Dear Sir, I write to you on behalf of the Antigua & Barbuda Pharmacy Council regarding our approval (issued on the 17th February 2021) to allow for the importation of the “Sputnik-V Covid-19 Vaccine”, also referred to as “GAMCovid-Vac” developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Russia.
The Pharmacy Council extends its appreciation to the Government of Antigua & Barbuda for honoring its verbal agreement during our meeting with the Cabinet of Antigua & Barbuda on March 10th 2021 to restrict the use of the Sputnik-V covid-19 vaccine pending additional regulatory approval.
The Pharmacy Council further outlines that after fully reviewing the independently verified data on the Sputnik-V Vaccine by the world renowned peer review medical journal- ‘The Lancet’ and in light of the hesitancy of the population to continue to receive the As traZeneca Vaccine given the nominal reports of possibly associated blood clots, we are prepared to recommend use of the “GAM-COVID-VAC” (Sputnik-V Covid-19 Vaccine) in the population of Antigua & Barbuda as per the responsibilities granted to the pharmacy council as set out in the Pharmacy Act, 1995.
To facilitate this process, the following documents are requested from the supplier of the Vaccine supply:
- A letter of Authenticity from Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiolog y andMicrobiology in Russia verifying the batch as from their production. (Since the Sputnik 1 V is a Combined Vector Vaccine it is critical that it states which vector we are inpossession of).
- The Inner leaflet should be made available in English (at minimum) as legislativelystipulated by the labelling standards in the 2019 Pharmacy Regulations.
We understand the urgency by the Government of Antigua & Barbuda to inoculate the population. We remain committed to our functions entrusted to us as a council and therefore continue to carry-out all necessary due diligence in keeping with the expectations of those that rely on the decisions of the council in the greatest interest of their individual and collective health.
Once these documents are presented to us, this will finalize the due diligence process and make way for full usage of the Sputnik-V Vaccine in the population of Antigua & Barbuda.
Yours truly, Mr. Michael Joseph President Antigua & Barbuda Pharmacy Council
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