PM Browne challenges Lovell to provide details about his rent to own


Prime Minister Gaston Browne responds to Lovell on critic of new housing initiative.

Browne told ANR:

I have indicated that a concrete single dwelling property that is not tiled or painted could be sold to someone who can afford a mortgage payment of $750-800 monthly. At the end of the term they would have full ownership.

ANR, please ask Mr Lovell for the the details. For example: the size, and cost of the dwelling, how the cost of the pry plus interest (cost of money) will be recovered ?

Also, the monthly rental payment, the term of the rental agreement and at what stage the conversion from rental to ownership will be effected ? If they default on the payments, would they lose the right to ownership ?

What penalty clauses will be included to ensure that the government is paid ? And in the even of default, would his government evict them from the property ?

How many of these homes would they build and what’s the source of funding.

I guarantee you that he has not done the analysis and would not respond to these questions.

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  1. No details was given on forge signature up to this time, lives has been lost , cover ups, self enrichment schemes

  2. According to the man who drank Cooks pond water and who remains giddy headed up to this day from such an action, “the role of an opposition is to oppose even if it is just for opposition sake”.

  3. 20 questions from a man who had over 20 ground fakings. Before we go to the future, can we deal with the present? Can the PM tell kindly give us an update on Calaloo Cay? Who presently owns the lands? How much will it cost the govt to buy back lands that we have away?


  4. Tenman: Rent to own is not a new phenomenon. In some places in the USA it is a part of the process. Lovell should not tell Gaston Browne how to implement his plan. Keep on singing Tenman for your trough would soon be all dried up.Then what would all of you, ballsless,spineless,gutless men of straw,do then.

    • Yeah boss like in Detroit (see The ‘fake landlord’ scam destroys lives in Detroit. But culprits rarely face consequences., US news ov. 10, 2021. where many persons were of african decent were taken advantage of by a a rent to own scam. They were forced to go this route due to discrimination in lending practices which continue to exist in the US. No doubt, many of those persons would tell you they would prefer outright ownership by financing from a traditional bank. Added problem with rent to own is it provides more opportunities for scammers to take advantage of especially poor people. Boss the data in the US shows in general its land lords who generally benefit from rent to own schemes and not the especially low income persons some claim they wish it to help. If you were to check my past postings (think the person proposing called himself the pimpermnell) on this (2012 via caribarena), you would see me pointing out such schemes are not helpful especially for A&B.

  5. Mr. Lovell, Why not try to EMPOWER ME now by allowing me to pay a mortgage towards OWNERSHIP rather than RENTING to own…… It will psychologically boost my self esteem as a house owner

  6. Wow.. it’s interesting that another politician is asking another politician to provide details of his plans to educate his/her constituents and that politician is criticize by so educated blind followers. These people are so pathetic and are infected with Politicalitis. Again I repeat again and again that these so called intellectual people are classic hypocrites spouting ignorance and nonsense daily. All they good for is cuss others cause they have nothing constructive to offer. Me grandma used to say you can tell people who behave like idiots.

    • Recall when BS was asked about the voluntary sep program. He hade clear he had his head on. He was warned about possible brain drain. He answered, though not providing details, they have things in place to ensure that won’t happen. A few years later he admits this was one of their major failures. Boss their head hard.

  7. PM Browne what details do you want? The heat in the kitchen is getting hot and you see the end of your line so you respond to everything from the UPP. The rent to own concept is nothing new for the UPP. This idea was a center piece of Wilmoth Daniel’s campaign in 2014. If you need information on it your archivist, apologist and propagandist Cornel TENMAN Hughes can obtain it for you.

  8. Be careful with “rent to own”. You will end up paying way more than you would with a standard mortgage. They are a trap for low income people. We need public housing, paid for by the government. Let the PM take a couple of million off one of his offspring to pay for it

    • There you go. Subsidized the housing. That is the way to go. The RTO concept will work for some but not anyone making at least $3000.00 a month.

  9. The PM want details, From lovel in other words he run out of ideas and looking for some to copy and put in their manifesto

  10. I now why Politicians think their followers are idiots? Is doesn’t matter your Political alignments. All Politicians should be challenged to provide details to their constituents. The nation will benefit. We should not let them make promises without any details and plan’s. Tap let dem get away all these baboonery. That’s one of the many reasons the UPPITES failed when they were in government. They opposed everything that their opponents proposed and they have any clue to govern Wadadli. Sadly, all you hypocrites and so called educated blind followers will cussed out others who called you all out for your hypocrisy. Your modus operandi will not work anymore. Most of people are more astute and intelligent and now there is a University.

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