PM Browne Considers Legal Action Over St. Kitts Nevis Times and Times Caribbean Online Article



PM Browne Considers Legal Action Over Article

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has signaled possible legal action against St. Kitts Nevis Times and Times Caribbean Online over an article questioning the sale of the Alfa Nero yacht.

Gaston Browne stated that his attorneys are reviewing the publication for potential defamation. “If so, St. Kitts Nevis Times and others, regionally and internationally, will get their opportunity in court to prove that millions are missing from the Alfa Nero sale and precisely who benefited,” he said.

The Prime Minister has previously defended the sale process, maintaining that it was conducted transparently.






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  1. Innocent people do not retaliate and act like this, but a guilty conscience do. Just saying. You mean no one can even talk? Hmmmmn….

  2. Sue dem baxide, Mr. P,M. Listen to good counsel, not to idiots like the upholderer who states that innocent people do not react when their name and character are being maligned. Nasty mind! Probably has no reputation to defend anyway.

  3. Faithful National #1, I would also like the PM to sue, not casting any aspersions here but that would be ultimate transparency I would think so

  4. @Hhhhhmmmmnn… March 13, 2025 At 8:07 am
    Yes you can talk as you like. We have free speech, but remember when you make accusations and assassinated someone’s character you will have to answer in a court of law.
    Remember how they slandered Lester Birds saying he has an affair with a minor. Well when he took them to court they had no proof and Lester won his case and they got fined over $80K
    Even the so-called Joan Underwood when questioned by the police could not provide her evidence. It’s easy to slander and stain someone’s character, but the person has the right to get redress from the court.

  5. At first Lester Bird had the attitude that it is part of politics so let them talk. But when the smeared his reputation with that video, it really hurt him to the core. All his friends all over the region and the world that held him in high regards encourage him to clear his name. And so he did. But the damage was done and he lost a very important election that year.

  6. You can sue until you blue and become blue water for whitening and whitewashing clothes. The Russians are the ones making the allegations in a Federal Court in the American Courts. Therefore, why not have your legal team file a Counter Suit, against the Russians?
    Since when is it illegal to report on public information? Is Gaston contending that there is no case to answer to in the Federal Courts? If this is his contention, then tell him not to show up for his deposition, interrogation. His answers had better coincide with those of the other defendants. Don’t worry! Be Happy! The dams haven’t broken as yet and you’re running wild like a headless chicken in a voodoo ceremony. Voodoo Economics has brought down and buried many in politics. Asot jumbie already led the investigators to his hidden chest of IHI documents buried under Bird’s Island.

  7. He who comes to equity must co.e with clean hands. PM Browne crying again!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
    Don’t cry my Brother
    Don’t cry.
    Don’t cry My Brother
    Even christ was crucify.
    The UPP warned you. We live in a small world. What happens in Antigua is know in Germany if a few minutes.
    If you take time and tread carefully on broken bottles you may not get cut.
    Richard Lewis where are you? Let us laugh.

  8. Answer the questions that are ask by the public Gatson, that’s what you need to be focusing on. There are many pertinent questions about the Alpha Nero that were never answered.

    What law suit?

    This government needs a full independent audit..Too much money changing hands and the voting public do not have a clue where those moneys went. Then Gatson have the nerve to come and ask the public for more and more taxes.

    This is not just us talking, the proof is right in front everyone. Someone is getting rich out of all these dealings, and Asot got caught up in it, and was murdered for the secrets he carried.

  9. That it PM, answer the questions!!!!!! This yacht was sold for millions of dollars and there are no public records???? What do you have to hide????

  10. the love of money is the root of all evil and you lob money………..If antigua people don’t see the way to move you God will,he answers prayers………….1st,2nd,3rd and fourth generation of your blood is on your shoulders for 🇦🇬 ANTIGUA…….

  11. @Gaston ☠️ Browne 🦅Alter Ego March 13, 2025 At 10:00 am
    reporting has consequences. Therefore a reporter should check their source before publishing it. It doesn’t matter what someone else claims. It’s not for you to repeat it. Gaston will deal with the Russians in court at his own time.
    That is why the UPP Parliamentarians in Parliament are making so many errors. Serpent claim that he googled the information as to how much the government borrowed from the CDB and that article for him was a credible source. So stupid. Since when did Google claimed to be a credible source. And so the stupid parliamentarians are constantly been embarrassed for their stupidity. Buit what do you expect from a bunch a laggard, and losers and rapist and murderers. They have nothing to bring to the Parliament. They don’t belong there. It was really a shame for the UPP to give the people these people as candidates to chose from. And sadly the people made that dumb choice. So they got what they elected. A bunch of stupid people that cannot carry on an intelligent debate. Really Sad. Thank God he saved us from them. Antigua would have become the laughing stock in the Caribbean and perhaps the world. I still shiver when I think of what almost happened to us. I hope we have in ten or fifteen year a more educated electorate that will chose candidates that are qualified and able to represent them. And this will come because many young people are taking up the opportunity to go to the UWI Five Campus. They will become our future voters and will be critical thinkers. They will not accept candidates that are less educated then them.

  12. @Less We Forget,
    There are colleges and universities that produce leaders and creators; as well as colleges that indulge in memorizing and regurgitation.

    After 60 years of UWI; where is the product or processes that has come out of that institution that has had widespread commercial use or adaptation?
    UWI is following in the academic model of memorizing and regurgitation. That model does not produce critical thinking.

  13. Stop your crying,Gaston.Stop crying like a little bitch of a DAWG.Every Saturday,you would go on your Radio Pig Pen of a Station with others and ridiculed the people of Antigua and Barbuda.I do hope they begin to listen to your diatribe and sue your arse.You have the nastiest things to say and get away with it.Crying like a bitch,me a go sue eeeeeeee.SUE THIS!


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