PM Browne commences three days of engagements at the United Nations


PM Browne commences three days of engagements at the United Nations

UNITED NATIONS, New York, NY – 20th September 2023……Prime Minister the Hon. Gaston Browne is today in New York where he will commence a series of engagements at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Prime Minister Browne is expected to deliver the National Statement at the Assembly on Friday, focusing on the theme “Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidary: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability for all.”

As the Co-Chair of the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Law, Prime Minister Browne is expected to continue the fight for developed countries to address the plight faced by small island states on the impacts of climate change.

While in New York he will speak on Wednesday morning at a High-Level Dialogue on Financing for Development and later that morning attend a Climate Ambition Summit opening.  In addition, he will participate in High-Level Thematic Sessions on Climate Ambition.

On Wednesday Prime Minister Browne will also hold bilateral meetings with Deputy Prime Minister of Ireland, Micheal Martin and Minister Andrew Mitchell, UK’s Development Minister.  Discussions will also be held with Tom Mitchell and Dr. Leone of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network on a wide range of issues to include disaster insurance and loss and damage.

The country’s leader will also hold meetings with top officials of Saudi Arabia; His Highness Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud and Minister for Tourism and Chair of the Saudi Fund, His Excellency Ahmed Al Khateeb.

During the course of Wednesday, Prime Minister Browne will also hold a bilateral session with High Representative Her Excellency  Rabab Fatima of the United Nations Office for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS).

While in New York, Prime Minister Browne will also engage with representatives of the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, and Korea and attend meetings with his Caribbean counterparts with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and an Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti.

Also in New York for the 78th Meeting of the UNGA are Health Minister the Hon. Sir Molwyn Joseph and Foreign Affairs Minister the Hon. E. P. Chet Greene who will attend meetings on behalf of Antigua and Barbuda.

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  1. Wow 😳 wow wow wow Prime Minister Brown quite a comprehensive agenda how agenda I have listened to the News around the world and that at least seventy percent of the Heads of state finding time of their schedule to dialogue with their people I noticed for the nine years you have only met twice

  2. There’s a surprise that the Prime Minister will be dancing abroad instead of dancing at home.

    And in the meantime Rome (opps, I meant Antigua) burns.

    Surely, Gaston Browne could have made arrangements to send someone in his place.

    How many days does he spend away from Antigua conducting “talking shops” instead of resolving ongoing problems here.

    I bet if you added up all the days he dance abroad it would be a considerable amount.


    • What have autochthonous Antiguans done to deserve a part-time Prime Minister like this?

      Politics shouldn’t be sometimeish … Tarl!

    • @Brixtonian September 20, 2023 At 8:55 am
      No brix, we need representation at the highest level. Remember we are hosting the SIDS conference here next year. It will be the biggest conference Antigua has ever hosted.
      Leadership matters.
      And you can keep screaming that the sky is falling, and Antigua is burning. Chicken Little.

      • Sidey, are you one of those STUPID Gassssston Browne lemmings, as described by another commentator on this particular thread?

        SEEMS SO … 😁

  3. Lawd…this donkey clown is making himself look busy and well-versed on those topics…His AI app must have been working overtime. He should be ashamed to even open his stinking mouth, knowing what he has done, or caused to be done in Barbuda and here, lately allowing the destruction of a mile of sustainable mangrove and a pond…all so a hotel could claim the beach! He thinks we are as stupid as those lemmings around him. I wish someone could disrupt his speeches, so that these world leaders would truly know what a fucking fraud he is. .Back in my NYU days, we would have had a silent protest…now I can only grind my teeth and cuss silently.
    People, this clown is an embarrassment to this country!

    • “He [Gaston Browne] thinks we are as stupid as those lemmings around him …”

      Well said @ Really??? 👏🏾

      Are you listening:

      @ From The Sideline
      @ JP
      @ GEL
      @ Tenman
      @ Dave Ray
      @ Curious
      @ Fitzroy
      @ ERIC (THE RED)
      @ Bluddy Bloke
      @ Hmmmmm
      @ PETE
      @ WTF

  4. This man travel more than the damn Pope to backside..this man is on every topic and none at the same time.

    All these damn talks and no action with the issues in Antigua. He keep talking about future future future, but the time is now Mister Priminister. If you don’t take care of now and all the problems in Antigua right now, there wouldn’t be no damn future.

    Bwoi a tell you with this Joker.. this man love photo ops to backside.. 😂😆 I

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