Opposition Leader Plans To Picket CHAPA And Other Government Agencies

Opposition Leader Jamal Pringle

Opposition Leader, Jamal Pringle, plans to make moves to picket at least three government agencies, including the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHAPA), affecting the All Saints East constituency.

Pringle, the Parliament representative for All Saints East, says the year 2020 is a time for action against “blatant disrespect” for the residents of his constituency.

The first picket is against the Ministry of Public Works.

“Infrastructure in my constituency is an issue and it is going to be something that I advocate for throughout 2020 and as a matter of fact, I am going to call on my constituents from the various communities for us to go to the different government agencies that is responsible for the particular issues that we are having. For example, the people in Follies and Swetes and throughout the whole constituency of All Saints East and Saint Luke is having a serious issue with the road conditions” said Pringle.

Pringle says another round of protest will be against CHAPA.

“Because the people in Follies thats where they got their homes from and there were certain agreements that the CHAPA was supposed to put in while the people hold up their part of the agreement; CHAPA failed to uphold theirs. So we are going out to the central housing to voice our displeasure because I think that the houses are being paid for therefore the infrastructure and the different problems that they are facing with the houses should be addressed by CHAPA. ” explained Pringle.

The Ministry of Health will also see stiff opposition from residents of All Saints East because of the dilapidated state of health centers there.

“Because the clinic is in atrocious condition and we have to step up what we are doing as the opposition in terms of holding the government into the fire. We often hear the government talking about growth, if there is so much growth how is it that we are still having so much issues in terms of the social upkeep of the community” Pringle added.

The first town hall meeting to get the picket organized is expected to take place in the next two weeks.

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  1. What am I seeing / hearing . Pringle and the UPP just woke up with PICKETING . They believe that picketing will bring MEDIA attention ???. What a BIG joke. Who will picket with These Guys. Nothing so far works. Pringle should start attending Parliament. His seat always EMPTY. He is putting the cart before the horse. Pringle should learn to ask question in Parliament. WORST OPPOSITION LEADER in Parlament in the History of Antigua / Barbuda.

  2. I wonder if Pringle recognizes as the leader of the opposition in parliament that he is part of government. Is there anything you can do to mobilize your community to action to solve its problems. Or is picketing your only plan?

  3. UPP needs to get real and quit all the picketing. I believe that Hon. Pringle’s concerned can be easily addressed and are very much ‘solvable’ by thought and effort. As a member of Parliament, he has a voice that goes beyond the sidewalks and streets of his constituency.

  4. Jamal Pringle’s priority should be remedial classes in english (grammar and comprehension). Shawn Nicholas can take him under her wings and coach him in public speaking.

    Unless of course the party secretly wants him to fail so that Lovell can run in the constituency that is a UPP “sure seat”

    Mr. Pringle please focus on your performance (or lack thereof) in our nation’s Legislature.

  5. @HAVE MERCY…You made good suggestions…The UPP DO NOT care about Pringle.They want Him to FAIL.UPP believe that Harold Lovell can win that seat …BIG MISTAKE. ABLP / ALP will take that seat 2023. On a serious note Pringle should work on Parliamentary skills and stop the PICKETING NON SENSE. Word to the Wise…

  6. I certainly agree that Pringle does not have the best skills to be in parliament….. However, if his colleagues from the UPP party moreso those who form the hierarchy, were of the same view, they would assist….. What we are seeing from Pringle is a reflection of the selfish, arrogant, badminded and failing behaviour of the UPP…… With that been said, Pringle constituency needs attention….. The constituents are Antiguans and morso human beings…. They would like to enjoy life like any other constituents……. Let’s stop be small minded and focus on the message and not the messenger…..

  7. SERPENT on Observer Snakepit behaves as if He is the Leader of The Opposition in Parliament and also Leader of the UPP . Serpent talks as if UPP is afraid of HIM. Why the Hell my Party is allowing this to happen. I am very concern about what is going on with the UPP. I read in the Observer Newspaper that The UPP was PROTESTING outside Government House. This PROTESTATION was a BIG Failure . NOTHING was said to the other members. The turnout that I saw in the paper was SHAMEFUL. If We want to win Seats in 2023 Our Party must distance itself from the following the Persons

    If We continue under our current Leadership…We are doomed to FAILURE . Let Us SMARTEN Brothers and Sisters.

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