The Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association today agreed to proceed with disciplinary action against two of its members involved in a public squabble which rocked the profession.
The decision was made after the association called an emergency meeting of members which ended earlier today.
A person who was present at the meeting told Antigua News Room that “both nurses will be disciplined as the assocaition sees fit.”
The body says it wants to hear from both nurses before a final decision is made.
It was a video produced by nurse Josette Gilead which caught the attention of the nursing body. The video in which she recounts the unprofessional and discourteous treatment meted out to her by her Dominican colleague, identified only as nurse Harris, has been widely circulated.
The association released a statement last week in which it said the video wasn’t the correct procedure for resolving the issue.
But members of the public have largely taken the side of nurse Gilead after saying that what she’s said is true and what they can relate to her experience.
At its meeting today, the association also agreed not to make further public statements on the issue.
The body also reminded members of the need to follow proper procedures when airing grievances.
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You news tinge the names correct. There is a difference between the nursing council and the nurses association.
It’s only now the nursing ass. Wants to point to procedure when dealing with the inefficiency surrounding the nursing population. Funnily enough if Gilead never spoke up Antiguans and Barbudans would have continued to suffer. A years now dem nurse unruly. Anybody would a swear a popcarn dress up inna nurse clothes. Hint: check dem deh up a surgical ward
how can the nurse that do the video being discipline like really the thing being happening for years, so she right fu talk out anytime are you punish MS. GILEAD are you will see what happen
Now this lady, nurse or not shared her experience via fb and because she is a nurse you want to discipline her. Ms Gilead should challenge them. We in Antigua in authority are always trying to sweep things under the rug. This nonsense has been happening too long and instead of addressing the issue as indicated by all the negative comments you are talking about disciplining someone for sharing their experience. DEAL WITH THE DAMN PROBLEM. TRAIN YOUR NURSES. MONITOR YOUR NURSES. HOLD YOUR NURSES ACCOUNTABLE. FIX THE PROBLEM. MS GILEAD is not the problem. Sick of the excuses. Poor health care and treatment leads to unnecessary prolonged illness and death.
Its sad that nursing associating would be saying they agree to take disciplinary action against the nurses without hearing their sides in a detailed report.
Once again the nurses assocation have thrown their own under the bus for a loud fowl mouthed vagabon. It seems like anybody can get up and make accusations about professionals in this country and before its investigated thoroughly the person is found guilty without a proper hearing.
The nursing associatiion sickens my stomach and i hope all nurses stand with their colleague’s in solidarity since as you never know when you may be lied on or slandered by persons of the public that seems to think that nurses and police and other public officials dont have a family.
Nurses are so under paid and before the association seeks out better benefits for their own they’re persecuting them because of the loud mouthed fowl mouthed disgrace of a former nurse who the entire populace knows is nothing but DRAMA. I hope the nurses realise that anybody can make accusations against them and right away they are guilty since the association decided that they’re guilty even before asking to submit a detailed report on the incident of that day.
I also hope that nurses be smart and document things like this next time around and report it to a sister on duty or the CEO of the hospital immediately as it may occur.
It is unfortunate that this incident occurred, but it did. Nursing body please investigate the incident in a fair and professional way for both nurses involved. I am happy to hear that changes will be made because of the incident in question. I pray to God that Nursing body witl follow through. I wish the hospital much sucess, and I will be returning to volunteer my time in the near future. May God bless us all.
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