OPINION: Are Relationships & Marriages still sacred?


The unreali$tic expectation$ of relation$hip$ appear to be killing today’s dating pool. Women aren’t picking moderate-income Men anymore, they prefer to wait at the finish line and choose WINNER$…as opposed to collectively building from the ground up.

So the average Joe is kicked out of the dating circle. The negotiations of dating never appeared aligned – Women are seeking the most resources and committment possible for the least physical access, while Men are seeking an encounter for as little resources and committment as allowed by the Woman.

More and more relationship$ appear to be a ‘fool’s game’ of POKER, where the DEALER (Woman) can see all the card$, and the GAMBLER (Man) can’t. Here, the bet is his re$ource$. Does that seem fair in an ‘Equal Opportunity,’ ‘Gender Equality’ World?  

Asking for Donald Trump! Situationships may just be safer than Relationships: zero committment, more freedom, and less spending. Do Men need to finance Lobster Dinners on 1st Dates…or strolls around the block will suffice – since we’re learning about each other? This is probably a bitter pill for Women to swallow.

 Today’s $uperficial Lifestyles exhibit diverse, cultural and economic landscapes that influence marriage trends. In many regions of the world, factors such as : higher education, employment opportunities, and urbanization contribute to the growing numbers of unmarried Women. Additionally, generational shifts in attitudes today’s marriage plays a crucial role in determining these demographic patterns. 

Cultural perceptions surrounding Sisterhood also plays an integral part of portraying marriage as an expected milestone – yet increasingly accepting of Sisterhood.  Various shifts in socio-economic landscapes have also coerced Women to prioritize career aspirations over marriage. This further delays ‘family planning’ and reduces generational dynamics.

 Women are now more empowered and opt to pay their own bill$ without the aid of spouses.

Many thanks to ‘Femininism’ for that subscription. Rural districts seem more prone to honor family values and remain longer in contractual agreements. What does all still say for the future of the Black Family? It’s a planted Landmine waiting to explore!!

Written by : Melvin Bridgewater

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  1. Reason for all this is lack of Jesus Christ. Everything the devil is for that’s what the world seem to be following while letting go of what Jesus Christ has instructed us to do for His Words are Life. Ever wonder why when one is in a relationship everything; well most things seem to be going just fine but as soon as a couple decides to get married more trouble arise than ever before. It is because marriage is of God and anything God loves or is of God the devil hates and will try to destroy! Open your eyes people Jesus Christ is coming back again!

  2. “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be ONE flesh: so then they are no more twain, but ONE flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” ~Mark 10:7-9

  3. Good observation and article. This is truth be told with factors of the enemy placing a wedge between men and women’s soul salvation.

    Lot of us are going to lose, thinking that having these immoral relations are good in the sight and eyes of God, but woe be unto us all.

  4. This is an opinion shared by low vibrational men seeking low vibrational women. The issue is people are not aiming for personal development or growth. They are satisfied with the vices which come with the streets. Mature relationships is not for most people of any age with no self control or self discipline. Relationships are not failing. It is people’s value system that is the joke.

  5. You too are entitled to your opinion….just not truth, facts, data, and statistics. The word is “GOOGLE!”
    Thank you !!

  6. You too are entitled to your opinion…just not truth, facts, data, and statistics. The word is “GOOGLE!”
    Thank you!!

  7. Some men will leave their marriages all when they don’t divorce the wife to seek another woman and turned them victim pf poverty. Is that fair. Yall be talking bout women searching for men that have money to spend. Let me say something all when they have money to spend they don’t know how treat a woman Right. So what’s the use of having a man money or no money and they cannot treat you right


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