Ottos Man Imprisoned in Connection with Stolen Police Station Truck Allegedly Involving Officer


A resident of Ottos is currently serving a prison sentence in connection with the theft of a truck from the Langfords Police Station compound three weeks ago.

Allegations suggest that a police officer was involved in the theft.

On Saturday, August 26, around 4:14 a.m., a truck loaded with building materials, which had been parked in the station’s yard, mysteriously disappeared right under the nose of the police.

Sources indicate that police investigations led to a man who confessed to selling the stolen lumber but denied stealing the truck. Instead, he claimed that his stepfather, a known offender, had stolen the truck and given it to him to sell the building materials. Initially, the truck had been concealed in a wooded area.

However, before the Ottos man could retrieve the vehicle and sell the items, the police intercepted it and brought it to the Langfords Police Station compound.

According to the source, the Ottos man alleges that he enlisted the help of a police officer to steal the truck and paid him $5,000 for his assistance.

Reportedly, the suspect has refused to disclose the officer’s identity to investigators and is currently serving a seven-month prison sentence for his role in the incident.

Earlier reports had mentioned that the police had seized the truck, which contained tools and lumber.

It was suspected to be linked to a reported theft of building materials from a construction site.

A few days later, an on-duty police constable claimed to have heard the truck being driven in the early morning while he was in the bathroom.

He asserted that he immediately pursued the vehicle and searched the vicinity but could not locate the truck, which had turned onto Friars Hill Road.

Later reports indicated that, during the truck’s escape, a piece of lumber fell from it and struck a resident of Marble Hill who was walking along the road.

The driver did not stop and continued on his way. Subsequently, a complaint was filed at the Langfords Police Station.

The truck was eventually discovered by members of the Special Services Unit, concealed in bushes in Bolans, on the same Saturday night, August 26, but all the building materials had been removed.

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  1. Excuse me! So what happen to the police officer who allegedly was paid $5,000.00 by the accused to assist him in the theft of the truck with the stolen building materials from the Langford’s Police Station? This nonsense story about the suspect refused to disclose the identity of the officer to the investigators is absolute rubbish. Is it that the suspect did reveal the identity of the officer involved but the investigators refused to make it public in order to protect that officer or the organization? Come on police, we are not fools. Too many strange things happening in this country as far as the police is concerned and are being swept underneath the carpet. I have no faith nor confidence in the police force here. I mean don’t get me wrong, there are good cops as well as there are bad cops in the force. The bad ones need to be weeded out.

    • Dear Mirror,
      I totally agree with the suspect in not revealing the name of the officer, if so be the case. Who do you think would be believable ? The man or the police?
      The perpetrator is in prison for his safety am assuming he opted for the safer option. If money was passed am sure there’s no paper trail to prove the supposedly officer’s involvement.

  2. Also it is not difficult to identify that officer. The record will show at the station in the log book who all were on duty at the time the truck was stolen from the yard of the Langford’ Police Station.

  3. @ Fire. So you agree that the suspect should give up his freedom and reputation and go down alone when he was assisted by a Law Enforcement officer to commit a serious crime? That’s why corruption is so rampant in this country from politicians to law enforcement officers to citizens with your way of thinking. Sorry to say!

  4. Oh please convicted criminals will say anything to get off. He had the perfect opportunity to tell the courts who the police was and when the magistrate ask for the name he refuse to say so. U people really quick to believe criminals because yall nah love police. If the police really pay him why didn’t he call the name of the officer most likely because nothing go so!!!!

    • Say what u want but I still find it very unbelievable that an officer saw a truck being driven off compound, immediately gave chase and was outrunned by a heavy truck with building supplies….Hmmmnnm

  5. @Chupes. So how do you explain someone going unto the police station compound and stole a whole truckload of building materials right under the nose of the police without anyone noticing, unless the whole thing was facilitated by someone inside the station, possibly a police officer.

  6. @Chupes. It is not the police officer who paid that $5000.00. It was the suspect who paid the officer for his assistance in perpetrating the alleged crime.

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