Open letter to the management of Pointe Fm


I am rather disappointed, for the last two weeks the greatest show on radio triple k with Al have been off with no proper explanation from management, and to make it even worst the Hulk show with manhunt my next favorite show is also off for the last two weeks.

With the absents of these two  shows, we your listeners are left hanging, I do listen other shows but those two shows I don’t miss especially on Saturday morning with manhunt, can someone please address my concern I would like to know when these two shows will be back on.

Pointe Fm top fan

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  1. Ok smart move, the managers and Gaston at point fm write an anonymous letter claiming they love the shows to opinionate the public it’s something good, not too smart, because people can see through the facade.

  2. Ok sorry that I must write this critique about Pointe FM.
    As I listened today a man called in to ask Winston what happened to AL. He said Al took some time off to deal with some personal matters. Then the man ask if their is no one else that can fill in for Al. And the same he suggested for The Hulk Show with Man Hunt. And the answer from Winston shocked me a bit. he said Pointe FM doesn’t have the staff to fill in when others are not there. Well sorry to hear this. But this to me therefore cannot be called a radio station. I mean no matter what happens at Observer or ZDK the show must go on. Sly J left but someone else took over the show. CJ left and the same thing happened. If Frans is not there Paul takes over and continue the show. And that is how it suppose to be.
    Lately I notice Colin is sick quiet a lot. And when he is not there, his side kick Lamin is also absent. And them Donna tries to fill in the spots whenever she can. The only programs that are someone organized are the night program. They start on time and end on time. Colin show suppose to start at 11:00AM but almost all the time starts around 11:30. And always complaining how hard the job is of talking too much. I guess if he cannot do the job he should resign.
    People I smell a rat. Colin I believe has a gripe with Winston and the Luther Lee. Sooner or later they will have to fire him. No one is indispensable. And the PM will have to choose which side he will take. I keep telling Laborites to watch out for those that jump ship from the UPP. A Leopard never changes its spots. Sooner or later you will see their true colors. And I will comment on Lamin this time around. But these guys are doing things for the wrong reason. And therefore they will never become real laborites.

  3. This was written by that staff member to fool us the public iinto believing the show which hardly any listen to / heard of need to be return bcos it’s MISSED ….

    Good bye ur not relevant

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