The Executive of the United Progressive Party (UPP) has agreed that the Leader of the Opposition will not participate in the Economic Recovery Committee (ERC) announced by the Cabinet on April 22, 2020.
The Hon. Jamale Pringle, Deputy Political Leader of the UPP, was named as a member of the ERC in last Wednesday’s Cabinet Notes, and is the only person who has been handpicked among six business and religious organisations.
With the first meeting of the ERC scheduled for Monday April 27, MP Pringle says that no discussion has been held, and no invitation has been issued to him or to the UPP, whose Executive and Membership he represents.
Pringle says he finds it disrespectful to have been so treated and, accordingly, will channel his efforts into promoting his Party’s proposals for economic recovery directly to the People.
Meanwhile, Political Leader Harold Lovell says the Party is mindful of the need for collaborative planning to deal with the economic ravages of COVID-19. It is conscious, too, that having successfully weathered the Global Economic Crisis of 2008-12, the UPP is well positioned to offer sound advice based on experience.
However, Lovell says the Party is unwilling to continue exposing its leaders and its reputation to the unabated disrespect and disparagement of Prime Minister Gaston Browne, the Chairman of the ERC.
“On nearly every occasion that the UPP has put aside Party interests to stand with the Government for the advancement of the country, the Prime Minister has misrepresented our efforts,” Lovell says. “He has made them an occasion for political mileage, bad faith, or ridicule in every forum, including on the floor of the Parliament.
“When we met with the Cabinet in March, the UPP presented a carefully thought-out and comprehensive plan to help the People and Nation survive the current crisis. We stand by that plan; we are committed to building upon it; and we will share it extensively with all citizens, residents, and the diaspora, so that they may benefit from our considerable knowledge,” Lovell concludes.
The Party says it will do this via mass- and social-media avenues, given
the curfew restrictions now in place.
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I agree wholeheartedly with the UPP. Gaston Browne has not shown any sincerity. Why hasn’t an official invitation been extended to Hon. Pringle? When the UPP met with the government and presented some proposals the entire country applauded that move. We were hopeful that politics could be cast aside. Since then the PM has been acting like the toddler with his childish banter and name calling all over social media.
Pringle should sing: 🎶 Father, God No! The PM is not sincere, this is just a Pappyshow! 🎵
Great call by the UPP. Completely agree!
Gaston Browne received numerous social and economic recommendations from the UPP and other opposition actors at the multi-party cabinet meeting.
Gaston told the nation afterwards that “It’s all already considered. It’s in the pipeline”
Yet MOST RELIEF MEASURES REMAIN UNDELIVERED! And this is after they boasted of already securing a half billion in low interest loans. Whey de money garn?
While he bluffs the people suffer and business fail. “What stimulus?” he asked, as real leaders in other islands took swift and meticulous action, deploying critical stimulus packages to keep businesses afloat as well as robust economic protection measures, like the $1000 per month for the unemployed in St. Kitts.
What happened to the Economic Powerhouse?
Where are all these things the UPP recommended, that Gaston said are “in the pipeline?”
The country is broke. The powerhouse is a poorhouse. Gaston Browne is out of ideas and instead resorts to childish disrespect at every opportunity – and especially on his DISGRACEFUL & VILE Pointe FM Saturday Program.
It would be a waste of time to engage him on the Economic Recovery Committee. He is not serious. Good call UPP!
You are so right Pringle, stick up your middle finger give Gaston. He’s a real Caribbean Clown.
Lovell and Pringle will never see power in this country, UPP under Lovell destroyed my small business with all its red tape. They had no plan then, they have no plan now! They oppose just to oppose and are not willing to work with the Government for the people of this country!
This is the time when everybody (including Lovell and Pringle) should be involved in a time of NATIONAL UNITY. Put the politics aside. Some of these people are so disruptive. The voters will remember these days. The call is one of nonpartisan NATIONAL UNITY. Get with the programme. We are dealing with matters o life and death with this pandemic. Pringle should kick Lovell aside and be the Leader he is. WE WANT PRINGLE to be involved in this time of NATIONAL UNITY. He and he alone is THE Leader of her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.
