Plans to award knighthood to MP Steadroy Benjamin are met with criticism and questions about his ‘outstanding service’

Steadroy "Cutie" Benjamin, Attorney General

REAL NEWS – Another Antigua Labour Party (ALP) politician is expected to be knighted during the 42 nd Independence ceremonies – to be held on November 1, 2023.

Sources tell REAL News that the name of Steadroy “Cutie” Benjamin, the attorney-general and minister of justice and legal affairs, was submitted to the Honours Committee and approved by the majority.

The news has been greeted with cynicism and disgust in several quarters, with critics saying it appears that all the under-performing ALP ministers are being rewarded for their ineptitude.

Under the stewardship of Minister Benjamin, several police stations have had to be relocated to areas outside their district.

The latest of these, the St. John’s Police Station, is being moved to Dredge Bay, because of the urgent need for repairs due to mold and other structural defects at the Newgate Street location.

Youth violence, an increase in crime, and issues with the courtrooms are among the many issues that have not been addressed properly by the minister of justice and legal affairs.

Yet, the critics say, he is receiving a national honour while residents are fearful of criminals and the police infrastructure continues to crumble.

A resident says that Antigua and Barbuda appears to be the only country with so many dames and knights per capita.

Not even in England are so many politicians honoured for the work they beg for during election campaigns, she adds.

According to this citizen, these politicians have done nothing exemplary and have not gone beyond the call of duty.

Meanwhile, there are many other deserving citizens and residents who have sacrificed for this country, but whose hard work and dedication are not recognized or honoured, she complains.

The honours system in Antigua and Barbuda recognises the outstanding service and contributions of citizens.

The Most Distinguished Order of the Nation recognises distinguished and outstanding service to the country, the Caricom region, or the international community, and was established in 1987.

The Order consists of four awarded grades of membership: Knights and Dames Grand Collar (KGN); Knights and Dames Grand Cross (KGCN/DGCN); Knights and Dames Commander (KCN/DCN); and Commanders (CN).

These honours are presented to the recipients by the Governor- General on behalf of the King to acknowledge and thank them for their contributions.





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  1. Perhaps if the UPP had done some maintenance to these police stations there would be no need for them to close for renovations. It is therefore a credit to Cutie Benjamin that the needed work is being done during his tenure, as it was not done during the UPP’s tenure.

    Additionally, maybe youth violence is on the rise because parents want to cozy up with their children, instead of being PARENTS. Blame Cutie Benjamin for not doing the job parents are LEGALLY BOUND to do. It is easy to do so.

    Antigua nice, yes?!

    • Let this By-Election be a referendum on the poor stewardship of the ABLP, Gaston and Samantha-send a strong message Let this By-Election be a referendum on the poor stewardship of the ABLP, Gaston and Samantha-send a strong message

      @ Wash an’ Basin

      you are Oh so right- the maintenance problems only occurred from 2014, AND NOT THE 28 YEARS PRIOR……you are nothing BUT A TYPICAL MINION, always singing for supper, but soon there will be no dessert!

    • Cutie was in government for almost three decades prior so he was always a member of the Get-Rich-Scheme. They rented properties from their friends to be used as police stations. They told us that UPP members don’t know how to ‘tief’; well we are seeing the disparity now.

    • Lol. It is very evident that you know nothing about knighthood. Please go look it up before writing nonsense.

  2. What has Cutie done to earn a knighthood? Point me to one thing that he has accomplished. It seems a that being a long standing ALP MP is all that is necessary these days to get a knighthood. This knighthood things has become a joke. ALP politicians awarding each other knighthoods. These national awards have been reduced to a clown show. Why would anyone now want a knighthood to be lumped in with these jokers?

  3. This is farcical and this administration is becoming more of a joke every single day.

    Firstly, the ABLP say it wants to move away from the UK’S monarchy, and secondly, on the other hand, they want to keep accepting these WORTHLESS trinkets/awards, that only keeps the people who receives them, to continually BEND the knee, TUGGING at their forelocks – if they have any to tug -and DOFFING their hats to this archaic and out of touch royal clan.

