New Crime-Fighting Initiative: Unemployed Youth to Paint Government Buildings


Prime Minister Gaston Browne Announces Crime-Fighting Initiative to Employ Unemployed Youth

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has announced a new initiative aimed at combating crime by providing employment opportunities for unemployed youth.


As part of this program, the government will introduce a project to paint government buildings, specifically targeting young individuals who are currently unemployed and often found idling in various neighborhoods.

The initiative aims to offer these youths small contracts to paint government buildings, providing them with meaningful work and helping to keep them off the streets.

This proactive approach seeks to address the root causes of crime by engaging young people in productive activities.

Prime Minister Browne emphasized the government’s commitment to taking strong and decisive action against crime. “As part of our crime-fighting initiative, we will be introducing a program to paint government buildings, targeting those youth who are unemployed and on the various blocks. We’ll give them small contracts to go and paint these buildings,” he stated. “Look out for us; we’re coming down hard, we’re coming down strong.”

The Prime Minister’s announcement reflects a broader strategy to address unemployment and social issues that contribute to criminal activity.


By providing employment opportunities and fostering a sense of community responsibility, the government hopes to reduce crime rates and improve the overall quality of life for its citizens.

This initiative is part of a larger effort by the Browne administration to enhance public safety and create a safer environment for all residents.

The government believes that by engaging young people in constructive work, they can help steer them away from potential criminal behavior and towards a brighter future.

Community leaders and residents are encouraged to support this program and collaborate with the government to ensure its success.

The initiative is expected to roll out in the coming weeks, with further details to be announced soon.





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    Why not implement community initiatives as well, so that much needed areas are spruced up as well?

    Bwoi, if I went into politics instead of business, Antigua and Barbuda woulda sweet mi ah tell you.

    Eberyting and eberybody would ah mek progress …

  2. Just when I think people can’t think of anything sensible, the boss comes up with this rather BRILLIANT idea. Makes lots of sense and can save some of them from certainly bad decisions

  3. A wonderful idea on paper. I hope that this is not a Pie In The Sky scheme. When the work is done are they going to be paid by the end of the job or week. If not these individuals will be going back on the corner panhandling or getting into trouble again.

  4. This is a good idea when is combined with others like it and also with the crime fighting strategies I have outlined. Let us see, if this is done by the PM, and timely pay for workers.

    My research shows that it is not mainly unemployment that is causing the crime that is occurring but the opportunities folks see. In fact, it seems a lot of the crimes I have researched, the gut has a job.

    But this is still a good idea. Do it.

  5. @Brix.
    You are wasting your good time sir by advising this inept administration.
    Whenever have you seen this government listen to the advice of anyone? This Pompous man who is the PM, love listening to himself on public radio, and have no use for the hard working tax payers and the plight of them to see Antigua come back to the peaceful nation it once was.

    My suggestion is to try and protect your business, than to wait on this waste of a government to do anything about crime, not with this man in office and the fools he have behind him in the name of his waste of a Commish and his Knighted AG.

    Enough said.

  6. I would like to commend this move but with some reservations. A proper maintenance program for the government buildings is really needed and if a good program is put in place, it could benefit both the youths and the government.

    However, I believe that we need to fight crime in a holistic manner and perhaps a special committee should be organized that will look into the different aspects and bring forward some recommendations for the cabinet’s approval rather than just trying an idea.

    What are the main reasons for robberies? How are the various methods than can be employed to reduce these crimes? What would be a clear plan to approve the issues?

    I will give a few ideas that comes to mind:
    1. Let us move to a more cashless society – it will remove the temptation. Work with the banks to reduce fees for POS machines and the ease of acquiring the same.
    2. Tighter control on illegal firearms and easier process for legal firearms. Most crimes are committed with illegal firearms – customs will need to improve inspection for these items. At the same time, make it easier for persons to legally protect themselves.
    3. Expand surveillance cameras – installing cameras at various points will help the police to track the movements of a robbery suspect.
    4. Harsh penalties – the judicial system needs to review laws etc. and place hard penalties on anymore committing violent crimes. Sentencing should be automatic once you are guilty of robberies with firearms. We have taken the slap on the risk style with the Americans – let it be a deterrent.

    Don’t want to take up too much space but we cannot just depend on the police and we have to give them the tools needed as well.

  7. Can they actually paint? Why not let them go to ABICE first with the promise of the job once they are successful?

  8. Great to hear that these young folks get to work to improve their lives, but on the other hands where we have merchant politicians, I assume their is a special connected campaign funder that is getting their pay back through the tax payers

  9. Poverty breeds crime! He just said it but I’m surprised to learn that we have this level of unemployment in Antigua and that’s just young men, who are on ‘the various blocks ‘. So painting has now become a menial undertaking when delinquents can be bundled on Government’s properties because you are soliciting votes. That idea sounds very frivolous. General Elections are really closer than we anticipated.

  10. is this a new job program or an addition to the old one.
    Seems to me the government already have a job program employing over 800 youth.

    So is this new?

    I hope they will get premium pay and not minimum wage like the job program. The PM was just talking about meeting with Hotels in an effort to increase their wages because people cannot survive on those low wages.

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