Penalties for speeding and not wearing seatbelts more than double

Members of the Royal Antigua and Barbuda Police Force

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  1. The more I see the traffic police on the road doing their work, the better it is. Because things in traffic have become like the wild wild west. People parking wherever they want. I once had to wait on a chap 30 minutes to let me out, because he felt he could just block me and go about his business. I see them now also riding bicycles and ticketing those that park where they want. Good revenue there for the police. They need to do more on drivers on their phone while driving.

  2. Police not really doing much because on Monday opening of school, I saw a lot of children under the age of 12 sitting in front sit and no sit belts where are the police then? i see so many senseless accidents happening and Antigua people like they do not give a RA about the safety of their children. Stop allowing kids to put their heads out the windows and buckle them up.

  3. This is laughable! The police hardly catches anyone speeding unless an accident occurs then it is too late. The amount of $500 is small compared to the possible damage from speeding. Speeding is a very serious offence and should not be on the same level of not wearing a seatbelt.

    When you speed you are a danger to others. When you don’t wear a seatbelt it is your own business. Do these people think through policies when they are making changes to laws? How can speeding be only $500? If it was up to me anybody caught speeding would have to pay $2,000 and $500 for each 10 mph over the limit.

  4. So all these police and no night patrols? The citizens need your presence 24-7

    Police alone must have dark tint in this scorching heat?

    Who holding police accountable for not wearing their seat belts?

  5. Do you know that policemen are exempt from wearing seatbelts in Antigua? they’re also allowed to talk on cell phones while driving, That’s the law… Supposedly wearing seatbelts as a police officer in a high speed chase is seen as being a hinderance and a hazard to them if they need to exit the vehicle quickly, however if joe public is waiting at a traffic light and your seals belt is unbuckled you’re at great risk to yourself and the drivers around you. The exemption for the cell phone use is because again in a high speed chase they need to have second by second update of the crime in progress via cell phone from command center while driving unbuckled at a high rate of speed with one hand. I mean you can’t make this thing up. One law for civilians another for the ones that enforce the law. I mean it’s absolutely ridiculous. Police should be leading by example. That’s why you see police officers in their private vehicles with their families all unbuckled on their cell phones, why? Because the law allows it. We can’t be serious in this country.

  6. I would like to see the streets in the City and suburbs have names signs. I would like to see new painted readable “stop signs” at intersections. I would like to see “one way signs” posted in St.John’s. Driving in Antigua is like taking a high risk. The drivers are overly aggressive. They would cut you off even if you have the right of way. There is no respect on the roads.

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