    If true, by any chance, that the Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin (and me nah call him Cutie, because he’s not!) accepts this USELESS and good for nothing award, it will only PROLONG Antigua & Barbuda departure from this colonial and slave-enriched (from Elizabeth I reign) DYNASTY.


    I think I’m going to … wait for it?


      • I fully agree with the Brixtonian.
        They were your enslavers.
        Your foreparents were bred like animals.
        They were beaten worse than animals.
        They were plundered,,,raped,,yet you still want to revel in their pomp.
        #WTF is wrong with you?
        I played,,DING DONG,THE WICKED WITCH IS DEAD,,from The Wizard of OZ ,,when a member of the British Monarchy passed away.
        You do you,still want to immerse in their pagentries?
        I wonder if there’s a song celebrating,, Dead Warlocks.

  4. Hey ,they gave Molyn Joseph knighthood for,”conquering covid,” so why not give Shamu one on some trumped up achievement. The man is a joke all around and has been an embarrassment to the AG office. Let them give him. Don’t forget he has charges of fraud to answer to. And answer them he will. Fraud has no statute of limitations.
    There were rumors circulating about him resigning and the resignation being turned down by the idiot PM. The plot thickens.

  5. I am coming down to get my Knighthood.Could anyone of you in existence tell me. What has Cutie ever done to be deserving of a Knighthood.What a damn joke.

    • 1000% if they knighted Molwyn who was ousted from office in the 90’s under the same ALP government, then knighting Cutie shouldn’t be an issue. Neither of them deserve knighthood, but that is another story.

  6. Cutie has the distinction of signing a document to verify that he knew the Jumby who stood before him. Why not give the man the knighthood, he deserves it more than Molwyn.

  7. Ok…my serious face is on…..
    I wait waiting for the best Prime Minister Antigua and Barbuda have ever seen since independence, the Prime Minister the entire Caribbean ever ever, the World Boss, the Top Dawg…TO BE KNIGHTED also.
    Serious face still on, holding, holding…hooolllddding….gone lololol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  8. Cutie get what.Which kind of Knighted .In which country .Dem say Knighted in Antigua.I dreamt about this ,nothing tarl can go so.Cutie Knighted in Antigua, a who so crazy in Antigua.Not one man like he ,oh lawd me feel sick I want to vomit.Cutie does not deserve to be Knighted.What a big embaressment to are we Antiguan.How can I get Rover my dog Knighted and my cat Henny knighted.Me can never ever call one Smady like them dey so Sir.

    • It’s ALL becoming curiouser n curiouser….
      The weight of the ‘Resignation Warning Shot’ n ‘Kootie’, are already paying dividends.
      They (Pirate Ship Captains) are seeing the ‘Last Days’ unfold, hence the frantic movements to ‘set-up eberybaddie’!!!
      We, the faithful n right thinking Nationals will also continue to watch n wait, as We too are observing the fledgling days of this cancerous ABLP (far worst than ALP) Regime.

  9. Whoever is on the awards/knighting committee should publish the criteria that is used to make these decisions. All of these people who have committed crimes that are public knowledge (looking at you Molwyn “Rolls Royce” Joseph!) are now honored and are therefore examples to our youth on how to lead. This means that poor behavior is accepted and celebrated as the way to go and that our country will only continue to go down hill. You really mean to say that there is no one in the entire island who is more deserving of such an honor/award? If so then maybe do away with the whole thing, someone doesn’t have to get a knighthood every single year. But then again we vote in men who beat their wives and pedophiles over and over again so I guess our perception of right thinking and correct behavior is completely skewed. Poor Antigua 🙁

  10. Who cares about Antigua knighthood? Most of the Antiguan knights are part of the round table of the thieving corrupt government. Knighthood in Antigua is a laughing matter. You have to know how to steal and get rich.

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