Next election will be Robin’s last, PM says


Prime Minister Gaston Browne said:

I have spoken to Cornelius and a couple others because this is Robin’s last go-around.

We give him his 50 years and tell him thank you for your sterling service to Antigua and the Caribbean.

We have Tele and Randy as well and I don’t know if little Robin is interested as well and even his daughter Katrina.

We have candidates to bang dog with.

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  1. Let his daughter run what. We need new blood in the government. This is why we are in the same position day in and day out. Robin shoulda never been in office for so long. Apua is crap and you all are stuck in your old way. Poor Antigua. We want young blood to run the country. Bigger better ideas ! Ah Fed up now!

  2. @just in the middle…………. This is to show how dumb and brainwashed some of you are. So are you saying that’s there’s nobody (that’s not apart from the yearwood family can run up there? Since when constituents became a family business????? First Maria, now he wants to replace up east with family again? So dumb and stupid some of us Antiguans be?????? Dammmm

  3. Mami_Wata & Papa_Elegba already know, that the Government of Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA operates like the Cosa Nostra.

    What has happened and is still happening, at Indian Town, Devils Bridge and Long Bay MUST be thoroughly investigated through INDEPENDENT FORENSIC AUDITING.

    As, a Jamaican boldly proclaim at the port,
    ANTIGUANS saff to rasclath.

    • @Dion Pelle…
      …and, what Chalky had to say!
      …as a matter of fact!
      …I’ll second that!
      …each, and every day!

  4. We need a Yearwood in there to ensure Barrett and Hadeeds interests are protected and advanced…. I don’t know Tele Cornelius is the man… for sure an offspring ought to be able to ensure those interests survive!!!!!!

  5. They say Robin has so much money that when he dies, his children won’t have to worry about money or anything except their soul and where his went. You see, no matter how you acquire your wealth, you can’t take it with you.
    I notice a dead politician’s daughter auctioning off all his lands in Emerald Cove. Tell me, were these stolen government lands? That is what people in the know say.
    Is Antigua going to be like parts of Italy where the DONS rule and you have to kiss the ring?

    • Robin wife allegedly on good info get something along the lines of 50 million ec in the divorce! So what does that tell you about the wealth he has procured off poor ppl bills. A more likeable politician than many, but still just the same. All that money and we don’t even have water in our pipes. Mind blowing people still put up with this. And to suggest his daughter takes over? She shouldn’t even be in the position she’s in when there are people in there for decades and have more experience and she comes in and starts at the top? Any time ablp not in there that miserable girl done lost her job. Come on people, let’s change this tired old narrative of they get richer and we get poorer

  6. It certainly would be your last Robin in the Hood. Not by design,you would be beaten when the Election is called. So Gas-Man Browne call the Elections now.

    • Beaten by who … alex brown done quit upp .. where is his small biz pullup … shuggy gay just come and get one .. chester batty sweet

  7. Robin should have retired a long time ago and jailed. From IHI to government lands at Emerald Cove etc,etc.
    Do the Labour Party members let Gaston own the party that he can say who should go and who should join? There are at least two others to go. And then he will have left children.
    When you have a dog that keeps eating your fowls and stealing your eggs, how do you get rid of him? I know what I would do but any other ideas?

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