I wholeheartedly agree and support the stands made my the opposition in this matter. In a time of world turmoil and Antigua and Barbuda rapidly approaching a financial precipice, the Prime Minister, instead of coming out with action plans as to how steer the country through these perilous times, sits and finds the time to make idiotic jingles to try and score cheap political mileage.
This at a time when by his own admittance, don’t know how public sector salaries for April will be paid, a mere three, 1,2,3 weeks after curfew had begun. When other OECS Countries Leaders have come to their population with stimulous packages and a relieve for their people, he sits like a clown trying to entertain his base supporters when their citizens including some of those same supporters don’t know what their going to eat come next month.
It appears that only when the opposition say something or offer advice, they automatically jump on it, Jamal Pringle suggested curfew at 7am and at 2pm the same day, Gaston Browne anounces curfew. The call for the country’s boarders to be shut down to prevent from any imported case of the virus, his response was business as usual, it took the Airlines and other World leaders to call for cancellation of all commercial flights and he had no choice but to comply.
It also appears to me that if the UPP don’t cook, the ALP can’t eat, and that is stating it the decent way. But in all seriousness, it has become painfully obvious, that financially we are now in a failed States, and because of the Prime Minister idiotic, greedy,wasteful, irresponsible and childish behavior, no one will help us out, and he has already been back to the IMF on his hands and knees begging, after insulting them publicly for no reason at all. The IMF is helping other OECS Countries but wouldn’t touch us with a 10′ pole.
It’s obvious he can’t run the Country, so I say give it back to Harold Lovell and the UPP!!!!!!
Lol, dammed if you do dammed if you don’t.
When Serpent and Knight dictate to UPP this is the result on the river in the bank lol. Confusion eh…..
UPP do not know if they are coming but for sure they know they are gone.
Twist, the PM and Hurst will now lament that a hand was extended to the UPP to assist with the recovery and history will show that they declined. LoL.
What can they tell the people they are trying to represent. Fact, the same Pringle said he can do only so much for his constituents because he is not in government. Now the opportunity arises and his voice can make a difference for his constituents and his first thinking is a selfish one, he feels disrespected.
Take one for the people who supports you Pringle and lend your voice to a situation that at least you can be heard.
Going on the UPP radio stations because I do not hear you on Pointefm and making a barrel of noise will only feed your selfish ego and does absolutely nothing for your supporters since you are not in government.
Lovell I go to cabinet serious problem I do not go even more serious implications. UPP just can’t win eh.
Jamal, you do NOT represent the UPP. You represent the people of Antigua who elected you, and that’s why you are the only official and legal Leader of the Opposition. You are not elected to be the mouthpiece of people, some of whom were themselves kicked to the curb in the last election.. YOU ARE THE MAN, and you are the one thousands are waiting for to man up and be THE Leader of the Opposition that you are. Remember, sir, you are the Leader of Her Majesty’s LOYAL Opposition. You do NOT represent anybody’s “executive”. You ARE the “executive”, elected by the people who voted you into office. I wish you well.
Pringle, you are wanted and needed on that national economic recovery committee. Don’t let unelected big shots tell you what to do. We need you on that committee. This has nothing to do with politics. It’s the Nation we are rebuilding. Don’t let those “big shots” push you around. You are the man who was elected, not them.
Shame on you guys, putting party above patriotism. You will live, I hope, to rue the day! So Cassandrak and Keeping it real, it is ‘people’ like you that will seal the fate of the UPP, baninshed forever to the dust bins of history, Jamale, I’m so sorry for you, a potential bright light emerging from the Cooks Hill landfill. Sadly you seem to have developed an appetite for the garbage fare your predecessors slopped of. What a waste of human potential.
Those who put party above patriotism will be remembered in the next election. The call today must e for non-partisan NATIONAL UNITY. The people want it so. Forget the party hacks. Time to man up!
I wholeheartedly agree and support the stands made my the opposition in this matter. In a time of world turmoil and Antigua and Barbuda rapidly approaching a financial precipice, the Prime Minister, instead of coming out with action plans as to how steer the country through these perilous times, sits and finds the time to make idiotic jingles to try and score cheap political mileage.
This at a time when by his own admittance, don’t know how public sector salaries for April will be paid, a mere three, 1,2,3 weeks after curfew had begun. When other OECS Countries Leaders have come to their population with stimulous packages and a relieve for their people, he sits like a clown trying to entertain his base supporters when their citizens including some of those same supporters don’t know what their going to eat come next month.
