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Advertise with the mоѕt vіѕіtеd nеwѕ ѕіtе іn Antigua!
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Let’s assume it’s true. You see why I never liked this idea of all them mergers left right and centre.
About a month ago Gaston posted a bounced check from Sean Bird on his FBpage. He said he had requested and got the check. I hope he will also post the complaint from YIDA against Western Imperial Zone on his page.
These days karma nar wait!
The biz place had the check posted infront the establishment. A caller to Point FM mentioned it, the PM then asked him to bring proof.
When I call him a theif ,liar and a wannabe Dictator folks get jumpy on here.
Hmmm here comes the accusations .
Only my son , bank ,wife and I know about it 🗣️
Lol somebody must’ve promised him not to say anything?
What goes around comes around..
Karma is a bitch!!!
WORTHLESS Bank Employees. Leaking Customers information. This should be investigated. SERPENT and OBSERVER RADIO should be investigated for disclosure of this personal information. Hope Gaston Browne will SUE SERPENT .
Should Harold Lovell have sued Gaston Browne when he disclosed a copy of the contract for legal services Harold provided to a bank and Gaston even provided to the public a copy of the cancelled cheque for payment? They say what is good for the goose is good for the gander. You should tell Gaston to stop have people business on his radio station. Just yesterday, he was talking about how much money people in the opposition make.
@ PJ
PJ you are such an ARSE.
Government salaries are PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE
Harold pissed off another person named in the scandal who then released the info. You do recalll before this HL publicly claimed he had no relationship with the bank
Did anyone sue him when he leaked certain members of the opposition banking information to the public…
What hypocrisy!!!!!
Karma is a bitch!!!!
It will reveal all
How is it possible that the PM’s lease agreement was leaked to the public??? How is it possible that a returned check written by a UPP Politician was leaked to the public? How is it possible that Gisel Isaac’s banking information was leaked to the public? How is it possible that salaries of public figures was leaked to the public? Ask Ms. Karma Dog. She might have the answers.
The top dawg a get 💰 like wow he must have about 300 million by now
Careful with not only the banks, but plenty “offices” in Antigua. All you have to do is know someone who works on the inside and you can get anyone’s information.
Who leaked the information from the bank to you Gaston Browne when you reported that the Odebrecht bribe money received by Casroy James and allegedly for you was returned. Returned when and to whom? We need answers to those questions. If you are not prepared to provide the answers perhaps your chief minion, apologist and propagandist TENMAN can.
Ask Harold who was named in this he pissedd offf, especially when he lied publicly that he had no involvement with the bank. The “whistleblower” proved HL again a liar. Tellingly I see you working hard trying to paint GB in the same light(re his name alone on lease). Joke’s on you
TENMAN you are really so pathetic. Is Maria Browne’s name on the signed lease agreement? Gaston Browne said that the house is owned by both of them. What does ownership mean legally?
Tabor is a Gaston Browne HATER. Tabor stop working so hard for ATTORNEY GENERAL because UPP would never be elected in Antigua. Miss. Knight stop working so hard for Senator because likewise. You Guys are bunch of BADMINDED People. Hon.Gaston Browne invested His money and TABOR ,KNIGHT , SERPENT and HAROLD LOVELL hate Gaston Browne for His WIT and INTELLECT.
I listened Gaston on POINTE FM on Saturday and He spoke about improving Antigua and Barbuda there no way Anyone in UPP is smart to have such VISION.
“Next time can we get a REAL LAWYER on the program please?”
A caller to Observer were Tabor was a guest made the above statement.
Not sure if he is capable of doing the Justin Simon dance. First impressions are lasting and even the sign on his office speaks volumes.
@ P. HARRISON you really wrote that and hit the send button ?
Hate hate everybody hate Gaston man talk about Overdose on cool aid wow.
Quiet often on this platform the guard dogs on this platform has no answer but to attack.
Lol you haven’t said ONE FACTUAL thing to rebut what Tabor said not even an attempt.
Tabor is AFRAID OF GASTON BROWNE intellect Gaston is the best FINANCE Minister in the CARIBBEAN. There is NO ONE has the FINANCIAL Intellect as GASTON. Those CRIMINAL ELEMENTS in the UPP will never get back Their deposit after election 2023.
Why isn’t Tabor a candidate????
Cause the higher ups in UPP have no respect for him and laugh at him behind his back. They label Lovell’s spitoon
Everybody drank the kool aid. Gaston leaked his own Lease. All to give an appearance that he has nothing to hide.
Operative word appearance!!
Was there a Letter of Credit involved with the leasing of property by the Renter? Other than something of this kind,I do not see how the Bank would see the Contract between Gaston Browne and the Renter.Reminder,it was quite okay when you as Prime Minister revealed the Banking info of Gisele Isaac.A few weeks ago you revealed information about a bounced check.Now it is coming back to kick you in the rear.Just a bitter taste of gall,your own dirty medicine.Gaston Browne,let your words be soft and sweet just in case you have to eat them.
The PM is an honourable man, extremely intelligent, and a natural leader….a man of the people. I believe he will be elected with an even greater majority. Antigua will benefit.
Guy (WHARF RAT), PM via the show stated he had to show the lease to the bank for anti ML reasons. The bank would need justification as to why that amount was being deposited into his account.
@ Tenman:I am the owner of properties in Antigua. I have never shown any of the Banks in Antigua my contracts. The contracts are drafted for me by a Lawyer in Antigua with my guidance. That contract is then ratified and signed by all involved. The Rental monies go into my Bank accounts every month. I,from 2400 miles way look into my accounts as often as I feel. I come to Antigua as often as possible. I go to the Banks withdraw funds and spend it there.
Nothing is private. There is always a friend telling a friend and the other friend telling a friend etc. Your medical condition is not private and confidential either.
ALL of the leakers need to be fired.
@ Hopeless Betty as usual a ass kisser💋
@Betty’s Hopeless:You say,all leakers should be fired. Therefore,Gaston Browne should be fired,for he is the number one leaker of others businesses in Antigua.
Gaston Browne, which one of the local Banks you are accusing of leaking your rental agreement?
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