OPINION: Our youths need access to great role models like those described here (online bloggers, sports celebrities, professionals, police, etcetera)
One of the main reasons why our youths are committing vicious and serious crimes is because of the role models they are imitating. This means we need to spend more time and resources on providing proper role models for our youths at an early stage and throughout, for them to see that they too can dream big and achieve.
Antigua and Barbuda need to begin recognizing the local celebrities and role models and treat them the same way foreign celebrities are treated. We need to let these local role models and celebrities go into schools and share their stories and success. We need to stop thinking that people are bragging when they tell their stories and still live in awe and disbelief that they have succeeded beyond levels they thought were impossible. These kinds of stories, being told in good faith, are needed to put hope into the minds of our youths and to show them with hard work, anything is possible.
Antigua and Barbudan youths need to hear the stories of people like Tyrone (pacer) Williams, Derick (pretty boy) Edwards, The guy from Bolans that was winning major tennis events years ago (please help me with his name), etcetera.
I remember in my youth days; I would literally dream about being like those people on the local Antigua and Barbuda tv show called justice. I wanted to speak and know the law as much, and even more, as the current AG (Mr. Benjamin), Former commissioner and attorney (Mr. Robinson), Attorney Eli Fuller, Former Minister of Government and attorney (Mr. Lovell).
These are people that motivated me without them knowing that they were. Seeing them on tv made me hope. Imagine if my father was able to arrange for me to meet them all like I constantly pleaded with him to do. I only got at that time to meet Attorney Wendel Robinson. I just really wanted to meet these people, they meant more to me than they know. I just wanted to be knowledgeable like them. I wondered, how on earth did they get to go overseas to study, that felt impossible to me in 1997. But seeing them made me feel this was possible, just tremendously hard.
There are also other famous blogger celebrities like Ras Smood, Former police commissioner Pompey, Brixtonian, Tenman, that are celebrities in the blogging world for youths. These are people that could motivate our youths to go on the right path. Please put your favorite blogger below in the comment section.
I just wrote to the AG, PM, COP, Deputy commissioner of police, foreign affairs about the important strategy to give hope to young people, so that they do not think the only path in life is through criminality. We can introduce them to local people who have achieved a lot by working hard and doing the right things. Like our pageant contestants and winners. We have sports celebrities (like Viv, Richie, Ambrose), and famous police commissioners (like Pompey, Wendel), even some superhero police officers that would defend the public from criminals but is wrongfully charge and then cleared.
Exposing youths to this, having them see how much we respect these achievers, will put hope in their minds and motivation to follow these kinds of paths. I want to see regular motivational speakers described above in schools and communities, made up of our local celebrities. This is just my way of helping to solve our youth crime/deviant problems.
Please post below your local celebrity
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What a morning joke lol lol.
cuss BADWUD and BEG CA$HAPP for a living??????
Would you love seeing these people in schools and different events motivating youths to stay on the right path?
I believe strongly that exposing youths to positive characters will re-inforce positive traits into them.
It also encourages them to aim high, as they might just reach it.
Bad behavior is being promoted frequently in society through music and other medium, we need to promote good behavior as frequently.
I wrote this to put a smile and laugh on people’s face but it is also a serious message.
This is so funny to me. Some of the people you mentioned have tarnished reputations and the fact you still mentioned them makes me question YOUR morality.
This is also out of touch. Rawlston Pompey can’t even write in a relatable way… how many young people do you think would be moved by him?
You said Antigua needs to treat local celebrities a certain way but 1. Antigua is a tiny country so familiarity would ruin that and 2. You can’t force it. People in the US idolize celebrities to a fault because they find these people admirable.
If Antiguans don’t admire a certain person, they aren’t gonna revere them.
While I believe in positive representation, we’re living in a time where we have endless access to a wide range of people.
It was said the alleged criminal who the police recently killed was online bragging about his criminality… allegedly. If you are criminally- minded, you can choose to follow a person like him.
There are girls who post on social media about being sugar babies and strippers… if you are inclined to that lifestyle, you won’t be short of role models there.
In this day and age, many young people want to live an “aesthetic life.” They don’t wanna hear what these old people you mentioned have to say.
You also missed the primary role models- PARENTS! Personally, I don’t think losers should reproduce. Parents often focus on their kids making them proud but don’t think of whether their kids are proud of them.
@Chups, the point is which you could not understand is for who ever YOU choose and CHILDREN admire that is a positive figure should be allowed those children to motivate them. I only listed some people who may be that to others. They may not be that for you, but they are certainly for others. Focus on the pith Honorable @ Chups. Even you may be a positive motivator to some. Focus.
Watching the under 20 world championship, witch to me is the youth Olympics and Wadadli is completely absent or as we say a no show, now i realize we are not capable of winning a medal in the Olympics, but from what am looking at I do believe our young athletes would have shine and rise to the top with everyone bringing home an under world 20 medal. what a disgrace! Were we paying to much attention to the evil and lost sight of the GOOD?
Here we are talking about role model and youth crime, like these youths cares about that. Maybe you should have come up with these suggestions a bit sooner, it is now grown and fully developed and the biggest role model today is the android phones.
You don’t pray at home as a family, so what effect do you think prayer in school will have on these youths who already made their minds up. Do you see them on Labor day behind the bands heading to Fort? I actually remembered the years when a certain MP was famous of having a bunch of these same youths following behind him, I remembered one night they broke the back gate down at Lions with this same MP as the chief instigator and these were the early stages, the build up to what we now have.
@chups – no one is perfect. Some of the people mentioned here were role models for this individual when politics were not affecting his life as it is doing now. The broad spectrum of his message is a starting point recommendation for contributing to the present issues. Who are your role models? and who do you think should be mentioned here today as such. Let’s be proactive Thank you. ☮️💟
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