contract value
Andrade Contract return Scope value
Contingency Funding for Addtnl runway works
Unused- Contingency Funding for Addtnl runway works
Final Sum
Borrowed $ 86,000,000
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Table 2
2) Credit Suisse Loan Payout Summary
Payout to Andrade USD
Andrade Contract
$ 33,350,000
Andrade Contract value
$ 17,789,074
Andrade Contract return scope value
$ 6,860,926
Total Payout to Andrade
$ 58,000,000
Commercial Paper
$ 20,877,173
CS Closing Fees
$ 2,750,000
Debt Reserve Funding
$ 3,000,000
Legal & Other Fees
$ 883,435
Cash to Fund Collection Account
$ 489,392
Final Sum Borrowed $ 86,000,000
1. Cover Note – AG ICC Award
2. ICC International Court of Arbitration Case No. 17117/VRO
3. AmendmentandSettlementAgreement
4. Runway 07-25 Failure Investigati
The PM is The Man for such a time as this. He’s a Natural Leader. The People are with him.
Conrad the Fool,
A leader you say. A man who is so dangerous, lie and deceitful that he tool the Moderna vaccine like a coward. You are a fool. You call him a leader. Your standards are low. You are an idiot
It appears that you cannot take the heat . You run and hide and come back with your STUPIDITY. No one take you serious . DESERT ROSE ( THORN) you the BIGGEST FOOLISH Supporter of the UPP.Go and hide your face. IDIOT IDIOT.
I feel sorry for them when all they can do is cuss cuss and more cuss.
And since this website has no standard, everything goes.
@ Hon.Gaston Browne
Hon.Gaston Browne…Thank you very much for posting the CORRUPTION of the UPP during Their tenure. This surely resonate with Antiguans and the Candidates of the UPP running for election 2023. The UPP Candidates already making plans to DUMP Harold. This should make the five UPP Candidates finally DUMP Harold .LOOK AH CORRUPTION UNDER THE UPP.
In Antigua, Anything not done by the Antigua Labour Party is corrupt.
Everything done by PLM and UPP is corrupt.
When was Harold Lovell the PM of A&B?
Your UPP RIDDLED with CORRUPTION. Stop chatting NON SENSE.Go bury your head in the sand.
Relax Dale. Why are you coming off so violently.
Since you are giving me UPP, you can have both UPP and ABLP.
I am choosing God and country.
Hon. Gaston Browne
I am 19 years old. My Friends and I have been studying your posting with the UPP borrowing. We cannot see where the UPP spent these monies. This represents CORRUPTION at its HIGHEST. We hope that Mr.Lovell will explain His side of this SAGA. We are waiting.
Even the Youths are reacting to Hon.Gaston Browne posting on ANR. UPP please take note and be guided accordingly.
JT, you sure you are not Nickel under disguise.
You ABLP people are so desperate. You have to use so many names.
We have the YOUTHS of Antigua and Barbuda are studying the CORRUPTION of the UPP and you are chastising the youths. You should be a shamed of yourself. You and your UPP are desperate because the results of the 2023 election are as follows.
Now tell me who is desperate. You FOOL.
UPP CORRUPTION to the FULLEST. Harold where are you ,TABOR and DESERT ROSE ( THORN) to explain this situation. CORRUPTION CORRUPTION CORRUPTION
Eric the Red, and Legion. The other names you blog under. How much they pay you to attack Harold?
Get a real job and stop being a prostitute.
I attack Harold Lovell and UPP for CORRUPT practices. You and Tabor are paid ADVISORS. Both of you are doing an AWFUL JOB. You should NOT be calling Anyone Prostitutes. DESERT ROSE you are looking for Company ( LOOK IN THE MIRROR).
ERIC (THE RED) Gaston has cited the airport runway extension by Andrade Guitterez, because of the cost overruns, as an example of alleged corruption. Do you know that it was under the ALP administrations that all of the major, international corruption scandals have occurred. Can you recall SPACE Research and arms to South Africa, can you recall GUNS to Colombia and can you recall the MEDICAL Benefits? These are scandals that are mind boggling in their financial and international moral dimensions. Any ALP administration should be the last to talk about corruption. Now we have the ODEBRECHT bribery scandal allegedly involving GASTON BROWNE and he is the last one that is willing to come forward and clear his name. Please do not tell me about corruption before addressing those of the ALP that have tarnished the name of this country almost irreparably.
