PM Browne Blasts Walker as ‘Biggest Deceiver,’ Cites Barbuda’s Environmental Destruction Under His Watch


PM Browne Says Barbuda’s Sand Mining History Undermines Walker’s Environmental Claims

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has pushed back against Barbuda MP Trevor Walker’s criticism of the government’s environmental policies, pointing to Barbuda’s long history of sand mining under Walker’s leadership as evidence that he lacks moral authority to make such claims.

Speaking in Parliament, Browne dismissed Walker’s allegations that dredging activities in North Sound were causing environmental damage, labeling them as misinformation. He argued that Walker has consistently misled the public, particularly on environmental issues, and called attention to the ecological damage caused by decades of sand mining in Barbuda.

“The Member for Barbuda has a propensity to deceive, and he does so unconscionably,” Browne stated. “He speaks with such authority that you would believe he is standing on the truth, when in fact, he has presided over the absolute degradation of the environment in Barbuda through sand mining.”

Browne contended that the destruction of Barbuda’s sand dunes, which occurred under the Barbuda People’s Movement (BPM)-led council, contributed to the island’s severe flooding during Hurricane Irma in 2017. He explained that the government has since taken steps to restore Barbuda’s coastline by implementing nature-based solutions, such as sand dune reconstruction using geomatting, to protect against storm surges.

Turning to Walker’s criticism of dredging in North Sound, Browne maintained that the activity is necessary for economic development and does not harm marine ecosystems. He provided historical context, noting that the channel in question has been dredged for decades, including by the Americans, who used the dredged material to create Maiden Island.

“There was no seagrass in that area,” Browne asserted. “You can see the dredged spoils offshore—rocks and sand—not seagrass. So, for the Member for Barbuda to claim that we are destroying the environment is completely false.”

Browne further emphasized Antigua and Barbuda’s leadership in climate action on the international stage, pointing to the nation’s involvement in legal actions against major polluters, its contributions to global climate negotiations, and its role in advancing the Multi-Dimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) at the United Nations.

“No other administration has done more for climate sustainability than mine,” he declared. “For anyone to suggest that we are environmentally irresponsible is baseless.”

Browne concluded by urging Walker to be more responsible in his public statements, stating that misleading the people of Antigua and Barbuda on environmental matters is unacceptable.

“If you have nothing constructive to contribute, just keep quiet,” he said. “Don’t come into this honorable house and spread misinformation.”

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  1. Again, may I remind this nutcracker of a Prime Minister in regards to environmental issues; wasn’t it this same said ABLP administration that allowed building contractors to destroy our beautiful mangroves that provide much needed protection to our shorelines?

    How on earth did Antiguans end up with this earth removing environmental damaging DETERRATION hypocrite?

  2. I agree with Gaston that walker oversee the biggest environment destruction under his watch by PLH while he lay powerless employing his university train brain that does things the white man way, remember the sell out Arthur nibbs once to action and push a shipping container on the sea, university teach you passiveness, so the white man way to stop PLH from destroying Barbuda environment will take a hundred years, that time is walker great grandchildren will be fighting it while Barbuda flood out.

  3. I agree with Gaston that walker oversee the biggest environment destruction under his watch by PLH while he lay powerless employing his university train brain that does things the white man way, remember the sell out Arthur nibbs once took action and push a shipping container in the sea, university teaches you passiveness, so the white man way to stop PLH from destroying Barbuda environment will take a hundred years, that time is walker great grandchildren will be fighting it while Barbuda flood out.

  4. This anti-dredging argument is a weak one. Harbors worldwide must be dredged periodically due to the constant sand and silt build up. It is an absolute requirement unless you don’t want your harbors to accept boats of a given size and function as intended. I visited Barbuda a few times last year and someone did point out several of the old sand-mining pits which understandably, are very controversial. Predictably, I heard a difference of opinion on who was responsible. Some say the Barbuda Council, some say the Bird government.

    @Brixtonian has returned… I thought you were in the UK or CARICOM Witness Protection Program!

  5. Verily, good sirs and gentlefolk, what tempestuous discourse doth unfold within these hallowed halls of governance! Methinks the noble Prime Minister, like a seasoned mariner, steers his ship against the turbulent gales of slander, decrying the siren song of misguidance sung by the Member of Barbuda. Yet, is it not most wondrous strange that he who once presided o’er the plunder of fair Barbuda’s sands now fashions himself as a steward of nature’s weal?

    Lo, hypocrisy doth don its motley garb, parading itself as virtue! Forsooth, if the sands of Barbuda were rent asunder by the hand that now wags in condemnation, wherefore doth he decry the labor of others? The weight of past transgressions dost bear down upon his words, and the air is thick with the musk of irony. Let truth, like the dawn’s golden fingers, strip away the veil of misdirection and lay bare the deeds of both accused and accuser alike!

    To govern is to bear the burden of the people’s trust, and to wield words as weapons is to court the peril of the double-edged blade. So I prithee, let there be no more jests in this solemn theatre of statecraft. Let policy, not perfidy, shape the fate of Antigua and Barbuda, and let not the past be a specter to haunt the present, but a lesson by which the future might be wisely steered.

  6. At a time when Gaston and Cutie Benjamin is punching propaganda to all the dunces who has not taken the time to read the Privy Council Ruling in which tes Mackenzie Frank and Trevor Walker lost but the Barbudans were winners.

    Read the ruling if you don’t understand it seek out clarity from a non aligned attorney if you can find one.

    When Gaston had brought in almost 20 police including the riot squad and Trevor was at Jarel Hill making sure he was in video.

    Why didn’t Trevor Walker talk about that?
    Word the street st Madison Square Trevor has been bought over by Gaston.

    Trevor talking about North Sound in Parliment rather than the Katel Hill riot squad confrontation as well as other critical matters in Barbuda is an indicator that Trevor Walker is not in Parliament to advocate for policies and laws that benifits his constituency.

    Barbudand have come to realize Trevor Walker can no longer be trusted to advocate for them for he is a traitor


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