
Signing of MoA with Nigerian Group Marvelous Mike Press Ltd


Recent talks of opening up trade  and development in Cuba are frightening Cuban Revolutionaries around the world, conjuring up ghosts of pre-Castro oppressive foreign domination by the U.S. Mafia and criminals vying for the control of the people of Cuba. Opening up Cuba to Foreign Direct Investment is a sign of the times, as the self-development principles of the Cuban Revolution seem to have struck rock in a new world order, where technology and fossil fuel rule the world.

The state of the world with pandemics and war, both of which unfortunate death traps, should allow Cuba to shine, with their world competitive medical advancement, and their revolutionary capabilities in helping to free  Southern Africa from apartheid.


But instead, the need to open up Cuba to possible foreign domination again spells disaster if Caricom, Latin America and Africa do not step up to the Front. If Cuba does not get an immediate economic transfusion from her friends South of the Equator, their existing systems will fail to prevent an American takeover by consumerism and economic prostitution.

The time has come for Caricom to be more than just be a good friend to Cuba, and our plans for economic development of our region in collusion with Africa must involve Cuba.


The Caribbean needs the link with Nigeria and the rest of Africa now more than ever, but it must be properly planned and established. When one considers the large African population in Cuba which for the most part boasts a multi-cultural country, as Canada also portrays, except the blackest people in both countries are always at the bottom, it is time for Africa to reach out to Cuba with the participation of Caricom.

The industrious people of Cuba would blend well with the industry of West and South African countries, especially those who have enjoyed the helping hands of Cuban Doctors and Revolutionaries at their times of greatest need. Caricom can best utilize its many African people and the Cubans to ignite economic activity between Africa and the Caribbean.

Forty years ago when Antigua, Trinidad and Nigeria tried to lift off a Caribbean-West African Tourism Exchange Program, the two engaged airlines, BWIA and Nigeria Airways used a Commonwealth Meeting in Jamaica to measure the length of the route Antigua-Nigeria. Nigeria Airways, on which their Head of State, Yakubu Gowan had flown to Jamaica, was encouraged to make a tech-stop in Antigua and on to Nigeria, the flight time Antigua – Nigeria was 5.5 hours.

If Antigua’s Nigerian investor is serious, and with the appeal from Cuba to opening up their economy, it is time for Caricom, whose membership is known in the world, to take the lead and drive South-South economic development to Cuba and the region. Cuba is an excellent tourist destination, with a disciplined hard-working people who could rise to the economic possibilities of ties with Nigeria and Southern Africa.

If there is another summit planned with the Nigerian investors, it our suggestion that Cuba be invited to the meeting and that Caricom oversight be invited to help the investors spend their money in the best way possible, for those most in need in the region. Cuba is a real country, and if the Nigerian investors are for real, a nexus between Cubana and the poorly planned Antigua Airways may find a way to lift off.

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    • Good Question. I guess the Editor doesn’t know what to classify it as. Call it someone’s garbage of an opinion. They heard a little news and jumped on it.

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