Nicholas Dismisses As “Background Noise” Those Opposing State Of Emergency


The United Progressive Party (UPP) strongly disagrees with the extension of the State of Emergency by the Gaston Browne Administration.


A State of Emergency is defined as “a situation of national danger or disaster in which a government suspends normal constitutional procedures in order to regain control.”


This definition forces us to ask: What is the national danger that necessitates an extension?


What disaster is there when, only today, June 17, the Ministry of Health jubilantly declared that there are no new cases of COVID-19, no hospitalizations, and no current infections?  What disaster when virtually all social and economic activities have resumed?


The section of the definition that is applicable here is Government’s intention “to regain control.”  However, with respect to this 90-day extension, the UPP would amend it to read “retain control.”


It is the Party’s view that the Cabinet’s decision to extend the State of Emergency until the end of September 2021 is nothing but a demonstration of its political unease and its fear of a disaffected population.




Pensioners are dissatisfied and angry, as are the former LIAT workers and the unemployed and under-employed tourism-sector workers.  Immigrants feel exploited by the steep rise in work-permit and other fees.


Householders are disgusted with the irregular water situation and the  unreliable electricity service.  Farmers are ready to throw in the shovel and too many small businesses have already thrown in the towel.


And, through it all, meaningful assistance from this Administration is markedly absent or pitifully inadequate.


These are the reasons – the true reasons – for the extension of the State of Emergency.  The suppression of the people’s civil liberties, as a General Election nears, and the intention of using State power to intimidate lie at the root of this undemocratic decision.


The UPP has said, repeatedly, that the provisions of the Public Health Act are sufficient authority to impose Regulations, provisions and protocols for managing the COVID-19 pandemic.  Use the existing legislation!


If the Government is serious about rebuilding confidence in the economy and, in particular, the tourism industry, an extension of  the State of Emergency is not the way to go.


The UPP does not support it and, in fact, condemns the extension as political repression and cowardice.

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  1. What if there wasnt a state of emergency what would the UPP done given the issues they are raising? Would they seek to have a meeting…have mass gatherings? What exactly would they expect?

    • What on earth are you talking about . No joke your analogy is one of the stupidest I’ve ever heard .
      Do you not know anything except your favorite color .

    • @ Just Saying: Next month,the promoters are planning to have fetes.So what would stop the people from marching in protests throughout St.Johns. If you could be having fetes.You could also go out there and protests.In 1968 there was a State of Emergency enacted by the VC Bird Administration.It lasted for about a week.Not over 1 year and counting.Because we the people back then were not afraid to die for our damn rights. We the people back then were not spineless men and women.We marched around St Johns and did not back down.We were not afraid of Defense Force,Police,Guns,Kong,and Tear Gas. If you not around back then. Ask your Parents and or Grandparents. They would surely give you a History lesson of that time.Cannot wait to see twisted mouth,lazy arse Melford kicked to the curb. Why are Melford and Max “Linohel” getting paid monthly.What do they do.What contributions do they make to move this Nation forward?Yet they are being paid handsomely every month.

  2. JUST SAYING: If you know how stupid you sound. Ok, I get it, they pay you to hate the UPP, but at least try to contribute to the discussion.

    You often criticize Harold’s face. What say you about Melford’s face.

  3. My heart grieves for my nation: Antigua & Barbuda

    A professed Christian nation, but like so many others there is basically no aspect of real Christianity to show.
    The politrickians are controlled by evil forces; deceived and corrupt and the people follow in the same path.
    I cry out because it is really vexing to see how the people live. How corruption and greed have become the norm of all of society.
    We educate our youth how to make a living, but not how to live. They see the examples of their misleaders and accept that skullduggery and vulgarity are good principles to practice.

    I bring a warning to the nation: your day of reckoning is near… approaching.
    The corruption, greed, vulgarity, and illicit behaviors have taken over all aspects of the nation.


    But….yes….I repeat…but: The Almighty still holds out a Gracious hand.
    He is yearning for the people to seek Him earnestly.

    Hope knocks at the door. Will you ignore and continue to live the corrupt life?


    The A B C of life.

    The choices we make determine our DESTINY.

    We have the free moral agency to make the choices. It is up to each one of us to decide.

    I beg of my people to choose: LIFE—- RIGHTEOUSNESS.


  4. NONSENSE, NONSENSE, NONSENSE. The ALP is just like the Republican Party in America. Just like how the Republican Party denies the Trump sanctioned insurrection and the attack on Congress on 6 January, 2021; it is the same way the ALP denies that a State of Emergency is unnecessary for the implementation of the covid 19 protocols and the abridgement of certain rights. The Constitution gives the government the power to do exactly that without the imposition of a State of Emergency.

  5. Minister of Misinformation. He never said anything about fellow minister allowing his daughter to come here with COVID from the UK.

  6. JUST SAYING the position would remain the same. There could be no mass meetings. The Regulations under the Public Health Act (tell Gaston it is Public Health Act and not the Public Order Act) stipulated the numbers that can attend certain functions etc. The State of Emergency only gives the Police more powers of arrest and detention. The question you need to ask yourself is whether that is really necessary. The point therefore is that you can have the curfew (restrictions under the Public Health Act) without the need for a State of Emergency.

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