It appears that only when the opposition say something or offer advice, they automatically jump on it, Jamal Pringle suggested curfew at 7am and at 2pm the same day, Gaston Browne anounces curfew. The call for the country’s boarders to be shut down to prevent from any imported case of the virus, his response was business as usual, it took the Airlines and other World leaders to call for cancellation of all commercial flights and he had no choice but to comply.
It also appears to me that if the UPP don’t cook, the ALP can’t eat, and that is stating it the decent way. But in all seriousness, it has become painfully obvious, that financially we are now in a failed States, and because of the Prime Minister idiotic, greedy,wasteful, irresponsible and childish behavior, no one will help us out, and he has already been back to the IMF on his hands and knees begging, after insulting them publicly for no reason at all. The IMF is helping other OECS Countries but wouldn’t touch us with a 10′ pole.
It’s obvious he can’t run the Country, so I say give it back to Harold Lovell and the UPP!!!!!!
It’s about time these UPP people start listening to people and keep as far as possible from that infantile and his bunch of renegades. They mean no good for this country. They have plundered this country, rape it and now that their lies have been exposed them a cry for help. All I want to say to them ALP people tell are you renegades bring back the people money.
Hey “Knight”, you running for some office or something? I hope not.
To do what come bribe are you? Hell no. You all need to start thinking country before party.
Happy do you have kids… sad that I grew up with u … but now you lost me … anyway please loose some weight … so Krif Emanuel can stop begging for flotation for ur over weight happiness …stop being so bitter it want the Ablp who cause u to pay so much income tax… and why didnt you answer Gisele when she asked you several time on serpent 25/4/2020 if you are a born antiguan … are u … mr happy g…
Just amazing how this body so easily shoots itself in the foot. Do they know anything about game theory? Clearly not. It never factored into their thinking that the PM knew that dead dog mover would decline? This will simply be used as yet another example of the UPP placing politics ahead of the nation. Fact is while Lovell may wish to fool himself that his NEST plan was successful, the economy did not stabilize and then grow until the public threw the UPP out of office. One need only look at the figures for 2013 and see things were not stable and we were headed back into a recession. It was failure of the NEST plan why after being against CIP, they (UPP) later embraced A Gaston Browne promoted idea. Even with this good idea, they could not properly implement and it took a changing of the guard for it to start bearing fruit (new secondary school, expansion of existing secondary schools, UWI campus, broadband to select communities, IMF loan paid back some 300 million, Debt to GDP moving from 104% to 69%, Ensuring the ABI depositors did not lose their deposits via a 300 million facility, historic increases in stay over tourists (went from 243K in 2013 to 308k in 2019 )
Lmao @ “DEAD DOG MOVER”!!!!
At least he is good at something. He will not go down in history as Worst Finance Minister and Mr. Romantic Rhythms
Can’t talk Pringle say he nar Mingle!
The truth is that Hon. Jamale Pringle brings absolutely nothing to the table so his presence (or lack thereof) will make no difference. Seriously, do you feel his presence in Parliament? So what is there to suggest that his being a part of the Economic Recovery Committee will be any different? Moreover, Sen. Harold Lovell when he was Minister of Finance presided over the demise of the country’s robust economy. This is a man who takes absolutely no responsibility for nothing. He and his cohorts in the UPP were taught a lesson both in 2014 and 2018, and they will not see the corridors of government ever again. My belief is that the Prime Minister’s invitation to the opposition, and specifically to Pringle as the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, was really and act of altruism. They really have nothing to offer. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
@Wash an’ Basin, well said. I see the Pringle struggle in his presentations and clearly showing he has problems understanding the very bills he is charged with debating. Trevor Walker must feel all alone after listening to Pringle’s infantile utterings. Some people can be trained but Pringle is lost cause. His political leader expiry date long passed. UPP a party long dead, but needing burial, since they are stinking up the place
Your mind is full of trash, since you are paid to sprout rubbish.
Why would they pay for trash? Must hurt you to know you are not capable of making any contribution of value. Guessing you are one of those whose time long ran out and bitterness has taken over. Will keep praying for your type, because you cause more harm to yourself and those close (especially family), than outsiders.
