Prime Minister Gaston Browne has responded to unfavourable comments levelled against him and his decision to become a large player in the country’s agriculture sector.
Browne said on local talk radio over the weekend that he believes his involvement with farming has had a positive effect on the agricultural sector.
He also revealed that sourcing investment into his farm of almost EC $1 million has lessened his financial interest in his farming venture.
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Has he ever owned up to anything?
Hon.Gaston Browne don’t bother with UPP and Their HATERS. They are BADMINDED set of People.
We are interested in knowing who provided the investment. Do you care to tell us? Is it true that a truck full of Chinese workers were seen heading to your farm? Are Chinese your new investors?
Check out all the farms in Antigua and compare them to yours. Do you think the poor farmers can compete with you? You have ten acres declared and think you should have more. What is the acreage for the other individual farmers?
Why didn’t you and the minister of agriculture provide Antiguan farmers with at least 100 acres of land to form a co-operative?
I guess your greed will only end when you are voted out of office.
UPP SPOKESPERSON ( Convicted Child MOLESTER IAN MAGIC HUGHES) who was sentenced to TWO years in jail was on OBSERVER RADIO campaigning for UPP. last evening. These are the type of Persons UPP attracted. ALSO MURDERERS and BOUNCED CHEQUES WRITERS. UPP is an AWFUL Political Party.
Monica, Gaston is all for me and none for thee. He has no love for black Antiguans so won’t empower them to create wealth. This is what you should consider and stop talk about and being obsessed with UPP. He loves black Antiguans to be poor so he can be the only black barking dog. He never misses an opportunity to grab more for himself.
@MONICA: Are you suffering from hunger? Why are the corners of your mouth so dry
and white squall.
Monica, the topic is about the PM and his farm. What diatribe are you writing about? You just can’t face up to truth. You need to learn about CONFLICT OF INTEREST and INSIDER TRADING. In the real world, people get jail time for that. You do don’t believe me? Then ask Martha Stewart.
What has happen to the ALP of VC Bird,Denfield Hurst,Lionel Hurst,Ernest Williams,Edmond Lake,Bradley Carrott,Novelle Richards,Levi Joseph and others of that times. Those are some of the names I remembered at this time. They were part of the Labor Party Administration of VC Bird. I have never heard anyone one of those men behaved like Gaston Browne. Whether you did like them or not,they were well respected. Civility has been removed from our discourse.
How comes when there’s any unsettling issues concerning Gassy’s own citizens you hardly hear a squeak from him, but when anything concerns LINING his own pocket, he sounds his fog horn and blows loudly?
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