Officer gets 16 years for having sex with child


A police officer was sentenced to 16 years in prison for having sex with a little girl.


The girl was 11-years-old when the man held her down to commit the offence.

The judge made an order restricting publication of the names of the parties to the case to protect the victim, who was reportedly bullied in school after word of the incident got around.

The child reportedly expressed a desire to kill herself since the incident.

In addition to the prison term, the man was ordered to pay the victim $40,000 in compensation or faces an additional six months in prison.

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  1. The Judge got me there. How does not publishing the name of the rapist protect the victim?

    If he wasn’t a police officer would the Judge feel the same way? Every day, the names of rapists are revealed without a 2nd thought given about their victims

  2. Hopefully he will serve his sentence in the new prison at the forms US base. He and the British cop can be cellmates😡

  3. Antigua really is not a real place! You convict a man and send him prison for 16yrs and then order him to pay $40,000 in compensation or face an additional 6 months… You guys for real!? What option you think he go tek!? Let’s start a Poll……..
    LOL These ppl round here think with their ass and then blast shit everywhere when they talk

    • Hey this antigua is the most corrupt country in the world the judges and magistrate is run by the government

    • We the people are really in for some terrible times police , politicians can do what they please and nothing for it....16 years for rape? Held her down and rape her We the people are really in for some terrible times police , politicians can do what they please and nothing for it....16 years for rape? Held her down and rape her

      It is unbelievable are we really reading this right these laws needs changing …u hold down someone and rape them and get 16 years and a 11 year old child at that.

    • @Woke
      Good behavior he will get a reduction to his sentence.

      So that additional six months is a no brainier and the child will not be compensated.

      Who will prosecute the judge for this senseless judgement.

      How does a man in prison that lost his job come up with 40k dollars? An additional sixteen years or else might motivate him.

    • @WOKE
      he will simply spend the additional 6 mths in prison…lol stupid legal system and where would he find the 40K anyway.. just silly judgement indeed

  4. ‘Sex’ with a little girl ??? Excuse me guys, we need to call it what is ‘RAPE’
    For the sake of the victim, you need to correct it. ..No wonder shes bullied

  5. 16 years and 40,000 yet the child has a lifetime of nightmares to live through. Why have her parents not sued the police force as well since he was their employee as they are also responsible for his conduct on or off duty.

    • thank you!!! that is one of the reason these so call men will forever prey on these young girls. They court system makes a mockery of these cases.


      Those that subscribed to the ‘…Oath of Office,’ not only sworn to enforce the law, but also to uphold the ‘…Rule of Law.’

      Be it in his private or official capacity, an officer would have been reckless not to know that certain courses of action and/or conduct often comes with ‘…serious consequences.’

  6. The second paragraph of this article is very misleading and diminishes the violent and criminal act upon a child by this rapist. It stated that…”the man held her down to commit the offense” but she was raped by a sick pervert. The word rape was not mentioned in the article, which diminishes the violent crime committed. This child will need ongoing therapy and support that money can never repay. The trauma will scar her for life, and might affect her ability to trust men.


    Notwithstanding the rationale and justification for protecting the name of the victim.

    However, there could be ‘…no injustice or reputational harm to the convicted sex-offender’ if his name was published.

    The adjudicator may have trod on the constitutional guarantee of ‘…Freedom of the Press’ [CO: 1981: Section 12: (4) (a) (ii)].

    This is entirely a matter for the press.

    This officer will have been ‘…Grossly Incestuous and Sexually Reckless.’

    He has lost everything, rod and line; …sinker and hook.’
    Now, he has lost;

    (i) …His liberty;

    (ii) …A lifelong Career; and

    (iii) …Pension and gratuity.

    Adding to his miseries, he is faced with the harshest of penalties;

    (a) …A sixteen-year custodial sentence; and

    (b) …A hefty compensation package.’

    Difficulties when ‘…Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.’

    Though he cherishes his liberty, he is further faced with additional jail time that shall run consecutively in default of the compensation payment.

    Not sure what this ‘bloke’ might be thinking, but since he is already in jail, and most likely will be further pauperized, he might as well conditioned his mind to do the consecutive time.

  8. There should be procedure within the police force that very two years a psychological evaluation, drugs and polygraph test are carryout on the officers. Yes, it would be an expense on the government but it is needed. Our officers are in the news to often lately accused and convicted of criminal activities.

  9. Pure nonsense. Whilst I can agree to the protection of the victim, we cannot continue to cover for these hooligans. This man is a pedophile, a child rapist and even the way we cover it, undermines and lessen the act that was done. Men who rapes must be called out….their names must be published and listed so that the public can be further protected from them in the future.. The public ought to know who he is….by name! He is an animal!

  10. Man rape adult woman 15 years in jail.

    Man rape 11 years old child 16 years in jail.

    Strange justice system.

    • Even worse than that… An officer that has taken a sworn oath to uphold the law!!

      There should be a review and an increase in sentencing.

  11. Pure Rubbish- He should have gotten more years . This sentencing package does not make sense. Publish his damn name.

  12. 16 years is not enough especially when the child is having such a difficult time dealing with the trauma. I hope he never makes ot out of prison alive. He’s a POS. I’m praying for the child.😥

  13. These inconsistent judgements are throughout the OECS at least.

    St. Vincent man without license lost control of vehicle run into political rally crowd kills one went home when case finish.

    St Vincent man without license lost control of vehicle run into family of three killed one man gone to jail for five years.

    Caribbean justice system is based on 50% feelings, 50% emotions, and a dash of legality.


      You have been really following developments within the ‘…OECS Justice System.’
      Questionable administration of justice.

      In terms of punishment, lots of inconsistencies.

      In the referenced cases in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the particular Judge was judicially known for his ‘…political bias’ [Election Petitions].

      So ruled the ECSC [Chief Justice Dame Janice Pereira et al].

  14. That’s why when men commit these crime…all you need to do forget about the legal system and get a gun and blow their brains out…

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