Parliament approves extension of state of emergency

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Gaston Browne

State of Emergency extended

Parliamentarians have passed a resolution to extend the state of public emergency until September 27, 2021.

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    There would be fetes in galore next month. Are we going to have a Carnival in August? If we are going to have those celebrations. Where thousands would be gathered to party. Then why the need for a State of Emergency. What are the real motives for this continued State of Emergency. What has that State of Emergency accomplished. People are still being robbed at will,daily. Businesses are being held up by gun toting criminals. So what is being done to curtailed such robberies. Certainly not the State of Emergency.

  2. A state of emergency but we welcome tourist to a place that is dangerous? Even if they would have test everyone here and find there is no cases they will still want to continue with the nonsense as long as they want, where is the borders we have to tackle aggressively. The fearful and foolish help gives more power to the leaders to do what they want.


    These are simple measures a good government should implement to protect the citizens. You extend the state of emergency. Please educate and equip the people in regards of how to operate in such a state.

    When you enter a business place: you should be asked to remove any head covering and dark shades as you walk through the door. This is to allow the security camera to get a good snapshot of you. Then you can replace the head covering and dark shades.

    Also, it may be necessary to remove the mask just for 2 seconds to allow the camera to do its job.
    The police must know these basics skillset and educate the public.

    When these simple measures are implemented, then we will not have these weak cowards roaming the place preying on innocent people.


    • very intelectual my dear……i like your point here and i accept…when they hold up people gun point and robbed them they in masked so theres no follow up in regards to the act done.this just setting mask man on people free up the place too…so that everyóne mind can be more content.and people go back out to work make their own money and buy what they need so they dont prey on other hard working people earnings total nonsence.

  4. Once again, I hope the so-called lawyers like Tabor have listened and taken note of the lessons provided to the Opposition members Pringle and Walker by the Attorney General. Stop reading just the clause of the law you want to, just so that you can make your point. Other clauses may be related to it. It’s the same thing when reading the bible. Cannot read only that which pleases you.

    • FROM THE SIDELINE what lessons did the Attorney General provide to the Opposition Members of Parliament? From his discourse in Parliament even the Prime Minister has now understood the point that you do not need a State of Emergency to have a curfew etc. since the curfew can be imposed under the Public Health Act. However, the Prime Minister has erroneously stated that he has invoked the State of Emergency (SOE) under the Constitution since in that way there could be no challenge to the Constitution. The point that people have been making is that there is no need for a SOE in order to restrict the citizens’ rights of movement and assembly etc. Even with the restriction of those rights under the Public Health Act (the Regulations that have been made), such a restriction could not be successfully challenged in court since it is the Constitution that would have given the government the power to pass laws to restrict fundamental rights where in the interests of defence, public order, public morality or public health such restriction would be reasonably required. The point therefore is, it does not matter whether the restriction comes from laws pass by government (such as the Regulations under the Public Health Act) or under the imposition of a SOE under the Constitution, the POSITION REMAINS THE SAME. The only difference with the imposition of the SOE is that the Police has wider powers of arrest and detention. Even if the SOE is lifted tomorrow, the curfew and the restrictions under it would still be in place. You can therefore have a curfew and restriction of rights outside of a SOE. The Prime Minister’s initial argument therefore that you need a SOE for the curfew is incorrect. In the last Parliamentary session it would appear
      he is slowly seeing the light and coming to the correct legal understanding. FROM THE SIDELINE I hope what I have written here is not too difficult for you to comprehend. The Constitution gives the government the power to pass laws (in certain circumstances to abridge fundamental rights). That is what the government has done with the enactment of Regulations under the Public Health Act and it seems as if they do not even understand what they have done and have confused the issue with the imposition of a SOE under the Constitution. As I have said in an article sometime ago the government is legally confused. As for you FROM THE SIDELINE you are not confused, you simply do not understand the legal nuances. You can be excused for your ignorance but certainly not the government with an Attorney General to provide legal advice.

  5. ANR: That picture of the Prime Minister,Gaston Browne. Has it been doctored? The man looks quite stout.That button on his jacket could pop and hit someone in the eye.It is under a lot of stress.LOL

  6. State of emergency encourages criminal activities. Abduction, corruption, robbery and the list goes on.

  7. As long as world dictator traitor tyrant liar Gaston Browne and his company of money sucking leeches are allowed to ruin our nation, it will continue being in a state of emergency.

    Govts represent the people not the other way around. Govts need to fear we the people not the other way around. The current govt only looks to satiate their personal finances and greed at the expense of we the people being their financial slaves.

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