Charles you mentioned the ALP scandals and note that they also had enquiries called while they were in power. The UPP did not call any enquiry in their own administration. And don’t forget how Gaston saved you guys when the John Ashe scandal took place. Had he waved the diplomatic immunity the entire top of the UPP to include Baldwin Spencer and Mansoor would be extradited to the USA by now. The money trail was established leading all the way into to former PM’s account and in Mansoor’s account. You guys are so lucky Gaston protected you all.
You mean JAIL for UPP Executives. TABOR Please explain the following.
Conversion of BUSES in some Persons name
$94,000,000 RUNAWAY Scandal
Your good FRIEND ALISTER THOMAS living in Mr.Warner’s house and refused to pay rent.Also want to tske over Mr.Warner’s Property.
The list too numerous to mention
Tabor can UPP go in 2023 election with this baggage ?
Tabor Harold Lovell will fire You for BAD ADVICE.
Rupert Mann, Woman and Child.
Tell us about the 2 million that was spent on the ghost cemetery. You fraid. You blog because you are paid to blog. You cannot think for yourself. You are a coward just like Gaston.
I would not answer your blog. Check out the following..
Results for election 2023 are as follows.
Congratulations! It is good to see a young person that is interested on politics. You raise an interesting point. You have asked Mr Lovell to explain his side of the saga.
But ask yourself the question: Don’t you find it strange that after seven years in office that the
Prime Minister is now bringing this up.
Another question: Could the Prime Minister be lying?
Question number three: Mr Weston, the Junior Minister of Finance, had proudly informed us that the government had half billion set aside to be used during the pandemic.
Have you seen any evidence of how these monies have been spent?
By the way, have you been keeping tabs on how the CIP monies have been spent?
I trust that you will go to college or to university.
One lesson you will learn at any good tertiary institution is this: You must always interrogate a premise. Always look for the motive behind the statement. Always as the question “Why” Why now” ,”Who gains from the assertion made”, Does the accuser have issues that he would want to hide. ” Is the information correct?
As I close, I urge you to ask the PM these questions: ” How is it that after seven years, you are only bringing this up now?
Are your numbers correct?
What is your motive?
What happened to the half billion dollars?
What are you hiding?
My good lad, I wish you and your friends every success. Remember, interrogate. Do not simply accept an assertion. Good luck!
Great questions
I’m asking these questions too
Good points but the questions must also be asked to Me. Lovell whose response was to ask for an inquiry into Oderbret (however it is spelt). With all respect to the quick young minds, To me it is a little odd that the proposed GB posted the runway info at 6:48 this morning and by 12:48pm on a public holiday the young minds already group together and studying his posted info. I guess they are studying politics at school so they are keenly in tuned. But just a question to NICKEL you state you are 19, how long have you been studying Antigua politics because my math tells me you were 12 when this government gained power and you were 2 when UPP gained power. Have you been following politics all these youthful time? Impressive if you were but ask the questions suggested by JJJ. Food for thought on what you have been fed and by whom.
These are some serious allegations made against the former administration led Dr. W. Baldwin Spencer. I do hope that this matter is investigated and adjudicated without political interference. Dr. Cort, Mr. Lovell, Mr. Daniel, Ms. Quinn and the Chief Servant come clean. It’s the only way out. In fact the entire former UPP Administration need to publicly rebuke or acknowledge what was has been alleged. Take the stage.
Last. The ones that are throwing stones hope your houses are not made out of straws. When the other wolf begins to huff and puff. Your house will not stand.
Great questions
Me go order wan bull bud fun Antigua news room
Me haffu laugh as I try to listen to this tape. Gaston Browne are really convinced that he is the one and only intelligent sole in Antigua and Barbuda. But, he has a right too. When you consider the man, sitting across from him, was a radio host, was totally supportive of the UPP then, and was a daily critic of Gaston Browne and the labor party. Me haffu laugh. Politics dutty!