Tenman, I really don’t think at this point that GB is bringing very much to the table either. This crisis needs to be handled by listening to experts (no matter the political preference); the definition of experts being people who are qualified to advise and that advice being respected.
I would also say that the rude outbursts are coming back to haunt now. The World Bank and IMF don’t appear to have any desire whatsoever to deal with the PM or offer any help. By the way, where are the CIP monies and why aren’t the people’s monies in NAMCO, CUB, WIOC and Global Bank being revealed?
Butch Stewart/Sandals is presently airing ads on TV which are also a benefit to Antigua…was he not also on the receiving end of one of the outbursts? Whether we like him or not Mr. Stewart has a large investment in this island and Antigua needs Sandals…not the other way around.
Perhaps a leadership change to someone who is able to function with decorum at all times might be the best way forward for Antigua before we end up totally bankrupt with the consequences being hunger, riots and out of control crime.
@Jeb..Clearly you have no idea of what success looks like. Watch you speaking about respect for experts, yet you support Trump. Can only guess like other evangelicals Trump is special for you because he is white. Gaston’s sin in your eyes is his not being white. Suspect it would be worst though if he was Chinese? Try and sell that crap about the PM not listening to experts to those whose brains have left them. I have spent enough time with the man to know expert advise is always key to any decision we take. CIP has a website, under the reports section is states how the unit spends funds. West Indies oil yearly declares its profits and dividend payments via newspaper. CUB’s financials are gazetted by law (banking act). Think you well know the gazette is available for the public online. No idea where you are going with Global bank, since its an entity government has no shares in it and its financial statements appear yearly in the gazette. Namco’s management reports were published about a year ago and can be seen on the PointFm website. As far as an externally audited one, its being done by BDO. Brethren stay safe.
Tenman, I don’t support or not support based on race. My support goes to people who are capable and of sound mind. I do hope you realize that the corona virus came out of China in late 2019 and early 2020. It would appear that China blocked flights from Wuhan to China’s big cities and Hong Kong but they DID NOT stop the most likely infected 5 million from leaving Wuhan after their New Year celebrations and spreading the disease throughout the outside world. China said nothing and told lies. Whether this was intentional or not (at this point I would say intentional) we have to wait for the investigations.
From my perspective I support the countries filing lawsuits and even though it is unlikely that China will pay they do have numerous assets in outside countries (including Antigua) and it is apparently possible to file a lean on those assets in lieu of payment (sovereign immunity may not apply in this case). So far I hear the PM is begging outside financial help but I have not heard him up to now mention the role of the Chinese in this pandemic. In my opinion they owe us, the people, for inflicting illness, death and financial ruin to all too many. The Chinese in Antigua including YIDA and embassy group etc. need to stop trying to take over our assets such as the harbour and lands and go back to China. Any PM who pays China after this crisis for any loan they may owe has to be crazy. China has cost the world trillions of dollars and needless deaths. They need to be made to pay back. Stay safe.
…I’m wondering, if there some bots in here?
I see the Government is finally, trying to do something with Agriculture.
Let’s not hope it’s not just hype. There’s a need for the same concessions, for Agriculture, as it is, for Tourism projects. Period! Pringle and gaston Browne can keep acting!
@Tenman in this Covid times the dead has to burry the dead.
@Wash an’ Basin, indeed well said
Pringle has no contribution to make. The entire UPP have no contribution to make.
@From The Sideline; could we please have some private investors like you, to come on board with the revitalized Agricultural Industry.
I got a product BAM FX which is very well researched, used and approved by NASA for growing organic foods, in harsh conditions; meaning, space.
You get approximately two to three times more per yield, and using less water, at the same time, according to farmers who uses it.
Google it BAM FX…very good product, the kind of Science which you spoke about, as needed.
And, speaking about yield, again, the processing of Agricultural products must go in tandem, with the renewed interest, in Agriculture in the Nation.
Bad rubbish and Flushable Waster!
