OPINION: Plantation hate in Dominica


The embarrassment of the returning Dominican international professional is an example of how we hate and hurt each other in this post plantation environment of the Caribbean.


Essentially what it says is that we are still confined by plantation back stabbing and a black crab-in-barrel mentality.


The governments of our region are a classic example of hate when they arrest their most progressive minds using the police & the law and its notarized publicity to permanently damage their reputations.

Not so long ago we saw the government of Jamaica reach out over the islands chain to damage the name and reputation of a senior government officer operating here. When the 20 year past misdemeanor was investigated, and brushed aside by senior lawyers as explainable practice, the deed was done.

The active press had already exposed and blown up the issue, and Jamaica had back-stabbed a son in public overseas.

Every day our government cusses individuals in most personal and crude terms, threatening persons which cause such pain to their families, especially their children.


This plantation hatred meted out against each other, and the need to pull down those that show promise of becoming independent, all are just the continuation of the  plantation culture of hate.


Let us not fool ourselves, it will take more than one century to remove that terrible curse of black against black, grown as a second trade in controlling humans on the plantation, and still working.

The church has done more to help keep these subtle, and with police not so subtle systems in place, by psychologically keeping the enslaved mentality of their congregations unchanged.


The forgiveness of others for the loss of our humanity is only possible if one becomes Jesus.


Former opposition senator arrested at airport in Dominica

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  1. How long are we going to use slavery as an excuse for mistreating one another, broken families etc. etc. etc.? What are we doing to fix all of that? Start a foundation to give awards for best customer service? Encourage cooperation by giving grants to businesses that involve partnerships and teams? Encourage teamwork and good sportsmanship in schools? Start a media series that teaches males and females how to understand, communicate and cooperate with one another effectively? We could try to solve the problem as a society if it is really the result of slavery. Or we could take some personal responsibility to try to behave better as an individual instead of casting blame on slavery, church etc.

    • You’re making assumptions about me… I was actually speaking in general regarding the whole Caribbean including Antigua and the tendency to wring our hands and blame slavery for everything instead of trying to fix things and move forward. I actually have no idea what goes on in Dominica.

  2. Tell a man or woman crazed by years of historical oppression and hard Labour to turn over a new leaf and just forget the damage and trauma is to condemn them to utter psychological damnation. Slavery was extremely traumatic for hundreds of years. Like an onion it will have to be pealed off over maybe half as many years. That is life!

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