Pastor Accused of Non-Consensual Oral Sex and Digital Penetration in Antigua


A pastor has been accused of sexually assaulting a female churchgoer.

Allegations state that in March 2023, he performed oral sex and digitally penetrated the woman without her consent.

The pastor is now facing two counts of serious indecency,

The case was committed to the High Court earlier this week.

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  1. Does the Clergy get the cloak of anonymity when their alleged offences are reported in the media? I’m just asking for a Pastor friend.

  2. What the hell is digital penetration? And where is the rest of the article? So many questions so little answers. 🤔😒


  4. How the f#ck ALP got into this discussion? And how you know the pastor is a foreigner?
    And how the hell you know that the pastor didn’t come into the country when upp was in power, if you claim to suggesthe’sa foreigner?
    Yo jus tap yo f##k yow

  5. Digital penetration is a sexual act that involves penetrating the vagina or the anus with one or more fingers. If a person digitally penetrates another person without that person’s consent, that would have committed the crime of aggravated sexual abuse.

  6. Proverbs 14:34
    “Righteousness exalts a nation; But sin is a reproach to any people. “. It means that a nation that adheres to God’s righteous standards and his moral law will be lifted up or prospered. This includes he general practice and profession of virtue, the protecting and preserving of virtuous men, mercy, humanity, and kindness to strangers and enemies. The opposite of righteousness is sin, which is a disgrace to any people.
    This man has brought shame on his congregation , his family , himself , some weak ones may lose faith in the saving power of God almighty. He will pay a high price in this life and the next for leading people astray.

  7. @ What the hell: Digital penetration is the use of any “finger” to penetrate a female cervix, or a male anus.

  8. Digital penetration as it sounds refers to the use of the digits, that is, the fingers, the thumbs or the toes to engage in sexual acts

  9. Hi congregation would forgive him and play on the words that all have sinned and glorify him even more. American pastors who were caught up in scandals are a proof of my view.

  10. This is a serious offense the continues unabated and under reported in this country.
    Y’all idiots more concerned about what is ‘digital penetration’, than the name of this alleged pastor. W
    Where is the public outcry?
    Every Suncay people listening to this devil spouting words from a bible, and tithing their hard earned money to the collection plate. And trust and believe…every Monday through Saturday, what y’all think he doing???…certainly not visiting de sick or de poor, ok???
    Too many women are afraid and ashamed to report crimes of this kind.
    Media needs to have his name and picture boldly printed for everyone to see.
    This is not the only woman that demon victimized, and she was brave to say something!

  11. Oral sex without consent?!!! Was the victim tied up, drug or what? Guess it’s too much tongue blue pill 🔵

  12. Allegedly, he finger and tongue fucked her, as he practiced #sucking_In_tongues versus #speaking_In_Tongues while the holy ghost took her to another realm.

    The Preacher And His Forked_🐍_Tongue.

    A great Script for A Comedy!


    Ras_Truth: Hail up! Policeman, Officer, ah U arrest de Preacher Man, dat a suck pan clit, lakkah manna?

    Policeman: Rasta, mine me kno arrest U seen! Membah how much blow u does get fu likkle herb?
    But, da preacher dey;l he ah wan gangsta!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  13. Hail, @G. Phillip Goodrich…🤣just don’t go burning #rubbers, on me!

    In my role as the “#teflon_don” Trump, this goes to Asot!

    As, to this #Preecha_Dan Dada, he’s definitely getting some of, I did not have #SEXUAL_RELATIONSHIPS with, that woman, “Slick_Willy” Bill Clinton!

    George Clinton Sound Track — “tear, the roof of this sucker, tear the roof off this motherfucker…”

    Zooming into, a Pseudo Shrine of Mary_da_Magdaline, with the church indoctrinated symbolism…

    We’re gonna drop🎼🎶🎶🎸🎤this one…
    …Burn!☄️Fire! Burn🔥🔥!
    We don’t need, no water!
    Not, even #MAMI_WATA!
    So, let the MOFO BURN!


    …Harry Josiah, I have a #Cameo for you! Truth is stranger, than fiction!
    And, so too my friend is religion!
    With, it’s political persuasions!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

  14. I am not condoning what the Pastor is alleged of doing, but, i thnk something doesn’t add up. First of all how does he perform nonconsentual oral sex on the victim? Did he tear off her clothes and tie her up? The same questions would apply to the digital penetrative! If that was the case he would have been charged with rape, battery, assault, etc.. now, this incident allegedly occurred in 2020 and is just now being reported. Thus, I believe that money may be involved. I believe that there might have been some type ongoing relationship between the two and the relationship has soured, payments stopped and revenge manifested itself. I could be wrong, but please explain to me how the alleged crime could occur without the victim being forcibly raped?

  15. That’s what I was thinking. She stop getting the Hush Money. What took her so long. She was not raped. There’s much more to this story. He may have committed the act but she had to consent to some of this. She needs to find a Good Fixer Upper. Like Trump. Half a truth is a lie.

  16. Ok he is purported to be a pastor, so the religious community is going to play on words semantics, they will not say he finger f#ck her but digital penetration. Just like the pope hid all the molestation of young boys over many decades.

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