Now election time is drawing near and questions are being asked about decisions made by his administration, instead of responding directly and give justifications, he is trying to flip the script by pointing finger at the opposition. Suddenly after being in office for 7 yrs he discovered the opposition was corrupt during their tenure. Ok. So, that give him the right to be corrupt too..Politricks….Unfortunately, too many people buy into it and support color. People wake up!
World dictator traitor tyrant Gaston Browne is the leader of corruption. Lands bought for pennies in areas like the former US Base, Jolly Harbour area, millions of dollars extra for ADOMS, let’s not forget the PV energy scheme with his fellow scamps. How much longer you allow this scum to use our nation and us for his creative enrichment schemes?
Where are the persons who ordered the hit on Nigel Christian? Did he discover who “forged” the signatures?
I attack Harold Lovell and UPP for CORRUPT practices. You and Tabor are paid ADVISORS. Both of you are doing an AWFUL JOB. You should NOT be calling Anyone Prostitutes. DESERT ROSE you are looking for Company ( LOOK IN THE MIRROR).
Look at this. Pot accusing the kettle of being black. Pot thinks he is the smartest person in Antigua and knows how to bury his loot using corporations and family members. Lovell should know how to deal with Gaston. After all Lovell went to law school. What university did Gaston attend again?
It is strange how some of you seem to have forgotten how this Odebrecht came back to life today. The UPP short of issues against this government, tries the old corruption card. And they brought up Odebrecht and ask that Gaston disclosed about the money that Casroy received. Which was intended to bribe him. But what they fail to mention is that the bribe did involve a well-known Antiguan lawyer who met with officials from Odebrecht in Miami. They the UPPiest insist that Gaston was in Miami and therefore he could have been the one meeting with the Odebrecht officials. But then again ignoring it was said in court documents that it was a well-known Antiguan lawyer, and the PM is no lawyer. The Pm went to all length to disclose his travel document to show he was merely a short while in Miami while traveling to Disney with his family and he was met by the secret service for escorting which is normal for a head of state visiting the country. For whatever reason Harold and his girlfriend Donna had a fallout and she went on Point FM and disclosed that as far she is concern when she read the report, she put one and one together and remembered having met Harold and Casroy in Miami and Harold told her they were there to meet with some Brazilians. A word to the wise never tell your outside woman your business. Anyway, when she said that tells her the PM couldn’t be referred to as the lawyer and the Brazilians seem to be the same Odebrecht officials that Harold and Casroy met. At first Harold denied having met with Casroy and any Brazilian in Miami. After the PM disclosed his payments, he then confirmed that he was hired as a retainer and could not disclosed client information. But that we understand is a lame excuse, cause no one asked to disclosed client information. It was whether you met with them. So eventually that was settled. The only in hot water now was Casroy. He was holding to monies he had to account for. He claimed it was for a CIP project that they were going to invest in and it were his fees as well. Therefore, in my opinion the only one that can come clean is Casroy. So after Donna did her revelation of who was in Miami to meet who, they decided to attack Donna for making suggestions that Lovell was somehow involved in the Odebrecht scandal. When all Donna said was that not the PM was the lawyer who met with Brazilians in Miami. The UPP keep on pressing the PM for an inquiry into the Odebrecht scandal, but the PM have said that since the country has not been involved in this scandal which he means it has not cost the country a dime he was not willing to do so. But after the link was made with Odebrecht and the Andrade Gutierrez it became clear to the PM that the airport deal may just have been one of those contracts where Odebrecht had overstated the contract sum in a way to bribe government officials. When he then had a second look at this contract it came to light that the contract had serious cost overruns. It is with this in mind that we now see a re-opening of the case and the government’s intention to call a forensic audit into this contract. And now it seems that the PM has stirred an ants nest which they called him out on in the first place.
But what I look forward to is the investigation of the Banks through which Odebrecht was able to launder billions of dollars. That will tell us a lot more.
@ From The Sideline – writing all that to say what? You must have had a great meeting with Gaston last night.
Just call the enquiries.
If am convinced that you are Gaston Brown. If not, you should do like Tabor and put your full name to support your writings. You are making some serious and damaging statements about different people this morning.
Put your name where your mouth is!