ABLP thinks that all the brilliant minds are within their party, especially the most brilliant one of all Gaston Browne. He has not listened to anyone in past. Why is he asking for help now? Truth is he will claim other people’s input as his own ideas or not accept them at all. The country has been in a financial downward spiral and broke for a long time and was only kept afloat by borrowings. PM, you are the most brilliant one. Figure out a way to get the country of of this crisis
@We are waiting and all of the other UPP sycophants, in the words of Culture:
“Binghi man throw one stone, and it bring a bad feeling to all wicked men!”
@Wash an’Basin
The Right Honourable Gaston Browne, the smartest man in the universe. The biggest mistake the people of Antigua and Barbuda made was to keep one party, the ALP in power for over thirty years under Vere Bird Sr, as a one party state. While other Caribbean countries were developing, Antigua remained a country with many backward and docile people. VC thought of himself as the smartest man in the land. He was always minister of finance and tolerated no opposition. One of the first things he did when returned to power after the PLM, was to jail the opposition leader George Walters. The father of the nation, VC, was voted out of office after mobs attacked his vehicle.
Unfortunately, the people, instead of moving forward, moved backwards by voting the Labour Party back in power. The people complained of hardships, not wanting to come to terms with the fact that the opposition had inherited an empty treasury and sacrifices had to be made.
The Labour Party ran the country on borrowings and some of the large land holders today got the lands in exchange for debt owed to them by the Labour government.
VC must have left a little red book for the modus operandi of the party. How else can we account for the similar behaviour of VC’s party and the current Labour party’s style of leadership?
The Labour Party has mastered the art of staying in power. Run the country on debt, find godfathers, tolerate a class of people getting rich by stealing the country’s assets in exchange for their loyalty and opening the country to other Nationals who for the most part will vote labour as their priority is too stay in the country. The Labour Party also realize that a lot of residents can easily bribed at election time by giving small concessions.
Antiguans are in for a rude awakening when this Corona virus subsides. The tourism sector, the main source of the country’s revenue may take years to recover. Can the country borrow its way to survival and what will it have to give up in return?
Would not be surprised if GB does not run in the next election if the country free falls into poverty with a bankrupt country. The people will then turn to the opposition for help.
Do you remember the PM saying he would serve only two terms? He may hope to ride off to enjoy his acquired fortune. But jail may await him.
Laughter is good for the soul espucally in these days of being in lockdown. Some of you here rising y’all blood pressure over politicians😂😂. Y’all need to chill and find something else to do😂😂.
Is Antigua and Barbuda a unique country in the OECS sub-regionl? St. Kitts/Nevis, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Dominica have all come up with comprehensive programmes (you can call them what the hell you want, relief or stimulus packages) to address the economic consequences of the covid 19 crisis.
They did not have to set up any large scale national committee to do that. Why the hell then does the government of Antigua and Barbuda has to establish an Economic Recovery Committee to come up with answers to address the covid 19 crisis? I say that it is a damn charade and is absolutely unnecessary. What has happened to the economic Einsteins in the government such as the Prime Minister and his Deputy Finance Minister Lenox Weston? Since when they need help and advice from anyone. Again, I say that call by the Prime Minister for a national committee to look at the issue is nothing but a big joke and the UPP is so right not to be a part of it. This covid 19 crisis has exposed the government’s blatant mismanagement of the economy and its appalling ineptitude compared to the other OECS countries. Please Mr. Prime Minister, our economic genius, get to work and address this crisis with a comprehensive relief (stimulus) package like the other countries. If you cannot I have highly placed economist friends both at the UWI and internationally that can help you, if the geniuses in your Cabinet cannot do it.
Stop lie. None of those islands have offered an economic stimulus(recovery) plan. Chastanet made this clear a few weeks ago “Prime Minister Allen Chastanet has said the relief package which he presented earlier this week was not an economic stimulus but a social stabilization plan” see A stimulus package? PM Chastanet says he hasn’t delivered one as yet By MERRICK ANDREWS. It is a economic stimulus (recovery) plan the PM of A&B speaks of. As for the relief packages I know you are hard of hearing at times but the government plan includes:
1. getting the banks * credit unions to provide some leeway(deferment) to persons with mortgages
2. Getting insurance companies to do the same with clients
3. Government food packages
4. APUA no disconnection policy
5. Government’s creation (ongoing) of a 25 million building for those needing treatment due to Covid
6. Investments in additional ventilators
7. Buildings to quarantine persons suspected of having covid
8. The cuban brigade.
9. School meals program continuing though schools are closed
10. Equipment and concessions to farmers to aid in increasing local production
11. APUA’s 20% discount to clients
12. Home Delivery of drugs especially to the elderly (vulnerable)
Look I get that your dislike for the ABLP blinds you, but you are essentially shooting your own self in the foot. Like the foolish woman Proverbs 14:1 you are trying to pull down your own house
@getsense. Thank you for calling out Damani pupa on his lies. No wonder people think so lowly of lawyers.
