My boss can’t get with me now he’s upset


Dear Kate,

My boss is blackmailing me. Well, I won’t call it blackmail really. It’s like he is the owner of the place and because he can’t sleep with me like every other female employee, all of a sudden my work is bad.
All of a sudden I can’t do my job and he frustrates me. I saved his wassap messages asking me to go out with him.
Now he looks at my every move. Calls me up if I’m two minutes late and even monitor how much time I’m on my cell.
I know if I give myself to him he will ease up but I have more value than that. What should I do?
Working Class
Dear Working Class
There are laws that can help you. The labour laws are strict on matters like these. He can even lose his business if he is guilty of using his power to manipulate staff to sleep with him
You are doing the right thing. Stand your ground. Do your work to the best of your ability.
Don’t be intimidated by his threats. Don’t walk out on your job. Seek to get acquainted with the labour codes. Speak with a union representative for advice.
Go as far as the labour minister of you have to. The media won’t ever shy away from a story like that. (That is of course if he doesn’t stop frustrating you).
Perhaps it’s time to expose the monsters. You might just be saving another sister who is silently screaming for help.

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  1. 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😴😴😴😴🤕🤕🤕🤒🤒🤒😷😷😷

  2. Your boss is a “Wyfah” plain and simple. A real asshole who allows the vagina to rule him and his decisions. That will get him in trouble for sure. Stand your ground and keep doing your work to the best of your ability. Or depending on how much you actually like your job, try for employment elsewhere. Sometimes we just need a change. But don’t be caught alone with MR. ITCHY BUD!!

  3. It’s amazing with all these recordings and so being leaked now a days bosses are still behaving in that manner…….young lady stand your ground and do ur best work,…change will come one way or the other….

  4. And learn to work without a cellphone too. Why give give him a reason to talk. Stand your ground.

  5. The boss’s advances are wrong, you being two minutes late is wrong, using your cell phone while on duty is wrong. Seems like you need to be a better employee and report any sexual molestation issues to the police.

  6. If you have whatapps messages from him save them because you will need them to file a lawsuit for sexual harassment in the work place. Try not to ever response to any of his whatapps messages just keep the devil under your feet. He need to realizes that all female are not the same and he has met the right on to harass. Young lady please keep your ground and don’t give in.

  7. Stand on your gounds sis, dont every lose it keep all the text message they will you in the long way. You will keep your honey and he keep his money and die with your dignity remember that. Stay bless

  8. I hate to tell you this, but you should look another job, you said he was the owner of the business n not a Manager, he cant fire himself

  9. You shouldn’t be using your cell phone on the job and you shouldn’t be late. The fact that you even mention this as evidence that you are being treated in a discriminatory way is worrying. Having said that the practice of superiors approaching employees in the work place for sex or some kind of relationship is wrong. Any form of sexual harassment is wrong. You should seek help and stand up. Before you do that for God’s sake get off your cell phone and get to work on time.

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