´´I reiterate further that, while I am deeply saddened by the circumstances in which Dr. Ashe now finds himself, based on the Court document, he gravely misrepresented the United Progressive Party government by implying that bribe money was necessary to gain an audience with me or my colleague ministers. That was never the case during the 10 years of our administration.¨
FROM THE SIDELINE the Odebrecht scandal cane back to life because Donna Chaia thought she had compelling and irrefutable evidence to link Harold to Odebrecht so she spewed her defamatory nonsense on Pointe FM. She was at the Biltmore hotel in Coral Gables in 2014 when Harold had a meeting there with Franca and Casroy James. Harold was engaged by Franca to deal with the AOB in its liquidation matter. Now listen careful FROM THE SIDELINE, the meeting where the bribe was hatched was in October 2015 in Miami when Casroy James met with Luis Franca and Luis Soares. You can jump low or jump high Harold Lovell was not in Miami at that time. Gaston was there on his way to Disney World in Orlando. At least based on circumstancial evidence only, he had more opportunity to be involved in the deal by telephone or otherwise more than Harold. That is why Donna Chaia mouth got her into trouble for chatting pure nonsense and putting two and two and two together as she said and got ten. Even if Harold was at the meeting in 2015 where the bribe and 3 millions Euros were discussed. Now FROM THE SIDELINE what would have been the purpose for Harold’s presence? Was his presence to share the bribe money with Gaston and Casroy. The reasoning of Gaston and the rest of you on this matter is so nonsensical it is mind boggling.
Tabor you are the worst lawyer Lovell could have. How can you put confidential information of your client here on this website. You so much want to defend the man. Listen the court documents in the USA states that the Brazilians said they met with Casroy and a well-known Antiguan Lawyer. They never said they met with the PM of Antigua. You may want to play with the timeline of Donna meeting with Harold and Casroy but that is here nor there. The question is “Who is this well-known lawyer. Only Casroy can confirm who this lawyer is. And since Donna met with Lovell and Casroy in Mimia and Lovell told her he was meeting with some Brazilian, which you now admit was Louis Franca. And since this meeting was to discuss AOB business in liquidation, then what was Casroy there to discuss. my mother always told me when you tell a lie once you must remember it, or you will be forced to cover it up with more lies. Lovell at first denied having met Franca and Casroy in Miami and he was exposed. Now he admits but the timing is the issue now. The PM came clean and disclosed his travel documents. And as the PM said there is no bribery done because they never get to the point to bribe him. And he is not to be bribed.
And whatever happened to the lawsuit which you threaten Donna with. Is it still forthcoming? Please let us know.
And you know the PM never accused Harold of taking a bribe because as he said, there cannot be speaking of a bribe when he was working in his private capacity. On the other hand Casroy was an Ambassador designated and would have been. But under Harold millions of dollars were laundered though the AOB and Meinel Bank and Franca was appointed under the UPP as Ambassador to Brazil. Therefore we need to look into how this was able to happen under his watch. Was the FSRC not functioning properly. Remember John Ashe state he came here with Chinese investors with tens of thousands in cash, which was handed to the PM who put it in his account. Where was the due diligence then. Anything over US$10K must be reported to the ONDCP and the FSRC. Did the bank fail or did someone cast a blind eye because the funds came from the PM. Lots of questions to be answered by the UPP. Anyway start suing Donna so we can have some action. I have a bet out that I’m sure I will win. Call your Bluff.
FROM THE SIDELINE you should be given an award by ANR to be an expert in writing the longest, empty nothings. What is the confidential information I am stating. Everything I have said is what Harold have said publicly. Please stop being an idiot. The Odebrecht bribe was agreed to in a meeting with Casroy, Luis Franca and Luis Soares in a meeting in Miami in 2015. Harold admitted he met with Casroy and Luis Franca in Miami in 2014. If like Donna you do not think the difference in dates (years) are important then they should sent you back to Primary School to start over your education. By the way, even your demi-God Gaston has said that Harold was not involved in the bribe. Can we say the same thing about Gaston. That is why he should have an enquiry to clear his name. The bet you should have is whether he will call an enquiry. If you bet against the call of the enquiry you will certainly win.
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