Why don’t you set an example by helping out the family of that child you kncok down and cause you and the magistrate ah friend he dismiss the case. You wicked S.O.B
Wow! The minions are out, guess you ALP prostitutes didn’t hear the old renagade tell the same Pringle, that is why they are government, when Pringle asked him a simple question about testing the people of Antigua and Barbuda for comic 19. The UPP gave a comprehensive document to the Government. This is what the UPP was told by the ABLP infantile a nd his bunch of renagades, they already doing that. UPP you all have done a lot in helping this bunch of inept geniuses.
Covid 19*
Let him learn how to put a proper sentence first and then he can ask. I hope the reason why he opted out from the committee is because it clashes with a possible English 101 course all the doctorate holders and detractors in the UPP might be giving him. We will hopefully hear him more polished on the other side of the crisis!
Your outrageous postings are FULL of hate. You DO NOT Love Antiguans / Barbudans.
Oh lward ease up on Coward in Plastic amour. His alligience belongs to Trump. He done say the US don’t acknowledged dual citizenship and his Antigua and Batbuda passport have no value.
These people have failed Antigua before. They don’t worth being invited. These nincompoops are filled with hatred. A bunch of good Fu nothing’s…
@Colombo Thomas. LOL well said.
People people the results of the usual Saturday poll are in. For transparency 179 people were polled. Question: what value level would the UPP have added have they participated in the economic recovery forum. Results 1 percent in value. Margin of error 0. Interpretation: UPP would have bring practically nothing if they participate in such a forum.
Did the government NOT officially invite the LO to the committee? Should that be the case then one can understand his displeasure. Were the other people who were invited to be on the committee invited officially? These NEW AGE politicians in the western hemisphere are really playing with the minds of the electorate. Party line all the way through…..no compromise for the good of country. This is a time for UNITY Maybe they really do not have anything to contribute and the LO is not comfortable with reading from the prepared documents he will be given. When will our people learn to put COUNTRY above political parties? The politicians are probably laughing when they get in their corners together the way they fool some of the citizens while they fleece the country of its finances. On another note there are too many ministers in government for six parishes with a population of UNDER one hundred thousand. Do people realize how many politicians are receiving two thirds of PENSIONS after two terms and a full pension after eleven consecutive years that is why some of them become senators for one year after they lost their seats so they can get a FULL PENSION. Where the hell any government in A & B can/will find money to pay all these salaries and still pay government employees and still provide the essentials such as continuous water, electricity, education, health care and so on? BORROW! BORROW! BORROW! Mad As HELL!
Reading these comments here I’m wondering if we are in the middle of an election campaign or in the middle of a gobal pandamic. I really cant believe you people at times. Now is not the time for playing the blame game now is the time for putting our heads together and finding a way out of this pandamic.
Mrs / Miss KNIGHT and Tabor
Hon.Gaston Browne has All UPP People NICKERS in a twist. Our Prime Minister knows EXACTLY how to Drive You People around the bend. UPP knows that Jamal Pringle cannot set around the table and suggest anything of substance. That is the reason Harold Lovell and D.Gisel Isaac are sheltering Jamal Pringle . They know that the CAPACITY is not there. In my summary Gaston Browne will continue to have UPP , MRS / MISS KNIGHT , SERPENT ,TABOR et Al in Opposition forever.
You hit the nail on the head!!!!! ONE SINGLE PRINGLE just doesn’t have the Intellectual Capacity or Critical Thinking skills to function on such a committee. Remember that him winning his seat was a “blind shot”
He needs remedial courses like yesterday
MRS./ MISS KNIGHT why don’t you get life . You are just BIG MOUTH for the UPP.You are destroying OBSERVER RADIO.
