Dear Editor
Frankly speaking, I will admit that I am not in agreement that the lack of parental guidance and poverty are responsible for the downfall of our young people whose behavior are violent & outrageous and causing havoc in our communities today.
It is my view that our young people’s downfall is simply caused by the status quo they’ve created which involves the excessive abuse of cannabis, their high focus on fashion, their involvement with the gangster dancehall music, their fatal attraction towards technological gadgets & social media and how they are viewed or been stereotyped in our society.
Undoubtly, the young people of today are much more different than those of yesterday. Today, they are aggressive, reckless, radical and very hyped thus creating a culture for themselves to bring about an identity and a sense of belonging & independence for self assurance.
As young people they are no longer adhering to the norms of our society, hence they are finding ways to rebel and create their own norms or status quo for pleasure, communication & social relations.
Gone are those days where young people see themselves as second class in our society and accept being look down on in a condescending manner. They see themselves on the same social plateau as us the adults. Perhaps the exposure to the internet & to higher education are factors that have contributed to their inflated ego.
Some young people are now resorting to stealing, prostituting, violence, gambling and other ills, and using such practices as a gateway to acquire the amenities so they can fit into that status quo of their peers. However, they do not realize that these ill practices come with a price. A price of risking their lives & simultaneously, placing others lives at risk.
Furthermore, to send a macho message & to have that sense of belonging, portraying the image of a bad boy and dressing in a particular manner like wearing pants below the buttocks has also become apart of the young people’s culture especially the young men. It is s an opportunity to boost their self esteem and to express & create an image for themselves.
Sadly, over the years our society has accepted these practices from the young people as a norm and as a freedom of expression. Now, these practices has transformed the young people’s lives and are now haunting our communities where we have found ourselves trying to correct a situation where the horse has already bolted out of the stable.
The young people’s behavior is certainly a disease plaguing our society. This disease of ” fashion, dance hall gangster music & the portray of badness is a serious epidemic among young people.
The young people have now created their own identity and even gone further to introduce their own language. ” Hey Dawg, a wha ya say Dawg” Of course the term Dawg is not used derogatively, but as a word to give respect or honor to their peer.
To solve these crimes & violent behaviors of our young people, will not be an easy task. They are already set & comfortable in their ways. To take them out from that comfort zone will no doubt be met with resistance & aggression as to what is happening today..
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As an expert in this field, I must say I read only the first paragraph, and I agree with everything in that section. Will read the entire article after I respond to USCIS request for evidence for a client’s case.
And from the time they enter the world, who controls all those things you’ve outlined… PARENTS
If Gaston didn’t legalese Marijuana our children would have been in better position to live an ordinary and better lifestyle.
An interesting opinion.
The status quo is really a factor that causes behavior persons to change
Society on the hand really makes people & break them.
This is an observant, and thoughtful analysis of the behavior and beliefs of many todays younger population.
As marijuana becomes a legal recreational drug, this is leading to the development of more potent products.
The quantity of THC found in weed has soared from 4% to 12% in only a few years. Experts believe the trend will lead to higher rates of addiction.
This could result in a large portion of next generation being weed addicted.
Crime and bad behavior maybe the issue today; but if the root causes are not addressed, widespread murder and mayhem could be in our future.
Wow! and again wow! Completely agreed with everything written. By the way you forgot the dreadlocks style and the gangster walk as the other two adaptation, long gorn the days when our barber shops was crowded with youngsters getting their haircuts.You see along with walking with the pants down, the natty hair and walk must complements the image they want to display, and am so, so sorry for the youths who resides in a neighborhood with this abandon house on the corner who’s trying to do and live right, a house they would have to walk by everyday, some with a bit of a fear of the abuse, torment and name calling to come since this is where these no good creatures sits everyday, so to overcome this fear they themselves have to now adopt this Badman image, pants down, natty hair and walk.
The parents may put their foot down many a times trying to keep kids in house and on the right path, but eventually soon or later while parents are at work this young man will find the urge to see what it’s like hanging with the evils on this same corner and the young girl after the many hassles will finally give in and probably get pregnant so the lifestyle continues.
I can never forget how ISIS radicalized young people via the internet. Social media has become the parents for most young people and it influence how they behaved in society.
Disagree with your point that lack of parental guidance is a mot cause. In fact, lack of parenting is the root cause and everything you have listed follows. Parenting, the lack of a family and the lack of a structured family upbringing all contribute to the problem from the cradle.
Disgraceful thinking! Parents who shelter their children from this evil cause good, those who don’t are completely at fault!
– Christopher Michael
@Brix. Please stop impersonating Brix.
Well…Perhaps we shouldn’t have so many casinos and sketchy nightclubs in the heart of town these days. The kids might just be adapting to the environment that the adults created…
Alex, you have manage to.confuse yourself in that article. You. You stated the lack of parenteral guidance is not responsible but then you list all the reasons to show why they are responsible.
The practices that have become norms, who have accepted them, just the kids or the parents?
First, teach your child not to be a follower. And even if you can afford to give them everything, sometimes say no, they don’t need everything.
You should know everything your child owns, so your child should not go out there to steal and or prostitute and bring the items into the home.
Yes the music and various other factors influence their lives but should the parents be monitoring / restricting their internet and social media?
Smoking, weed or otherwise, is legal for adults but I have seen a situation where a shopkeeper refused to sell blunt to a minor and the mother asked the son what kind he wanted and went inside to purchase it for the child. –
Do you really want to say parenting is not a problem?
Wait man, do you even have a brain or u have and its somewhere in your anus tract because these are all minors in questioned. It’s your opinion after all and you just sound political with the ganja ting.
Whatever influence out there we as parents have a God given responsibility to teach and guide our children accordingly. What need to happen is that the law needs to hold these useless and breeders responsible when their child is involved in such crimes. Jail them, charge them, setup more foster homes put the little criminals to work if they wayward in the child detention ctr. My child could never try something like that once I’m alive in good health so help me God, not under my watch in this lifetime. If him want to be criminal he will have to be adult and living elsewhere. But the parents condone this ruthless behavior and collect the thieving money and drugs, police lock dem arse up.
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