OPINION: Running A Small Country Out of Business


The rich of the world are heading for the Caribbean just like they did in the old days when the pillage of the West Indies created Buccaneers and pirates, and the wide open waters between the islands allowed horse trading with humans.


They are coming from all parts of the world and making pirates of our leaders as the people’s lands are siphoned off to those with hidden agendas and deep empty pockets. They are given our passports as advertisement to help their sale of our lands to fund their investments.


Foreign Direct Investment with our own money, these investors trade with government and their officials in exchange for favours and foreign bank accounts while small local business locations and opportunities languish and fold.

Woe be unto any Antiguan small business that has discovered a niche market and a location to nurture and grow the business. Once the investor shows any interest, the local business disappears in the mind of the government official, replaced by ways and means of personal enrichment by selling out the local business.


The banker mentality takes over ‘Operation Swindle’ and the various arms of the political governing structure engage in cutting the revenue of the local business in an attempt to ambush them financially.

Operation Swindle in in full force now in Antigua & Barbuda as the banks have now been put under the control of local governments, handpicking their financial/banker syndicate operating in the indigenous banks.


We are now operating with an open financial bank book, where local business people hear their private banking information on the street and some times on the radio station, it is so commonplace now that people do not even recognize it is a crime. White collar and government criminal behavior is now normalized.

Local businesses are being swindled out of business in order to make room for all those countries that are racing to establish themselves in the Caribbean. The longterm plan for ‘the islands’ is now being realized by all except the poor ‘natives’ who are being replaced once more and sent back to the lowest level of their island community.


Their businesses folding, the new investors coming with their nationals, the lands being taken, and the face of the island changing to blacks in the centre of the island, soon to be bussed to factories in the New Economic Free Zones of YIDA and Western Imperial, not slaves, indentured servants maybe?

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  1. … And it doesn’t help when the ALP are currently HANDICAPPING investment from the diaspora who want to help with FINANCIAL growth on our beautiful island. Good opinion piece.

  2. This happens because we Have a prime minister that cares only about how much he and his family can enrich themselves. A lot of the deals with foreign entities are not for the benefit of the country but for what he and family can get. He genuinely cares nothing about the black population, and only pretends to care for his constituency by giving them trinkets for their votes. A lot of the people in his constituency are poor and lack understanding.
    If Antiguans don’t take back their country and put a government in place that will put country first, instead of greed and self enrichment, the future generations are doomed to be servants. At the rate our lands are being taken and sold, the vision of VC Bird to acquire the lands for Antiguans, will be a lost dream. The lands are the only wealth of the country.
    The people can change the future.

  3. Very well put. I have said many times that the pm is terrible and only interested in how much he can get for himself. I once asked him to publish where all the hurricane Irma money has been spent only for him to reply with the most vulgar of insults possible. He has absolutely no class or honour

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