“Another misstep by the UPP”
How long have we been independent? The UPP still has not grasped the basics. The leader of the opposition is a constitutional one and not just a political one. PM Browne did the right thing by including the leader of the opposition. This ridiculous position by the UPP based on the flimsiest of excuses is an affront to their constitutional responsibilities.
Slow clap!!! Well said.
@Byam surprisingly I have to tell you well said.
Why surprisingly comrade?
Lovell is upset because they chose Pringle and not him. Pringle is making a bad decision not to serve. The people of Antigua elected you – NOT Lovell. It’s your time Pringle. UPP will never win an election with Lovell as leader. Furthermore, he has lost two consecutive elections. That’s UPPs main problem-all them old losers still want to run things.
Your 1st sentence sums it up perfectly. Datta war BUN Lovell.
To my UPP People. Please take my advice and Do not follow Knight , Serpent , Tabor and others. I believe that Jamal Pringle should attend the Economic meeting. We should not be playing small politics and look after the interests of the People . This attitude can only hurt the UPP . We always fall for Gaston Browne bait. Please have a change of heart and make your presence be felt. Thank you.
The UPP and the party leaders were NOT invited to be a part of the committee, but the LEADER of the Opposition was. Party politics is meaningless right now, and has no part at the table. The Hon. Jamal Pringle was not invited because of any connection to the UPP, but because HE and HE ALONE is the Official and only LEADER of Her Majesty’s loyal opposition. That’s why he belongs at the table. Simple as that. Jamal, the people elected you, so they expect you to be there. Don’t pay any mind to those who are jealous of you. They did NOT win the election, but you did, and that makes JAMAL PRINGLE “the man”.
Lovell tummock tilla bun he dat he nah win he seat last election. It is alleged that his objective is to UNDERMINE Pringle by making poor Jamal look so bad that the ASE&St.L UPP branch rejects him as candidate. It’s then that Lovell will swoop in and insert himself as the candidate for that “sure seat”.
Karma is a ….. although all of you Government apologists and propagandists operate under aliases, You keep spouting your false narrative about a traffic accident when a young boy running after his pet goat ran into my car. The government tried all in their power to get a conviction. I was even arrested and placed in a cell at the police station in Newgate Street. Why the hell you do not stop spreading lies and pure nonsense and get the facts. You can talk to ASP Bontiff since he was the police prosecutor trying his best to get a conviction. What I would like you to do is to stop hiding behind your silly alias and put your real name so you can be sued for defamation when you cross the line. As I say to all you apologists and propagandists for the government, the exchanges are healthy but please attack the message and not the messenger. All ideas must contend.
@Tabor, you well know you UPP operatives are essentially workers for the devil. You seek to destroy instead of to help build. Examine what in essence Pringle is doing by not participating on this committee. This is a committee made up mainly of 5 non politicians coming from NGO’s with the only politicians being the PM and Pringle. One would think someone like you who at times hides behind the flag would see this as an opportunity to speak about the importance of unity due to a national crisis. Instead, you have made clear to us that you are bitter because you were arrested for harming a young goat herder. Is it that he was trying to save the goat? Is it that you knock them (goats and other animals) down while Pringle picks them up? By the way doubt you will have a problem unmasking me, if you do not already know,-ask your pol. leader
KNIGHT should look for a HUSBAND.Any suggestion from anyone ? Let’s start a campaign to help out KNIGHT. I would recommend SERPENT.This will be a match made in HELL. In attendance will TABOR , D.GISEL ISAAC and CLEON ATHILL. I believe this is the prescription to settle Mrs.Knight.Waiting to hear some suggestions.
@MIDST,there was a man from Point.He did sell rice pudding on the weekends.Do you know anything about that man? Just asking.May be you should find out.
Justin I would like to ask what is really the reason for the establishment of the Economic Recovery Committee. Let the government tell us the real reason for such a Committee. The government actually said that the Committee will help to craft a plan for the recovery of the economy. Do we really need a Committee to do that. With the economic geniuses in the government I am surprised they are now seeking help from civil society. All the others countries in the OECS sub-region without the benefit of economic geniuses have formulated recovery plans already. What is wrong with Antigua and Barbuda. The UPP Party of which the Hon. Jamale Pringle is the leader of the opposition in Parliament, has already put forward a comprehensive plan to the government. I support Pringle for not participating in the Economic Recovery Committee. It is a farce and charade.
