PM announces 500M economic stimulus for Antigua and Barbuda’s economy


Prime Minister Gaston Browne says the government will raise approximately EC$ 500 million to stimulate the Antigua and Barbuda economy this year.

He says the funds raised will go towards pumping money into several areas of the economy.

Browne explains in the recording just how the monies will be raised and spent.

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  1. Is this the $500 million that Lenox Weston spoke about months ago?That money will now be utilize as a stimulus in roads and other infrastructural developments. What has become of the famous Willoughby Bay (second city) project that was a major component of last year’s budget? At this point the impact of that project should be felt throughout the economy. These budget presentations are becoming more and more farcical and meaningless.


      Tabor …What can the HON.GASTON BROWNE DO to appeas you ? Tabor you started to sound RIDICULOUS. That’s the reason why Prime Minister throw your letter in the GARBAGE that you wrote in reference to Lovell
      Tabor you are a LOSER.

      • PJ Camerall, leave Tabor alone. Gaston Browne keep insulting the intelligence of Antiguan people. How many times can you dangle carrot in front them face and think they won’t catch on. Everybody know by now he is about to call election. I beg Antigua people to open dem eyes fast before dem get caught in the trap again.

  2. We are sick and tired of Gaston Browne’s empty pronouncements. Pointe FM has become the scene for auditions of Browne Comedy Show. Looks like they are always practicing new lines to see which ones to bring to Parliament to fool off the people. It looks like he switched his lines from ground fakings to fake stimulus. We want movies. Enough of the talkies.

  3. One investor was to purchase it for $100 mil. (1/10 of billion).
    Last year, another wanted it for $49 mil. with a $100 million in improvements

    The government is proposing
    to acquire it for(???) and pump a $100 million in PARTIAL improvements…

    I am just a dunce so please explain…

    • Me dounce to. I don’t understand none of this. Anyway, it don’t look like I’m going to be able to flush the toilet at night. I’m going to have to leave the poo poo till morning, carry water up the stairs flush and light a incense.

    • $500 million stimulus?? Is the Sheikh coming to pay We The People for the property at Morris Bay? My fellow Antiguans if you do believed this $500 million crap.Then I have some beach front property to sell in All Saints and Swetes Village. Any takers?

  4. Election coming. Time to fix pot holes, pump money into social security to make it look something is being done. Same BS, different election.

  5. Election incoming – UPP prepare yourself for the insults, misinformation and even MORE litigation.


  6. I would only believe IF it happens. Tired of all the hollow talk!!! He must stop!!! There have been nothing new, besides Royalton and despite many ground breakings, over the last 8 years.

  7. You are talking about all the luxury homes being built at Mill Reef and Jumby Bay and Jolly Harbour. Antiguans and Barbudans don’t own them. What Antiguans and Barbudans a tell you, don’t sell any more of our lands to foreigners.

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