Some visiting Africans have received a taste of Antigua and Barbuda in a negative way after they fell victim to a thief.
The Police reportedly are investigating the incident which left two Nigerian nationals out of almost US$3,000.
Reports are that a Fort Road man took the visitors to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), where they reported that an unknown man had stolen US$2,800 from them.
Further reports are that the visitors — a male and female — were searching for a place to rent and were being assisted by an unknown man whom they met on Fort Road.
He was supposedly driving a white vehicle.
The Nigerian male reportedly was holding the pair’s money in a plastic bag, which he handed over to the unknown man who promised to pay for a place for them to rent.
He, however, later sped off with the money and did not return.
This offence reportedly occurred at about 8 p.m. on January 3 at Fort Road.
Locals who heard of these allegations tell us they find the story very hard to believe.
SOURCE: Real News
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All I have to say is the tables have turned..! That have been scamming Antiguans for years over the internet…
Time to pay back some of that.
So why are these people looking for house for rent. I thought that there visiting and they should already have commendation even before they land here.
Professional scammers to the end, and they found a gullible audience in Antigua. If you believe that story, I have a bridge and waterfall to sell you. Send them back! 🤔😠
It was allege that those Nigerians came into the Country as Tourists. Why are they looking to rent houses? Those we referred to as Tourists would come by planes for a short period of time and leave. They would also come by Yachts and Cruise Ships and depart. So those Nigerians are not really Tourists as the Administration would want us to believe. They are coming into Antigua for employment. While the Nationals and Residences who live there are suffering from a lacking of work.I am not blaming the AFRICANS AT ALL.The Blames should be placed at the feet of Gaston Browne,Chet Greene, Max “Deluxe” Fernandez and the Immigration Department.They lied to us,the VOTERS .SO ON JANUARY 18,2023. WE THE PEOPLE WOULD BE VOTING THEIR LIARD ARSES OUT OF OFFICE. PAY BACK IS A BEACH !!
What is going on? Gaston prevented me from coming into my own country during the pandemic and now the immigrants can come in and look for place to rent? Why? What is the end game? Where are they going? when are they leaving? what is the purpose of the visits? My understanding was a commercial airline, now charter flight after charter flight. This is not funny anymore. Right before elections? Gaston Browne, Max Fernandez, Cutie Benjamin, we demand answers now. Labor supporters and UPP supporters, none of this is making sense, we must put an end to this insanity created by Gaston and his cronies.
Why are they looking for houses to rent ??? If they are here on vacation.. how long are they permitted to stay in Antigua … how long is there passport stamp for ????
Come on Antigua … lets go to the polls are make a change .. stop taking their money and free red shirts and let’s MAKE A CHANGE
Source: Real News
says it all
Just a big fat created LIE
A taste of their own medicine
Our immigration department needs a complete overhaul. People are scamming them left right and center. I know for a fact that people are coming here on one way tickets. I learnt they are showing the immigration digital return ticket that were already used on their phones. So let me explain- This guy returned to Guyana on the return ticket which he had as per our immigration policy. He then come back to Antigua on a one way ticket. When asked by the immigration to show his return ticket, he took out his phone and showed the immigration a picture of the ticket he had already used. I am talking about people that are not citizens and don’t even have work permits.
Antiguans we need to wake up we are being overrun. We are being disrespected and reduced to second class citizens. They are being sold lands by Chapa while Antiguans here and in the diaspora are catching hell to get a piece of the rock to purchase. Our people have gone away to study tourism and management etc. Yet a simple job as a restaurant manager we allow investors to hire white Europeans. Soon they live here for 7 years and apply for citizenship and end of story. By the way I don’t care how long they live here , if they make children here , here belongs to the sons and daughters of the Antigua slaves . Funny that they had enslaved, abused , raped and killed our people and now are returning and being given preferences over us. I do not hate. I am just staying the facts . So yes the way these Africans came here and don’t seems to have any plans of returning and should be rounded up and deported. It is the same way that the Europeans should be rounded up and deported. They came here to work for a particular company and get fired , then they stay and compete with our brilliant, educated, children for Jobs. So why are we sending our people to study. Guys if you can run a country, ministry that you have not even be tried to manage. Don’t you think our people should be managing our Customs , our Ports , the hotels, the restaurant. Wha All you think a politician overnight can become a manager of our entire economy. Much less to our brilliant , educated, trained people. That have stupid all over the world.
They call it scam we call it reparation
Frankly Speaking i totally agree with you… i am a young Educated Antiguan and I’ve been out of work since 2018. Its heartbreaking to see all these other nationals working within the top positions in this country this is a slap in our faces… these corrupt politicians destroy our country.
They so lie. Lmao
Jumbee_Picknee says..
…according to Mami_Wata, this could be a #Reverse_Con/#Reverse_Scam, whereby, SYMPATHY and EMPATHY of the gullible are played upon, by the alleged victims(Nigerians), as they hastily set up a #GO-FUND-ME page, to get them out of their #alleged dilemma.
Reverse Psychology is a #beast, to say the least.🏴☠️🏴☠️🏴☠️🇳🇬🇦🇬🇳🇬🇦🇬🇳🇬
You don’t have to look too far for gullible people who wanted this opportunity to expand on the theory that these folks are here to vote and seek employment. Meeting a stranger at night fall and giving them your cash money to find some place to stay. Are some Antiguans and Barbudans so GULLIBLE and politically motivated to even consider a crime was committed? Hopefully January 18th will end this SILLY SEASON.
Sorry to hear this. if true, they need to go to Gaston and make him put them up. He created this situation. He lied to us and his business partners in Africa lied to the Africans. He needs to clean up his mess!
Go and come again with a better story. $3000 US Dollars? Who is that stupid.
Why is everyone so sure this really happened? I think it’s more like the Nigerians made up this story in the hope of someone “reimbursing” them for the so called stolen money. Once a Scammer, always a scammer.
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