Again you keep telling untruths. I have already showed you that SLU is still working on a plan. Here is Dominica :
“COVID-19: Economic stimulus package for Dominica could be announced soon – PM Skerrit
Dominica News Online – Thursday, April 16th, 2020 at 10:19 AM”
Here is SLU since you still plating hardheaded:
“Prime Minister Allen Chastanet has said the relief package which he presented earlier this week was not an economic stimulus but a social stabilization plan” see A stimulus package? PM Chastanet says he hasn’t delivered one as yet By MERRICK ANDREWS. April 11th
Dominica, SLU is still working on a plan. challenge you to look at what was released by SKN and point out anything in there that has anything to do with economic stimulus (growing the economy) that was not a part of their 2020 budget. What SKN shared was a safety net type plan not a recovery or economic stimulus plan. Skerrit in Dominica a few weeks ago, made clear the focus currently is not on economy.
Take the time and check and you will see its on April 16th our PM via cabinet minutes shared the plan to set up the ERC. Taboor when Harold setup the failed NEST plan, he did not consult with stakeholders?
It seems that you are very offended when you are reminded of this incident. It did happen. Why are you so agitated? The manner in which you told and still telling so many lies about Hon.Gaston Browne .Now that you are reminded what you have done,you are talking about Law Suit. The shoe is burning. You are a very CONCEITED, DISHONEST man. SHAME SHAME SHAME.
Rupert Mann sorry to disappoint you but I am not offended by the incident. The facts are there and you can obtain them from the police. What offends me is the way you and others spin facts to defend the slightest criticism of the government. The truth of a matter could be steering you in the face, but no you must find some kind of illogical and non-sensical defence. All I ask of you is that when you are confronted with the facts of any matter, please find arguments to counter the facts and not resort to attacking the messenger. Now, what lies am I telling about Gaston Browne? I will await your answer.
I have read all of the comments.For most part they are filled with so much political hatred and belly gripes.I have had many opportunities to put committees together.Before I announced the committee.I would have contacted those persons first to get some feedback and their interests.Before going public with their names.Because that would have been the correct things to do.You cannot go public announcing persons names to join a Committee before contacting them.Based on what I am hearing.That seems to have happened in this case.Now you the people are fighting over this.While those who made the announcements are pushing politics.Antigua and Barbuda is a Unitary State.When it is convenient to some of you.So why was no one from Barbuda considered to be on that “great” Committee.I am wondering now.Why did I leave Antigua in the first place.One hundred and eight square miles.Much too small,where everyone is involved in everyone else’s business.Where the political parties separated us with spite and hatred towards each other.And folks I am going back to 1960’s when the PLM was formed out of the ALP to now.There has been nothing short of political divisiveness and hatred.That is now spewing out onto the people.My hope is,it does not spill into the streets of St Johns like in 1968.Know your History and learn from it.
Yeah like its wrong for the CEO to be mandated to sign a cheque simply because its the requirement of her/his title. Know its hard for you to get it but there are certain things that should not need to be stated/ discussed, if you understand your role.
LMAO…I am Laughing so loud my wife ran into my office to find out what happen. This is the sweetest posting I read for a long time. Knight and Serpent would make a good couple . I shall nominate Knight and Damani Tabor. LMAO.
@ Tabor
What bothers me Tabor is the manner in which you always condemning this Government. Hon. Gaston Browne and His Administration have beaten UPP 2014 and 2018 in A BIG way and Tabor you show NO RESPECT for this Administration. This tells me that you have NO respect for ANTIGUANS and BARBUDANS decision. You should be more balanced in your POSTINGS. You are an INTELLIGENT Person. Please show more respect for Hon.Gaston Browne. By the way Tabor…When will UPP present Their CANDIDATES for 2023.Looking for to hearing from you.
@Rupert Mann:
You say Honorable Gaston Browne.Are there any Honorable men in Politics? We should do away with that Honorable crap.That was given to us by our Colonial rulers.
Jamal Pringle should think for Himself and
not be guided by Harold,Gisel and UPP. These People do not wish Jamal any good.
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