Open Letter to Prime Minister Gaston Browne


Open Letter to Prime Minister Gaston Browne

Someone said to me, “What do you think of the ABLP’s chances of winning the next election?” My answer was 50/50, so their next question was, “Why?”

Before I could answer, they said, “But Prime Minister Gaston Browne and his team have been running the country well.” I agreed, but pointed out that academics and on-the-job experiences are two different things.

Yes, we are seeing consecutive years of economic growth, which is good, and we are seeing great global representation from Prime Minister Gaston Browne. However, elections are not won on GDP figures; they are won at the constituency level. Addressing the concerns of constituents and building relationships on the ground with people is most important.

There are issues among the comrades regarding the treatment of long-serving members who believe that the leadership pays them very little attention but continues to empower the UPP faction. This has turned off a lot of comrades who may not join the UPP but will not vote in the next election, which is just as bad.

As a member since the days of Papa Bird, I have learned a lot and experienced a lot. Some time ago, I recall a few members from the PLM wanting to join the ALP, and Papa Bird said no. He explained that if he accepted them and had them running on a Labour Party ticket, it would change the face of the organization. He would have to consider their opinions and suggestions, especially if they were candidates and held positions on the executive, which could move us away from the core principles of the ALP. That must never happen.

As much as politics is dynamic and numbers win elections, one has to be careful that the 20 persons they get to join may not turn off 100.

There is a comrade who met me on a plane recently going to London. He said to me that there are some persons who sit on the Browne and Browne show every Saturday who now believe that they are more comrades than him. In recent times, they have disrespected Gaston Browne, his family, me personally, and many more comrades by saying hurtful and damaging things. To date, he still has not healed, and there are many other persons like him.

When I listen to these persons, they seem to support you but not the Labour Party. I also observed that they spend a lot of time cursing the UPP, giving their clips so much airplay on Pointe FM, and helping to make Observer shows more popular. I would think that as past members of the UPP, they should be able to convince a few UPP supporters. However, their constant cursing and disrespect of the UPP and its members build a strong dislike for them. Let it be told, I have no dislike for them and applaud them for their courage and hard work so far. They are certainly needed in the fight, but it looks like there is no talent in the party before them.

He further went on to say, “I have no issues with them joining the party, but jumping to the front of the line can’t be right. If I am in the line at the bank and 4 persons just join the line and jump in front of me, I will have an issue, and so will anyone else. PM Browne, it’s an issue you have to address. You certainly mean well in building the party, and yes, you should, but there are members of the organization who are not happy with how it looks. The perception of it is dangerous. As the leader, if you want to win the next election, which could be soon, you have to fix it. There is no maybe; it’s a must.”

The last thing the comrade said to me was, “A few months ago, the party had a primary in All Saints West, and Comrade Regis Burton said he was born in the Labour Party. Many who call themselves comrades had a big issue with the statement. The Labour Party is an institution of over 70 years with longstanding members who were born into it, following their parents’ lead. So why should someone be offended by such a statement if they are proud, genuine members? It’s very troubling. A word to the wise is enough; I end here.”

Comrade A B

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  1. I don’t know who writes this crap. Were the late Ruben Harris and Christopher O’Marde originally members of rhe ALP? The answer is no but they merged with the ALP and served as Ministers under VC Bird.
    Where did the current Chairman of the ABLP come from? Was he always Labour? How about Robin Yearwood and Melford Nicholas?
    Welcoming all with open arms, has always been the strength of the Labour Party. Those who complain are the ones in all political parties who believe that once they give their X and jump up in a few meetings, they are entitled.

  2. Lamesha,pig meat and two locks better pay attention..
    The top dawg is going to drop them if he looses the election.
    That means they have failed at their assignment🤣
    Selling their souls for a few dollars more! Sad indeed!
    Some of us gaan where the money dey!!shame ☹️

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