PAHO donates essential supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health


The Pan American Health Organization in partnership with the governments of Canada  and the USA  donated essential supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health, Wellness, Social Transformation and the Environment.

A vehicle in support of the vaccination program, communications equipment to build the capacity of the public relations department, wheelchairs, ECG machines and blood pressure monitors were just some of the items handed over in support of strengthening Antigua and Barbuda’s  health system.

In a handover ceremony held 15 March 2023, PAHO/WHO Representative for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries, Dr. Amalia Del Reigo presented the items to Hon. Sir Molwyn Joseph, Minister of Health. Mrs. Ena Dalso-Henry, Permanent Secretary expressed appreciation for the items donated on behalf of the Ministry of Health & The Environment, Antigua and Barbuda.

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    • So, they’re donating ECG machines after they’ve damaged the hearts of persons coerced into taking the mRNA bio weapon. Dying during sleep is one of the signs. The MOH should be offering FREE CT scans to ALL vaccine recipients, especially the mRNA ones as their bodies have become spike protein producing factories with no shut off switch.
      The MOH also needs to ask for some AED’s because they’re crucial for survival of arrhythmias.

      • … and since the introduction of these vaccines to children the death rates have sky rocketed as well.

        These evil drug pushers are trying to cover-up these deaths, however the data is coming out from other countries with no “skin” in this dangerous game.

  1. Well said @Brixtonian. Anytime PAHO, WHO,CDC, NIH,FDA or any such entity pops up, red flags go off in my thoughts. These people, along with governments,the media, and the medics have lost my support. These have sold their souls for filthy lucre.
    Nowadays, there is no need for human trials, just test 6 mice and fudge the data, and on to humans. People, BEWARE.

    • Anything more to say than an obnoxious soundbite @ mood – I thought not!

      It’s sheeple 🐑 like you that make critical thinkers like me despair.

      Oh, by the way, when are you taking your next BOOSTER JAB?

  2. Hope they didn’t bring any of their poison vaccines or of the drugs they concocted to further their experiments. Thanks the the good gifts.

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