National Athletes To Get New Sports Wear


During the staging of the 28th VITAMALT National Sports Awards, held on Saturday 15th, the Minister of Sports, Culture, National Festivals and the Arts, Honourable Daryll Matthew, unveiled the National Sports Wear, to be used as the official attire, for all athletes travelling abroad to represent Antigua and Barbuda.

As part of his remarks, the Minister emphasized that the development of the national uniform was quite necessary because most times when our athletes travel abroad, they are inappropriately, and inconsistently, attired with no true symbolism of our country. Therefore, the Ministry of Sports saw this as an opportunity to develop such an initiative, which aims to increase the identification of our nation’s athletes, when they travel to participate in events and competitions.

He added that the National Sports Wear will be available in red, white and black, t-shirts and polo shirts, in the form of long sleeve and short sleeve. Irrespective of where the national athletes travel to, they will be easily recognized, and perhaps commended, with the uniform’s perfect design, encompassing of our beautiful National Flag.

Henceforth, every national athlete will be provided with the national uniform by the Ministry of Sports ahead of travelling to represent Antigua and Barbuda.

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  1. Would these shirts be selling to the public? These are just 3 colors. What about the yellow and blue? We need some jacket for when we travel to the cold countries like Canada, England and America, etc… where we can advertised our beloved country?

    • @Wadadli.. It is only for the athletes not to the general public. The yellow and blue are there on the shirts.

      I love this idea..Good Job Honourable Daryll Matthew!

      • @Hmmmmmm
        @It’s a Festation of Botheration in d Nation
        You guys are knocking @Wadatli on this one.
        But I am picking out the good from what @Wadadli is really on here; “…a good thing”.

        Have you all seen the price of a Manchester United or a Chelsea Replica football Jersey?

        @Wadadli is alluding to the fact that he/she is willing to buy replicas of Antigua Sports Replica Uniforms. They are telling you that there is a market for it, which is a huge opportunity for the sports obody to make some money. The main market would mainly be Antiguans visiting back home, on top of the local diehards, plus some tourist. I could see, through proper marketing, that 5000 of these could be sold per year at $40US each. That’s half of a million dollars per year gross income for the sporting bodies.

        So rather that being negative, go and tell your child to seek the licensing from the sporting body and start their own sport merchandise business to sell these uniforms. This is a perfect example of the entrepreneurial spirit that we need in Antigua to ease the government from having to hand out huge $$$$ each time a sports team has to travel abroad.

        Negativity will sink the country. Positivity will raise its standards and, “raise it boldly”.

  2. @Coin Dadly, I didn’t intend any disrespect .Either way it is best to ask questions as to what one means instead of assuming. I wasn’t being negative or trying to knock @Wadadli. I didn’t come off like mmm either or try to attack mmm (Not that I am saying that you are trying to say that)

    I answered literally to say that it was an offer only to athletes because I wasn’t sure he saw that part.. I sometimes miss things in posts as well so I gave benefit of the doubt.

    As for the part where I answered the yellow and blue..because though there is only a sliver of blue and yellow..If I didn’t wear glasses Trust me, I may not have even known they were on the shirt..I just pointed out that it was there.. I didn’t say anything degrading cause that ain’t my style.

    Instead of being negative by taking what could have been fighting words to someone else when mentioning..(your child…taken like your mother, sister, brother)..I am not assuming you meant it in a bad way. I really don’t think you are coming at me like that..but then again I like to think the best of people first until proven wrong.

    In regards to what you are saying , I agree as to promoting Antigua and that this entrepreneurial spirit is what is needed. Yes Negativity can sink a country and Lord know in this day and have to fight to keep positivity alive. On the other hand when you try to be positive, People knock you down for that too. Story of my life. Anyhow Have a good evening

  3. Who designed these uniforms and chose the colours? That’s all I’d like to know.

    I understand what Wadadli is asking about the colours, the blue a yellow would be more eye catching than black and red and we know the white is not going to last two months before its beige.

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