Cabinet notes
Social Security will be provided $1,000,000 to enable it to meet its obligation before 31 January.
The Government will also focus upon the construction of new homes; while the Edward Ward at the old Holberton Hospital will be repurposed to make available a Renal Facility for dialysis.
A Cardiac unit will take the space that the dialysis centre will vacate at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre, in the New Year.
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Government cannot keep doing this “small top up” thing with Social Security forever. There must be a solution found to bring the Scheme back into solvency and it must be a solution that does not involve the contributors paying “MORE, MORE, MORE!”. This SS insolvency issue was created SOLELY by the politicians when they constantly withdrew funds from the Scheme over decades and at the same time failed to pay in the contributions for Government workers who then retired and claimed from the Scheme. The Government must find the significant funds necessary to re-establish the Scheme as a viable, self-sufficient entity. After all, the Government is the one who owes the Scheme, not the citizens of Antigua & Barbuda.
Whatever happened to the billion dollar debt government owed social security? Why does it sound like the topup is them helping social security and not them paying down on the interest owed. Maybe namco needs to be transfered to social security to start the paydown on the debt.
We would starve up into submission and then throw you some crumbs from the table.I thought the monies in Social Security belong to those who contributed over the years.I did not realize it was the Administrations’ monies.They squandered those funds over the years,spend like drunken sailors on shore leave and now all the money garne a yard.None dey foo pay poor pensioners their own monies back.Ministers of Cabinet are very well paid and asking to get an increase now. It would seem they only have their wallets at heart,not the poor people of Antigua and Barbuda.Who are suffering every damn month to get what is rightfully owed to them.It is their damn monies put into Social Security for RETIREMENT. Now nutten dey foo dem!! Can I see someone going to JAIL.That would never happen inna Antigua and Barbuda.
The problem with Social Security lies in the hands of both administrations ie ABLP & UPP….
They need to stop pointing fingers at each other and come together, brainstorm and solve the SS crisis
1 million out of 500 million?
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