Panorama Competition in Jeopardy Over Funding Dispute

Daryl Matthew

The Pan Association’s demand for increased funding threatens this year’s annual panorama competition, a carnival highlight.

Seeking $400,000.00, up from last year’s $300,000.00, the association has rejected the Festivals Commission’s offer of $330,000.00 plus 4000 tickets.

They refuse to sell tickets, insisting on their financial demand.

Additionally, State Insurance sponsorship is at risk due to the association’s reluctance to sign the agreement.

This dispute casts uncertainty on the future of the panorama competition. Festivals Minister Daryll Matthew was unavailable for comment.

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  1. The Pan Association’s demand for $400K is both unreasonable and unconscionable. No other show for the carnival takes that much to host. In addition, their refusal to assist in the selling of tickets shows that the Association is selfish. Clearly, they are in it for the money and not for the development of the art form. There was a time when Panorama could hardly attract 500 patrons. There is now a boom where that show is one of the better attended shows, and if the Pan Association is not careful we will end up right back there.

  2. The ABLP’S Daryl Matthew’s being brought to the forefront once more … is he going to replace the utterly incompetent leadership of Gaston Browne?

    Hmmmmm 🤔


  3. All them so called free concerts the idiot dictator Gaston Browne have in Antigua now coming to bite him in his ass.

    Hope you all enjoyed those free concerts that were paid with our tax dollars. Now no money left for Panorama.

    You get what you voted for. You can’t bitch about this.

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